Life After IUI
366 Replies
lene - January 23

ann, so what was your result...a bfn i'm assuming? i beleive you mentioned that earlier in this thread? pls correct me if i'm wrong.


Ann - January 23

Yes, I got my official (blood test) BFN last Thursday, but af still hasn't arrived! Strange, because I am usually early. For once, I wish it would hurry up.


lene - January 23

ann, well i ovulated on that would make me what? i think 7dpo? i was on clomid and i had the hcg shot. i am not on progesterone supp. and i also take estradiol and some other med for high prolactin - it begins w/a b...?


lene - January 23

oh ann, that is the worst. u r probably overwhelming yourself AND i heard these meds prolong our af.


Ann - January 23

Lene, you are 7dpo today. I think it can attach by 6dpo, so it may be early for symptoms. Plus like you said, the meds could have an effect. I only have taken clomid and the hcg, and they don't give me false symptoms, but I am usually not very affected by meds (with side effects, for example).


lene - January 23

ann, well try to take it easy...drink tea and take it easy so you af can arrive and you can start this lovely!


Ann - January 23

I don't know what they to to af. I got af 12dp iui last month. Now, I am 16dp iui and still no sign yet. I feel like she will arrive, though. I just want to get on with next month. Every day it doesn't arrive, is one more day to wait. Maybe stress is causing the delay. BTW, sorry for the LONG vent above (stressful job week), but I feel so much better now!!


Elyse - January 23

Hi Ladies - I'm back. Ann, sorry to hear about your mom. Mine passed a few years back and there is absolutely nothing more strssful. I spent 18 hrs a day in the hospital for 5 weeks. When it was over, I was in a fog for at least 6 months. That is probably having a tremendous effect on your body and you will need time to heal. If you are like me, after that happened, you probably went back to work with a vengeance. Give yourself a break and treat yourself to something good. Lene, I got the results from prog test - it was 19. I have no idea whether that means anything at all - according to the chart, it means NOTHING, since there are such huge ranges i pg and not pg. Anyone else know if 19 is good for 8 dp iui?


Elyse - January 23

can we start a new thread? This one is so long.


Ann - January 23

Elyse, sorry to hear about your mom, too. I sold everything I could (that was worth anything :)) to have money to make my house payment (before dh and I were married) while I was with my mom. I took care of her 24/7 for 6 months and then went right back to work after she died in 2001. After about 6 months of being back at work, I still couldn't sleep, had nightmares, and thought I was losing it. So, I took a year and a half off work (quit my job but am now back at the same company) and just worked contract here and there as I had to. Also, I have two brothers that were no help at all, one of which makes in the high 6 figures/year. I agree there is nothing more stressful!!


Elyse - January 23

Lene, I just found this info - unfortunately, it says that you cannot predict pregnancy by using progesterone levels. UUGGHH!!


Elyse - January 23

OK - I have lost my mind, I forgot to post what I found - here it is..."A level over 5 probably indicates some form of ovulation, but most doctors want to see a level over 10 on a natural cycle, and a level over 15 on a medicated cycle. There is no mid-luteal level that predicts pregnancy. Some say the test may be more accurate if done first thing in the morning after fasting."


Elyse - January 23

Lene,I am dying to know your progesterone level. I have been researching it for an hour now and keep coming up with the same answer, which is.. there is no number that will predict pregnancy. The only thing I saw that gives me hope is that the experts say a level of over 15 is associated with a normal pregnancy. But it doesn't say whether that number should be higher if you are on progesterone support.


lene - January 23

hi ladies...had to move my car. so elyse, lucky you got your results. no call for me yet. well, i read the same about the progesterone because we are on meds, but i did read between 9 -47 for between conception to 12 it sounds hopeful for you elyse. again, let's not get our hopes up since it is higher due to meds.


lene - January 23

elyse did you ask what you level was or did the office just offer the info?


lene - January 23

elyse what do you mean about the level over 5 being normal for ovulation?



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