May/June IVFers
518 Replies
JB0405 - June 6

TINK, dresser and changing table already, WOW!!! What style/color? Where online did you order them? JODY, you are so funny. I hope you a good poo session, LOL! My DH does the same thing, lol!


JB0405 - June 6

TINK, how far along are you now? I will be 19 weeks at the end of the week!!


MsMonet - June 6

Hello, hows everyone? I am not feeling too well. Got alot going on.... Feeling sick in my tummy. I can only sleep on my back... Pains in my butt. My arm is sore from this mornings Prog. shot.... My Jewel Box is alittle sore... Otherwise, I am fine. LOL! Back to work... Wished I stayed home... But I will be taking off so much don't want to ruffle feathers... CHELE-Your UPS package should arrive tomorrow by 10am. My pharmacist told me that I didn't have to keep it in the fridge. I only had it for about 2 weeks. BLAKEY-All is OK. How are you? ROBYN-I am so glad about your ET, next friday! Yippee! Wishing you all the success!!!! Hopefully, I should have good news for you, also. TINK-I am so excited and happy for you. And I am excited that DH will get to see the ultrasound! Hugs to you!!! GOGO-Glad you are OK.


chele - June 6

ROBYN I posted on the other thread but Yeah to getting started on Friday!!! It will happen don't worry :0) Thank you LINDS... I can't wait! :0) Hi TINK, I have to imagine that sharing such a wonderful thing w/ dh will be priceless :0) How exciting!!! Ok, please tell me you did not move the delivery items now.... Now that too would be so cool to get your room furnished, etc... and realize wow, it won't be long until this room starts smelling like baby powder! Oh how sweet! GoGo are you doing anything special for his big day? Ok, that little spell last night must have been scary... has the acid reflex stopped? Hmmm, did you maybe eat something spicy last night or something gassy? LOL, go poo! Hi JB, thank you but I should be all set on needles plus LINDS sent me a bunch! You know what you could do for me... if you get a chance do you think you could run the issue w/ using the wrong HCG needle by your MIL and see if she thinks this could have really been an issue (remember, I did get a booster the next day as well as he confimed I did ovulate w/ mature follies)... that would be so helpful.. Thx! JB, good luck at your appt.... That has to be so exciting :0) MsMONET... remember our conversation earlier... if you don't feel well leave for the day. It's not worth overdoing it. I wonder if putting a cold pack on your arm would help bring down the soreness... Oh I had to laugh.... I took your line.... You had me laughing the other day w/ your jewelry box reference so I used it on dh and he just stopped, looked at me w/ a grin and crooked eyes and started laughing! I said you like that (it was funny) because theres more of that to come.. I'm learing from MsMONET!hhaha I will be awaiting the package tomorow.. and again, thank you from my heart! :0) I did get the e-mail w/ the Bioendurance so I will definately look in to it, thanks. Ok, I'll check in and if in a 1/2 hr you are still feeling blah I think you should leave...haha no really. :0)


MsMonet - June 6

Doc just told me to get buy some Immodium... I think me and Amoxiccilian don't mix well.


Blakey - June 6

Hey girlys-
Chel- your so gosh darn cute! yup, that middle name would sure be a converation just too cute! :o) so happy your doing well...and it's true, you'll be back in your cycle before you know it!! That is awesome, your receiving all the meds so quickly...
everyone is truly here for you!!
ROBYN- sorry about the cyst, but I am sure everything will be okay, I know they always have to ck with RE. I have an endometrioma on my right cyst that has been hanging out now for about 2 yrs, and my RE said it wouldn't, (and didn't) interfere with my cycles. I always made follicles on that side, so basically they have been monitoring it, just to make sure it doesn't get too big. Again, I am sure you will get the green light, and everything will go as planned. Hope all your levels were where they should be, and wow, week , it will be here before you know it..yay! can't wait to hear the updates!!
MsMONET- sorry you havn't been feeling that I know having all those twinges, and cramps, and just feeling bloated, etc...(wow, what we go through huh?!) hang in there chickie, your doing great! Hope work is going well for you today, nd again, your not too uncomfy! Just think, when you get home, you can get all cozy, and relax!!
TINK- Hi! so you have the big u/s tomorrow, how exciting! That will be awesome for you guys to see, and DH, your right, it will seem more real to him. That is sooo exciting, can't wait to hear how that goes!
Hi JANAE- great hearing from you missy! sorry to hear that Jeff has been feeling a bit down, but sounds like he is keeping busy around the house, and doing quite the projects... wow, revamped the LR? that's great! I Hope your feeling good. That's esciting re" the anatomy scan on the 11th, and you must be psyched that Jeff will be there too!
Hi Sonya- hoping your doing well, and feeling good too!! Thinking of you-
Sasha- how are things going with you and your cycle?? Hope your doing okay!
Hi To Stacie- How are things going with you little mama? Hope you and the twins are doing well!
Hugs to you all..........hope your all having a great day!!! Bye for now :o)


JB0405 - June 6

MONET, your arm is sore from the prog shot? I am confused why is your arm hurting? Did you give yourself the shot? Jewel box? LOL, very cute! I hope you feel better soon!


