218 Replies
farooq - September 7

please talk to me and answere my questions please


Tonya1 - September 7

hey ya'll...Isa, I hate those kind, too...they are miserable....last time I went they told me to drink lots before I came and then got ready to do the IUI and had to go pee about 5X before they could do it because my bladder was too full....annoying....anyway, I'm happy for you that everything is moving along...the 21st is not far away. Becky, you know I think now that it pays to not stress over your could not have told me that about a year ago....but when I quit worrying about it, it finally happened. I went to my OB and everything was good...I go next week for that Nuchal Transclucency Screen. Toni, do you remember what Jilli's heart rate was during pregnancy?? the baby's heartrate has been you think that has any bearing on the baby's gender at all??? we are all getting so excited around here. Mala & Farooq- I would just wait and see what the RE says...


farooq - September 7

can you tell me how long your cycles were when you were on clomid please anyone and when you ovulated


amanda78 - September 8

Hi everybody-I've been so busy I've not been on in a while. I'm now 14 weeks and everything seems to be going well. I went to the dr. on 8/31 and one of the baby's heartrates was 160. He said that he'd only be able to find one since they would probably be behind each other. I asked the dr if it was a girl or boy by looking at the heart rate and he said yes, it's either a boy or a girl. I didn't like his answer! He said that the heart rate has nothing to do with the gender. I've always heard that it does. But if that was the case, my mom's dr was way off when he told her that I was going to be a boy! Good luck with ivf Isa-I'm praying for you! Tonya-how are you feeling? Becky-how are you? Toni-how's little Jillian? I go back to dr on 9/28 and for 20 week u/s on 10/19 (I think). We should be able to find out what they are then.


Becky - September 8

farooq everyone cycles can be different. I haven't taken clomid for 2 years so I don't remember how long my cycles were. I also was monitor my a dr who did sonos do see how big the follices were. You also can ovulate diffrent times maybe on cd 14 then the next month it could be cd 17. I would talk to your dr and me monitor to see when you ovulate.


isa - September 8

Mala sorry i know nothing about pcos i dont have that. I dont think anyone on this thread suffered from pcosI would post a question on a new threa to ask someone who has it nad how to deal with it. Faroq my cycles were normal cycles when I was on clomid and ovulated as I normally do. I was on it b/c of age and trying to make more follies to try and get pg faster but it thinned my lining too much and doctor said not to take it anymore so after 2 tries last year we stopped it. Amanda I was told they cannot tell sex from a heartbeat (its all guesswork). I would wait til the u/s and see then. Are they both measureing ok for size now i hope? I have my sono in the morning so I guess if all is ok the ivf is a go and if he finds something out of the ordinary we will have to put it off for a bit and have whatever he finds corrected (i heard most things they can find this way is fixable with a hyseroscopy day surgery) but then we'd have to postpone starting of ivf longer.(hope not we've gotten this far ). Next week I have my accupuncture consult which I'm kind of excited about. Tonya good luck with the NT screening. Will you be checking for the sex when your able or waiting until baby is born?


tibby - September 8

Mala I have pcos and my dr has me on metformin.


farooq - September 8

tibby and mala i have pcos and my sprcialist is going to put me on clomid have you been on clomid before


isa - September 9

HI gals, my sono went fine today and he says all was ok and we are a go for the ivf. I still have the endometrial biopsy on 9/19 and start my Lupron on 9/21. Nervous, psyched, scared and not sure how I feel all at once.


tibby - September 9

farooq, I have been take metformin since 2/2004 and I did 6 cycles 50mg of clomid and now I'm seeing a RE and in my 2ww with 100mg of clomid. Good Luck isa!!!


Tonya1 - September 9

Isa, I'm so happy for you....that's great news!!! You've always produced plenty of eggs (I think I'm remembering correctly)...the only thing that I would be concerned about, and I'm sure you've discussed it with your dr. is hyperstim, since that's happened before....what kind and how much stim drugs are you going to be on? Have a great weekend...


isa - September 9

Hey Tonya, exactly my fear again. I'll be on a differnet kind of med. This time gonal F which is a pure fsh and the last one I was on was an hmg which is lh and fsh. I will be starting on 300/day and as they do u/s, b/w it will get boosted or dropped as needed. They are really close monitors of me and knowing what happened that one month on the med gives them a good indicator of how I can respond. Hopefully though no hyperstim but only time will tell and yes you have a good memory i always so far have responded well to create follies.


farooq - September 11

tibby, did you ever get pregnant when you had 6 rounds of clomid at 50mg and how long have you been on the 100gm of clomid.


farooq - September 11

what did the dr say because i heird that if you dont get pregnay in 6 rounds of clomid then they will give you trigger shots and if you still dont then they will consider ivf


isa - September 13

Tonya when is your Nuchal? I think this week right? Let us know how it goes (or is this one you have to wait on for results?)Becky how you feeling?What's going with your cycle? I think I am O'ing today (just a guess as this month I"m not really paying attention other than to confirm I do ovulate. I see the accupuncturist tomorrow for my 1st appt. Amanda any morning sickness yet? Toni how is little Jillian? ChristyRN what's up with your pregnancy any news for us? How did your quad screen go?


Tonya1 - September 13

hey Isa, my nuchal is tomorrow....i'm not sure how long the results take to come in....i'm hoping i will find out something tomorrow....that's good that you are o'ing're not long away from starting the is everyone else doing?



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