Life After IUI
366 Replies
Elizabeth - December 12

Hi girls!

Right, I went for my sono today. I have 2 good follicles, so that's good. (I think). My appointment for IUI is Wednesday morning 14th. Ann, have you been for your sono? Keep us posted!
Sonya, so your in you 2ww. Good luck. I really hope it works this time...for all of us.


Rene - December 12

I had IUI on the 5th and 6th of December. I will find out December 23rd if it worked, This is our 2nd try.
What a nice x mas gift that would be for us. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!! Throw some baby dust my way!!


asa - December 12

Hello everyone...I just wanted to share some good news regarding IUI...We did 3 cycles of Clomid, which did not doctor decided we needed to something a little more aggressive and decided on the injectables...I am soooo happy to report that after 1 cycle of the injectables I am finally pregnant! 9 weeks as of today! Don't give up hope...all of you are meant to be mothers! :)


Ann - December 12

Hi Elizabeth. That is great about your follicles!! I just got back from the dr. I have three good follicles (they measure 28, 27, and 21). My dr had to check with a specialist because she was hesitant to do the iui at risk of triplets, but the specialist said less than 1% chance of that happening. So, we are on for the iui tomorrow morning (13th)! I am so nervous/excited that I can hardly work. Hi Rene, and good luck to you! Keep us posted.


Elizabeth - December 13

Oh, Ann, I'm so happy for you! Good luck today. I hope this time it doesn't hurt at all. (See, it didn't run into the weekend - so far everything is going in your favour)
Hey Rene. So you and Sonya are both in the dreadful 2ww. Ann and I will be joining you soon.
Hi asa. It is always good to hear a success story. Thank you very much for sharing your good news with us. I hope you have a great pregnancy!


Ann - December 13

Hi Elizabeth, I will keep my fingers crossed for both of us. It is so cool to know that someone else out there is doing almost the exact same thing--2nd iui on clomid--and at the same time. I am convinced (at least temporarily) that it won't hurt as much this time, since I am further along. Does your dr make you stay off your feet after the iui? Mine says there is no need to, which is good for me because of my job. Yesterday, I left for about 2 hours to go to my appointments and ended up staying at the office until midnight to make up for it. I worry that the long hours, lack of sleep, and stress makes it more difficult to get pg. Hope not! Do you go in Wednesday morning or afternoon?


Ann - December 13

Follow up: I just got back and this iui was much less painful than the first. My dh did his part (400mil fishies w/75% motility). With that and 3 big follicles, if it doesn't work this time...


Sonya - December 13

Well, two and three follicles is good news for you guys (Elizabeth & Ann)...I only had one, but I think I can test 14 days after the hCG shot, so for me that is 12/ least Asa got pregnant, that gives me hope. Although if this round doesn't work, I think I am going to request injectibles b/c both times on Clomid now I only had one follicle.


Ann - December 13

Sonya, don't give up hope. One is good! My dr said she would prefer one good one over 3 any day!!


Elizabeth - December 14

Here I am, also in 2WW. The IUI today was uncomfortable, but quickly over. I feel good about this one. My Dr. said he hopes he's giving me 'n nice christmas present. I hope so too. Ann, my dr did not tell me to stay off my feet, so I'm sure your long hours won't make a difference. If it is your time to have a baby, it will happen, no matter how stressed out or busy you are.


Ann - December 14

Hi Elizabeth, I am glad your iui wasn't too bad! Now the waiting game is here...did you get the hcg shot? I got a half dose and am supposed to go back to the dr tomorrow (Thursday) to make sure the o happened. If it did, my dr said she will schedule a blood test for me on 12/27 (assuming af doesn't arrive). When do you go back?


Elizabeth - December 15

Hi Ann.

I got the hcg shot on Monday after my Sono. I don't know if it was that, but I had terrible cramps yesterday and the day before. Luckily that is gone now. Now I'm waiting for AF. My Dr. told me I don't have to come in before that. Good luck to everyone in the 2WW!


Ann - December 15

Elizabeth, maybe the cramps were you oing!! I can't believe only 2 days have past. I am so impatient during the 2ww.


Sonya - December 15

Hey ladies, well I went in for my post-IUI u/s where they confirmed that I ovulated. Blood test on 12/22 to know one way or the other. Also scheduled my injectibles consult b/c doctor said if two months of IUI on clomid doesn't work, no sense in wasting more time when injectibles are more potent...I'm hopeful I can skip the consult after my blood test come back +, but gotta cover my bases!


Ann - December 15

Sonya, when did you do your iui?


Sonya - December 16

Ann, I did it 12/9. Are you going to do a post-IUI u/s to make sure you ovulated?



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