Blakey - June 6

Sorry for all my typing errors,..ugh! Also, meant to say I have an endometrioma on my right ovary (I said right cyst) anyway..I know you knew what i meant. Ms. Monet- I was cracking up too, "jewel box"- lol....cute! ;)


JB0405 - June 6

CHELE, could you do me a favor and email me what happened as I am a bit lost: [email protected] and I will be sure to ask her tonight. BLAKEY, I am indeed excited to see the baby and it is a definite plus that Jeff will be there to share in the joy. Thanks for thinking of me, ALL OF YOU!


ROBYN - June 6

Hey girls, JANAE - my friend my very pregnant 19 weeks now friend. Holy crap girl you almost 5 months i cannot believe this. I am glad Jeff is hanging in there its got to so suck to have that on your shoulders right now i am sure things are gonna work out. Cant wait to hear about your appt on Tues please try and check in with the good results. MONET - sorry you are feeling crappy. My son is allergic to amoxycillin also it just doesnt agree with you. MONET - i have read on some web site it might be IVF connections that you are allowed to change where the PIO shot is going that seems to be really painful in the arm i couldnt imagine doing it their. Have you asked the RE if you try it elsewhere? How many days past transfer now?? BLAKEY - thanks for the encouragement hoping to think positive this cycle is just plain annoying me to being with. The IVF nurse said she understood that the FET takes longer because its so controlled better but she said you are on the very end of it not much longer (hopefully) my gut tells me this is gonna get extended a couple of days. Dont know why but i will know very shortly. JODY - man thats scary i am glad your ok. I forgot when is the next appt to check on the boys? CHELE - thanks for the encourgement as well. You have been thru so much this week and i am so proud of you for your positivity. Well all my new furniture we had made is getting delivered tomorrow so we had to move all the 2nd floor furniture to the 1st floor last night i feel like a cripple LOL My BIL was gonna come over 2nite to help my my hubby felt bad because my sister is having the c-section in 3 weeks and we wanted him home with her to help her out instead of us. My sis was so mad at me for moving furniture she screaming you have a bad back what the hell is wrong with you Erik wanted to come and help. I told her to chill out so in the the meantime i have 4 bathrooms and have cleaned 2 of them and took a break and we also have hardwood floors so i have been polishing them to make the house all nice and pretty for the new stuff coming tomorrow i am so excited. Well rambled enough will be back.


MsMonet - June 6

ROBYN-It's just my left arm. The right arm is fine. My Doctor's believe for some reason that the response is better in the muscle. Some patients can't take it and do it the butt or tummy. Diff docs believe diff things... We will see what happens... I had my ETon Sunday. So, I guess implantation should have taken place on mon or tues, right? So excited for you!


Tink - June 6

MONET- sorry you are feeling bad- the antibiotics can irritate your tummy. take it easy and know that all these side effects sound promising! JODY- that is awesome you are getting so much stuff. just buying for one baby is $$, so i know the help you are getting for 3 is so welcome. JANAE- glad things are going well and it won't be long before your u/s!! glad DH is doing okay. i've been laid off twice and it really got to me- so just let him know you are there. i got depressed, it felt like my 'worth' and 'value' were just down the drain. it's weird how being laid off, even from a job that wasn't that great can do that to you. CHELE- no i didn't move the furniture, it will go upstairs to the baby room, but DH will have to do it, they are very heavy boxes. they will stay in boxes for now- it will be weeks before we clear out the room and get ready to paint. I figure within the next 2 months, i'll get it all done- i don't want to wait til 3rd tri when i am too tired to do it all. Oh and Janae- i am 18w1d today!


ROBYN - June 6

Monet - i hear ya about different things from different docs. It does go into the muscle with the PIO in the butt cheek it has to be done in certain areas so you make sure it goes to the muscle. You did a 5 day transfer so they say implantation 6 - 10 days after so you are in that window. I am so excited for you good things coming your way ((HUGS))


JB0405 - June 6

ROBYN, people measure pregnancy so differently. I believe that I am in my 5th month! I have 21 weeks to go, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? That is crazy! i am a wave of emotions about that! I am trying to enjoy every bit of it. TINK, how far are you?


JB0405 - June 6

Thanks TINK!!! I am 18w and 5 days. We are so close!


ROBYN - June 6

OMG ITS A GO!!! MY TRANSFER ITS OFFICIAL!! Ok i am screaming in excitement cant you tell. They said my E2 levels are perfect. I didnt ovulate and the cyst is very tiny and of no concern. So they are definitely doing anesthesia so Sunday i start the PIO, then Friday i start the PIO, the prometrium and estrogen patches she said we are pregnant then that will continue for 12 weeks. UGGH. But i am finally happy this is for REAL!!!



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