The Best Mommies To Be Part 8..."March Is Our Month!!!"
323 Replies
diem - March 1

Hi ladies. I'm a nervous wreck today. I have this sadness inside me. I feel like things are going to go horribly wrong. I can't shake it. Worst of all, I have nothing to do at work today so I can't keep busy. All I do is think about this ultrasound that I'm going to have. Ugh. soooooo scared right now.


k8cherry - March 1

Diem - Hang in there. I can't even imagine how you are feeling. 4 more hours. You will be in my thoughts today. I am getting af cramps right now. I don't know what to think anymore. FF says to test on the 6th. I think I can wait that long. I hope my temps go back up. They are not bad but it would be nice to have them nice and high.


k8cherry - March 1

OMG Diem only 10 more minutes until your appt. I betcha you are waiting in the waiting room as we speak. Please come back with good news. I really hope everything turns out ok. Can't wait to hear from you. Newmommy - Whens your appt?


TWhit116 - March 1

DIEM IM DYING OVER HERE!!! Your appt needs to hurry up and go by already! Sorry bout the cramps K8 , are you still having them? Lucky it is good to hear from you! I was actually thinking about you last night after I had already shut the computer off!! SOOOOOO Newmommy How did Everything go??!?!?!?!?! Im really sitting at the edge of my seat here waiting for someone to type to me. DSS (Dept. of Social Serivces) is coming to our house today to inspect it to make sure everything is ok for my little bro


k8cherry - March 1

TWhit - I am just like you. I keep coming here and checking cuz I can't wait to hear from Diem and Newmommy. The suspense is killing me. The cramps have subsided for now. Every now and then I will af like cramping/bloating. No nasausa today so far. I just really hope this is it. I had an emotional breakdown at work today. Just started crying like crazy. I think all of this is started to really get to me. Good luck with DSS!!!


diem - March 1

Just got back from the doc. :( They only saw a gestational sac. I can't help but feel this pg is doomed again. The doc was super positive and said I measured 6 weeks 1 day which is only 3 days off and no big deal. She also said that it may just be too early to see much more and scheduled me for another u/s next Wednesday. She said when she was pg with her daughter she saw nothing when she was 6 weeks and now her daughter is 6 years old. WHY can't I see what OTHER people see at my stage. I thought I'd see a heartbeat. I am beside myself with worry. I guess only time will tell. :( I'm tired of this crap!!!!!!!


babybaby - March 1

Hi Diem, don't worry girl! When I had my ultrasound the doctor warned me that it was very likely that we wouldn't see the baby. He said that most ultrasounds at 8 weeks give us a real good picture of the baby, but before then it is a matter of luck. Sometimes there is a lot of shadowing that hides the baby so don't give up yet. Let's hope that by next wednesday your baby will have developed a lot so that you can see the fetal pole. Please don't give up! You need to be strong, your baby needs you to be strong, ok? We are all here with you even if it's just online, but you are in our thoughts and prayers. Newmommy can't wait to hear about your apptm. DeeD how are you feeling? K8 before I found out I was pg I had that same kind of cramp when I strechted and it would go from my below belly buttom to my lower pelvic area. Good luck! Pepes, can you imagine how cool it would be if you and k8 get pg together? Let's do the BFP chant. TWhit116 my next ultrasound is on Monday at 4 PM. I'll be 8 weeks and 2 days so I hope to really be able to see my baby well in the monitor. Lucky I'm glad you can feel your body working to make that baby. Good luck for your grandma. I hope everything will be ok. Baby dust guys! I'll check back later to hear about newmommy' apptm.


diem - March 1

Thanks Baby. i wonder if they couldn't see anything because of my tilted uterus. Very possible. I felt so positive at the doc's office but now that I'm home I'm just a wreck.


babybaby - March 1

OMG!!! That is so possible! My mom has a tilted uterus and she said she could not see me in there untill she was 12 weeks along. Tilted uteruses create a lot of shadowing inside and this difficults the u/s. Let's keep positive, ok? Just 6 more days for you to have another u/s and be smilling all over the place! Try to relax, go rent a movie or take a nap to ease your mind, ok? Take care!


k8cherry - March 1

Diem - The important thing is that your baby is measuring up to about where you should be at. I know its easier said then done but try and relax. Next weeks appt. will be here before you know it. Baby - I really hope thats what it means. The pulling sensation was from my belly to my pelvic area. It hurt like hell too. Well I am starting to feeling nasaus right now. I really hope this is it. BFP! BFP! BFP! BFP!


