135 Replies
Toni - April 24

Do you think Lee is in Guatemala? She has never been gone this long. Isa, do you think you will ever be on a computer in Europe? :)


isa - April 24

Toni, I wont be on a computer while I am away. I'm hoping Lee is in Guatelmala as she has been awhile quite a long time. Would she have to stay a certain amount of time before bringing Hope home do you think? Went in today for cd3 and no cysts yeah! I have 6 small follies on right and 5 on left but decided not doing any meds this cycle so only the dominant one will prevail and we will bd. I will go back in cd 10 & cd 12 for another u/s & more b/w and then depending on how big it is they will watch for my lh surge and the size and tell us when to bd. So I'll have no news until May 1st. It's weird, I feel like I am wasting a month (I already have the drugs here, I could do them) but I really dont want to be bloated with all the side effects etc while away. I can't wear my regular pants after ovulation until after af finishes in the next cycle so clothing becomes an issue and I cant be worried about all that stuff and enjoy my trip so I decided to forgo meds this cycle. We will be in Tuscany when I ovulate next cycle, maybe we'll be relaxed and lucky. We still have no idea re ivf and won't until at least we meet with the ivf nurse on friday. Dh also to do tests for sperm staining, antibodies and dna fragmentation on friday.


Tonya1 - April 25

Isa, that's great!! I don't think you're wasting a month...Tuscany would be the perfect place to concieve your child...and, sometimes I think those drugs mess with your system soooo periods have been sooo much worse since starting fertility treatments...I should be starting tomorrow...I feel somewhat relieved that we are not seeing the RE anymore...I feel less stress about starting and having to hurry up to get in there and then what if I have a know what I mean...I know you will enjoy your time off too....Toni, how are you doing? Is Jillian kicking a lot? How are you sleeping? any heartburn? I had heartburn so bad with both of mine that I slept with TUMS beside the bed... :)


isa - April 25

Tonya I know what you mean about af being worse. I think it has something to do with all the extra eggs, and from ovulation on I would be more crampy than before meds. I actually have painful af's and before i started all this fertility stuff I would forget I even had af and have to run back to get my purse (if you know what I mean). I will be nice to have a break from running every 3 days for u/s,b/w but then again at my age I'm wondering if I should put up with the bloating etc to get an extra month of trying. Dh said tonight he wants to do the ivf so we probably will. It still makes me nervous b/c I keep thinking if it was only the fertilization part we were lacking and we fertilize with the icsi and I end up with multiples I don't know what I'll do. I know I cannot physically handle twins or more, carrying one in my arms due to my health will be difficult so more than one scares the heck out of me not to mention preemie births for multiples and already being high risk due to "advanced maternal age". Urghhhh. How do I decide.


Toni - April 25

Isa when I have watched those adoption stories on tv sometimes they do stay awhile to get all the paperwork done. I hope that is what this is. I am so glad you guys are leaning towards IVF. You are about to get more test results and that is good. Your trip is gonna be so fun!! Don't worry about your age. We are not that old! Hey Tonya! I am eating lots of TUMS! I have never taken those before and now I eat them everyday. I am sleeping ok. Just going to the bathroom and some back aches. Jillian is def. kicking. Some days she is really busy (which I love) and then she has her sleepier days (or are those my busier days?). She also gets the hiccups everyday at least once. Tonya are you taking temps or ovulation tests? Or just au natural?
Judi are you there? How are you?


Tonya1 - April 25

Hey Toni, I don't ever take TUMS, either, only when I was pregnant...I guess it's an old wives tale about the head of hair and heartburn...although both my babies were born with lots of hair...Anyway, we did try to use an OPK this month, those things are really hard to not thinking any luck this month...I don't know about Lee, either...


Becky - April 25

Hello.. I also had to take tums when pergo. I heard that if you had heartburn alot your baby would have lot's of hair to. My dd was born w/o hair I was shocked. Becca I hope that you are doing ok where thinking of you...


Tonya1 - April 26

hey girls, just checking in...nothing going on here...Isa, do you go to meet with the nurse Friday?


isa - April 26

Yes Tonya we meet her friday late morning and dh is coming with me. I have a few questions ready to ask her but I have a feeling I will have a whole bunch the night after we meet her that I will wish I thought to ask with her. If we do decide to go through with the ivf they then hold ivf orientation all the time which I think is a walk through of the OR type room, so you get to see what things will look like and a chance to ask other questions but you will be in a group type setting. Not exactly sure how that works yet.


Judi - April 27

Hi everyone...guess what? Lauren is here!!! She was born Monday at 8:29 PM (10 days early). She weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. and was 19 3/4 inches long. My labor began at 4:30 that morning, and we got to the hospital around 7 AM. I had the epidural around 10 AM, and finally dilated to 10 at around 5:45 PM. However, she was still very high, and was also turned facing to the left. I pushed for 2 hours without being able to move her down enough, partly because of the way that she was facing. The doctor decided to try forceps, but he was not able to grip her head properly because of the way it was turned. He told us that we could either try the vacuum, or he'd have to do a C-section. We decided to try the vacuum, and somehow I found the strength to push a couple more times (by this time it had been almost 3 hours. and I was exhausted). He only had to use the vacuum through 2 sets of contractions, and then she was finally out. It was painful, exhausting, frightening, but wonderful. She is gorgeous, and she is a sweetheart. So far she seems to be perfect. Her head wasn't even misshapen after using the vacuum, which was a huge relief to us. We were able to come home this afternoon. I'm breastfeeding, and she seems to be getting the hang of it. Anyway, I'll be really busy for awhile, but will still try to check in on everyone. Toni, I hope you are doing will be your turn soon! Everyone else, good luck, and you're all in my prayers. Take care!


isa - April 27

Judi-CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND LAUREN WOOOHOOOOO, good news on the thread. How fantastic. I am so glad all is going well and you have your precious little Lauren at home. Now I can't rmember is this your first?


Toni - April 27

Wow Judi!! Congrats!! That is so exciting!! Welcome Lauren! They used the vacumn on my dd too. I am so ready for June!


Tonya1 - April 27

Congratulations, Judi!!! They had to use the vacuum with my ds labor sounded like yours- You & Lauren snuggle and give lots of kisses...


Becky - April 27

Congrats to Judi and Lauren.. I had a really long labor and push for 2 1/2 hrs. We had to use the Vacuum and forces ups on my dd. I am glad that you guys are doing good now.. Good luck with the breastfeeding...


Judi - April 27

Thanks, everyone! Isa, she is my first. Wow, it sounds like vacuum deliveries are more common than I realized. We are doing well...she had another restless night, but my dh took care of her between feedings and let me sleep a little. She's sleeping right mom and mother-in-law are here and they're helping to take care of her so that we can get some sleep here and there. It's hard for me to leave her, though!


BeccaR - April 28

Judi- CONGRATS! That is so wonderful! I am glad you and Lauren are both doing well! She will bring you more joy then you could ever imagine.



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