May/June IVFers
518 Replies
ROBYN - June 6

OMG ITS A GO!!! MY TRANSFER ITS OFFICIAL!! Ok i am screaming in excitement cant you tell. They said my E2 levels are perfect. I didnt ovulate and the cyst is very tiny and of no concern. So they are definitely doing anesthesia so Sunday i start the PIO, then Friday i start the PIO, the prometrium and estrogen patches she said we are pregnant then that will continue for 12 weeks. UGGH. But i am finally happy this is for REAL!!!


JB0405 - June 6



linds99 - June 6

Super news Robyn, I was checking every few hours for the verdict! Hooray! Things are going as they should... I'm happy for you!


ROBYN - June 6

Janae and Linds thanks so much. You know this is the easy part getting pregnant is gonna be harder and after that is even harder. One day at a time(:


chele - June 6

MsMONET are they filling another type of antibiotic for you then? Hi BLAKEY... yes I really do have some wonderful friends here! :0) How are you doing? Hi JB, sure no problem and thanks for you help in advance :0) ROBYN, that is WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL NEWS!!!! Whoohoo!!!


Blakey - June 6

YAY ROBYN!!! You must be wicked excited!!! It's your turn now!!!Yahoooie!!!!!

Thanks Chele- I am doing good hun. Just waiting for AF....and have my OB apt. on friday, whew,....thank God! I feel like I have waited forever for this follow up! Thanks for thinking of me. :o)


SashaP - June 6

My update is I have been getting up at 4:00 to get my butt down to Boston IVF before 8:00 all week. As of today I have 8 dominate follicles ranging from 12-16mm most of them being 14mm. So I'm going back tomorrow for another U/S and to see the nurse so I'll know when I'm doing my trigger. They think my ER will be Sunday. It's so much sooner then I thought but they said I'm responding very well. So I'm going down everyday until the ER. Congrats chele on being able to do another cycle I'm so happy for you!!!


MsMonet - June 6

Congrats, ROBYN!I am so happy for you!!Yippee! JB-Thanks so happy for you, also. CHELE-I did leave early, today. Took your advice... Aw, Chele. Dear... Sweetheart... I don't think your baby will like that middle name. It's unique... Yes... But I'd find another name, buttercup. As far as the antibiotics, I finished the day before yesterday. My stomach was crampy today but it didn't return as of yet. Just ate some cheese, also. He he he! Maybe it will toughen thingsTINK-18weeks! That is wonderful! Have fun! SASHA-That is wonderful, girly! Sunday? Yippee! JB-Congrats! The Jewel Box, baby! CHELE-You like that, right? He he he!


Tink - June 6

Sasha, good luck on sunday, how exciting- 4am? ouch! it is amazing what we go through to get our miracle! ROBYN- awesome news!!!!! i am hoping this is it for you. i can't wait for next week!! i'll be praying for all three of your frozen embies!! Janae- yes we are almost halfway there (JODY and DCL too!!). i can't believe it.


ROBYN - June 7

Evening girls thanks for the well wishes. SASHA - i responded very well on my 1st cycle also it was moved up like 5 days i cant believe how early you are getting up to go everyday that so sucks but its well worth it. TONS of luck to you this weekend. We will be close about a week apart. So hopefully good news for all of us coming in the next few weeks. MICHELLE i cannot beleive you are all gonna be half way soon. Well i will be back later.


Blakey - June 7

Wow Sasha, 4:00am OMG! How far are you from Boston? Good luck with everything, sounds like your doing really well to the stims. On my last cycle, I also was done with it quickly. My RE skipped the BCP, and I went straight to stims, and after, 7 days of stims, I had 11 follicles! I couldn't beleive it! It was a quick cycle. Good luck to you!


Tink - June 7

just bumping us up. leaving for my big ultrasound in 45 minutes. it is at 11am CST. so i'll post when i get back if it is in fact a boy like they thought at 12w. i am going back to the same perinatologist for this u/s, so we will see how right he was. DH is coming too and i am more excited about seeing his expression during the u/s. he came to the 7w one with the RE, but as you know, it was just a blob/sac then. he hasn't seen it since. i can't wait. MONET- hope you are feeling a bit better- don't be afraid to take tylenol for the cramping. again, i think it is a good sign!! ROBYN, you must be getting so excited- the time is so near!


ROBYN - June 7

Michelle tons of luck at your u/s please let us know how well it goes and if its a boy. Yes i am getting excited. Anyone want to start June/July IVFthread its gotta be a preggo!!


MsMonet - June 7

GIRLS-Feeling much better, today. Immodium AD, you are so worthy to be worshipped!!! You my friend, are so awesome! Aw..... Now, guess what? I am constipated.... And I have constipated gas release.... :( Just made that phrase up... Sounds cool. CGR! But the cramping has decreased... I feel much better. Can't win! Lol! Sorry to be so gross. CHELE-Good luck with your appt, today. Keep us posted! TINK-Thanks for the encouragement! I hope all the cramping from the diarrehea doesn't interfere with anything... I feel even more bloated after the et.


ROBYN - June 7

Monet all normal the bloating will continue thru the beginning weeks of pregnancy as well. So are you gonna test!!!!!! CHELE - good luck with your appt today let us know how it goes.


chele - June 7

Hi! I don't have much time as I have to leave for the doctors but I wanted to say thank you again to all of you girls, whether, helping me with your encouragement, kind words, or helping me w/ the meds as I honestly could not make it without you!!! Thank you for everything!!! :0)



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