TWhit116 - March 1

Diem...Sit in your mmmaaassaaaggee chair. =) That should get you to relax, dont get to stressed because stressing isnt good. My mother had the same problem with the tilted uterus. Everything will work out. Like K8 said at least everything is matching up? OK SO WHERE IS NEWMOMMY?


TWhit116 - March 1

Baby I cant believe how fast time is already going! geeze!


bina - March 2

Hi guys! Wow! So much news to catch up on. Newmommy-where are you? We can't wait to hear....Diem-I know we hate hearing this, but the important thing is to not try and stress if you can. Relaxing will be good for your little bean. The baby is right there just hiding, I bet next week you'll see him/her. We gotta trust the docs too-if he is super positive, then go with it! I know, more waiting AGAIN!! K8-I hope this is it for you. Pepes-where are you today? I know you wanted to hold out testing as long as possible. Baby-I can't believe you are that far along already. Time goes by fast-enjoy it! TWhit-Good luck with DSS, I work with them alot when they come for visits in the school. It's sad that they are there frequently at the school because it means they are investigating some type of bad incident. Lucky-My thoughts and prayers are with your family right now. I hope your grandma is okay. Keep us posted! Newmommy- I hope you are right about the IVF cycles. It's about a 6 week process it seems. I think I will feel better once I start the Lupron next Wednesday, then I will feel like we are getting started.


TWhit116 - March 2

Lucky Let us know about your gram as soon as you know something! DSS was great today they were soo nice and they loved our house ao I feel so much better about everything. Diem how are you doing? Newmommy? K8 how are you feeling?


newmommy - March 2

I'm here---sorry girls! DH and I went to dinner right after work, even though I was dying to check up on everyone! Diem, I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you. Are you 6 weeks? In our clinic they start them at 6 weeks, but it's really early to see much. You may not have confirmed positive news yet, but you don't have confirmed negative news yet, either. (((HUGS))) My appt. went really well today! The exciting part is that the opk's must have been right, because there is a huge follie on the left side just waiting to burst outta there!!! She didn't want us to BD every day just in case it is lowering the sperm count, so we're taking today off, and hopefully we'll catch the o tomorrow! She was thinking the PCOS was a possibility for me, so that's one of the reasons that she did the u/s. The right ovary definitely looked normal, and the left had the row of lined up follies that they look for in PCOS, but she thought that they were possibly just lined up like that because the big follie was pushing them out of the way. So right now, she said NO to PCOS! The one thing that we are now wondering about is that there was a black spot showing when she was looking at the endometrium lining, and she said that she'd never seen that before. She's not sure if it's a blood vessel, or scarring, or a cyst, or left over tissue from the D&C, or a polyp, or what. She said that it may go away with my next bleed, so she'll watch it. She even showed it to the other Dr. there, but wasn't hugely concerned about it yet. She said to watch my temps for the next few days to see if I actually did o. If not, she gave me a prescription for prometrium, which should make me bleed and count as an AF. She didn't want to give me provera just in case I do conceive, but the prometrium will do almost the same thing, but is safe for pregnancy. I go back on cd3 for another u/s, and then I start 50mg. of Clomid on cd5-9. Then I go back for another u/s around cd14 to see if my follies are ready. When they are ready, I'll get the hCG trigger, and we'll just BD and see if that works. She doesn't think we need the IUI yet, and thinks it'll be pretty easy to get me pregnant once I ovulate. DH has to do a SA though just to check his count---he's real thrilled about that!!! If that spot doesn't go away with this next AF, (hopefully I'll get pregnant and not get one!), I may have to do a sonohystogram so they can get a better look at my uterus. I hope it's not a problem. But overall, I feel pretty good! It was nice to see that big follie, and nice to get started on the Clomid soon, too! The temp charts were really helpful to show her that I did o last cycle, but definitely not yet this cycle. (Although it's weird to think I may be o-ing after cd40!)


newmommy - March 2

I had to end my novel!!! :-) Lucky, I'm glad you're back. I'm sorry you're going through so mucc, and I hope your grandma will come through surgery just fine!!! K8 and pepes---I can't wait for your news!!! TWhit, it's good to hear that all went well with getting your brother to your house officially! When is your appt now??? Have you stalked them to get in earlier? :-) Baby, aren't you excited for your u/s Monday? Bina, I'm so excited for you to get started, too!!! DeeD, how have you been feeling? Okay, I gotta check out American Idol now. (((HUGS))) to you all---you guys rock!!!!!



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