167 Replies
Lee - October 20

Good morning ladies. I HOPE that everyone is feeling positive and that you all have wonderful days.


Toni - October 20

Lee, when do you get to the home study part? Do they do a surprise visit too? Becca I hope you o on you own! Tonya, glad your ds is doing better. Ali, I can't wait to see your numbers today!! We have a similar path going. Amy, keep the faith. What day are you testing? Well today I am going for a massage! My dh got me a gift cert. for my last birthday and I am finally using it. I don't have any symptoms, but I never really do. Hope everyone has a great day. Where's Isa???


isa - October 20

Hi Toni, I'm here. Was out this morning for b/w and day 7 ultrasound. I had 4 follicles on left ( 15, 15, 11, 11mm and one on right of 9. She said my lining was a tad thin so they are watching it closely to see if i need to supplement with estrogen again this month. My day 4 estrogen level she said was 629 which looks high she says but i was already on clomid for a couple days so it is perfectly fine. Now I go back on Sat for the next u/s and b/w unless she calls later this afternoon after my todays bloodwork and needs to change any of my injection levels. Having more hot flashes now that I'm off the clomid then when i was on it. oh well its all worth it. Now if only dh can give me a whole bunch of good swimmers i'll be even happier .Great news is dh's ultrasound and doppler came back fine so no verisocoles or any blockages. We still have no idea why his counts and motility keep falling thou. Ali congrats and good luck for your next test and AmyR we're praying for you for a big fat bpf this weekend.


Judi - October 20

Toni, congratulations!!! I am so happy for you!! You did the same thing that I did...I got up at 4 am to go to the bathroom and decided to go ahead and test. Needless to say, my husband and I did not get any more sleep that night! My beta was 1465 at 18 dpo and I am only having one baby, so I think your level sounds fine. I hope that everything continues to go well for you!!!


Tonya - October 20

Wow, Isa!! What great follicles...I'm thinking this is the month for you....We have so many positive things going on on this thread...DS is doing much better, slept all night...Also, the Astros won last night!!!! Yeah!! Woo hoo!! Lee, did you see that Roger is starting in game 1? Babydust....


ali - October 20

well, the good news is that my beta did double! i will have my first ultrasound next wednesday! i can hardly wait!


Mel - October 20

Wow, this thread really is fantastic. Thanks Lee!!! CONGRATULATIONS to all the new moms-to-be and lots of baby dust all around. Well, this month is a little different for me since I am on 100mg of Clomid, a higher dose of Metformin time release, I just took my hCG shot and tomorrow I go for my IUI. I am going to continue the current regimen until I can get an appointment with an RE. Trying to keep positive!!! Has anybody gotten pregnant on a similar regimen of Clomid, hCG and progesterone supplements?


Lee - October 20

ALI- Double trouble, good for you girl! Go hcg, go............MEL-Good to have you. This is the power of positive thinking thread..........ISA-Watch out, sounds like this might be your month..........TONYA-Did you see him dripping in champagne! Yee ha, this is going to be good.......TONI-I am up to my eyeballs in homestudy, no surprise visits but I don't care if they do, bring em on! The paperwork has me crazy, that's why I haven't posted all day......Becca-I do hope Santa has a BFP in his sack for you too.....AmyR-don't you give up a bit of hope, this is the HOPE sight. We are all pulling for you. Remember Toni, Miss 163? She had no symptoms and look at her :) JUDI-God bless you and your little baby. Stay happy girls, my new goal in life. A smile a minute. How's my Toni today?


Toni - October 20

Hi guys! Isa- that sounds like you are right on track. And with IUI they put the olympic team of sperm in there so one should make it!! Judi thanks for the well wishes. Where are you in your pregnancy? Ali-congrats on your numbers. I go tomorrow. I am hoping for a sono real soon. It is very exciting! Mel- good luck and baby dust tomorrow. What number IUI is it for you? And to my girl Lee, I am doing the same today. Now it's all a countdown to the next test etc. I bet the paperwork in daunting! But this route is gonna give you a baby for sure! And before me! You get to start planning that nursery! Amy, when is ;your test date?


AmyR - October 20

Toni- My test date is Sat... but I really don't feel anything and my temp is slowly falling... I will have HOPE though as Lee told me to do, and wait till Sat to test, even though I want to now :) Hope you had a nice relaxing day, and how was your massage??


ali - October 20

mel, great to have you! this is the place to be to stay positive! i got pregnant on my second iui with 50mg clomid and hcg trigger-it is possible! my first round of iui was not timed correctly and i think that is why it failed. but the second time was a charm! toni, how are you feeling today? bet you can't wait for your b/w tomorrow! lee, my #'s today were 864..forgot to include that last time. i am very encouraged since they almost tripled since tuesday. i have been on hcg websites like crazy! amy r , only 2 days left, right? hang in there..we are routing for you!


s - October 20

what is uvi and bfp


Mel - October 20

Thanks for all the good wishes. Toni, this will be my fourth IUI. I got pregnant with my second IUI but it was a chemical pregnancy. This time, we have upped all the medications and included the hCG trigger shot and progesterone supplements.


Toni - October 20

Ali I only have a sore kind of feeling in the ab area. Which is how I felt with dd. How about you? I will feel better after I get the results from tomorrow's b/w. I am hoping since I started with a higher number that is a good sign. Amy hang in there. What I do is just keep making plans for the next cycle. Tell myself it is not my last chance etc. I was scared to test this time because I was expecting to see a bfn just like the other 9 months I had been trying. My massage was ok. I think she was too hard on my shoulders. But I told the massage person that I was preg. (didn't want her pushing anywhere important) and she said that when you are preg. they don't massage your feet as deeply. Something about contractions. Did not know that. Dh is out of town until next Thurs! So tomorrow's activity is a haircut!


christine - October 20

hi ladies i like this thread, really positive. are any of you ladies over 38 i am


Toni - October 20

I'm 39. And Isa is over 38. Right Isa?



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