Just startin Clomid Jan 2007
316 Replies
Mzwest83 - May 17

Hi everyone! I am 10 weeks today! So I am past my M/C stage which is such a great relieve. ( I had two early M/C in a row last year) I am fully in my maternity cloths now and the doctor is fully expecting to catch a second heart beat on monday. People in my family take it in to ways either yah! Or I am so sorry. Personally I don't care if there is one or One hundred! My job sucks because they are not willing to work with me. I am a aide so I have to pull and turn my patients every two hours and I usually have ten . Will me being high risk and getting bigger I don't feel like I can keep doing it much longer. But they have told me they don't have anything else for me to do( when I know they do). I am the insurance carrier so I really don't know what to do !


mother2Bsoon - May 17

Hi MZ! I am so happy for you. Unfortunately, I have miscarried. But, God is still awesome and I know my time is coming really soon. I am still amazed and thrilled with your progress. As always, I remain in prayer for you:-)


Mzwest83 - May 17

mother2Bsoon ~ I am so sorry for your lost. If you need anyone to talk to please let me know. How far along were you. I was 5 and 8 weeks with my last two. Again I am so sorry.


mother2Bsoon - May 17

Hey Girl! I feel pretty good. Everyday with God's help I get stronger and stronger. I found out monday which would have made me 9 wks and 1 day. I am actually going through naturally, but will know definitely on Monday if I need to have a D&C on Tuesday. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. But, I am so happy for you and encouraged by your testimony:-) Many baby blessings!


Mzwest83 - May 22

Just had my U/S yesterday. I got to see how big baby has gotten in just the one month. He/She was shy, Kept putting hands over eyes and curling up!


mother2Bsoon - May 23

That is wonderful!!!


Mzwest83 - May 23

Have you talked to our dr about ttc again? Do you want to try?


mother2Bsoon - May 24

Hi MZ - we are going to try again. She said to wait at least two months before we begin taking clomid again. However, I am believing God that everything will work like clock work with out any assistance from provera and clomid. I can only imagine what is in store for me. How are you feeling?


Mzwest83 - May 29

I am feeling better. I live on ginger ale! Just bought some maternity shorts. They arenot what I would nomarlly wear ( they are solid brown and solid navy) but I paid 3 bucks a piece at target for them. I am trying not to spend to much money on cloths because this will be my last.


mother2Bsoon - May 30

How's your nausea? Is the ginger ale helping? Many baby blessings!


julie2007 - May 30

hi ladies - ( i think i have taled with you b4 MZwest - and i know i have talked with M2B -- how are you feeling??) i hope you don't mind me jumping in with a question - but my OB just told me that she is sending me for a bunch of BW tomorrow (cd3) and will have me take a clomid challenge (???) and more BW on cd 10 - does anyone know what this involves and do you have any thoughts on it that you can share? my story - i am in late 30's got pg (after tttc for a while) with a baby girl in dec - had a m/c in early mar - and have been trying since with no luck. i seem to "O" regularly cd 14 -16 =so i am not sure why i'd be put on clomid - i thought that was to make you O = ? i'd appreciate any thing you guys can share. my OB left me all this info in a message - and will be in surgery for the rest of today - and i have to go tomorrow AM for the testing. thanks ladies!!


Mzwest83 - May 30

I am not sure about the vlod work. Sirry! I am sure it will have a progestrone (sp?) test to make sure you have enought to support a pg but what else they are testing you for not Idea. Sorry I could not be much of help for you. Being put on clomid could also be to let you have more "targets" (eggs) for your hubbies sperm to hit. Is there a nurse you can call and ask about the BW? As for me I just bought my first baby thing! It is a pooh moses basket. I have been waiting because I have been scaried of yet another m/c, but I will be 12 w tommorrow and feel like I am in the safe.


mother2Bsoon - June 1

Hi Ladies! All is well over. I am feeling ready good. I am so ready to start again...however, I am praying for a miracle that after my m/c that it will help things get back on track. Either way, July we can start clomid!!! Julie - I think MZ is right about the bloodwork. They are checking for progesterone...and will monitor you closely with clomid. They are just trying to create more eggs so that it will be easier targets for your dh swimmers. MZ - I am so happy for you!!! This is so exciting... As Always, praying for God's very best for you!


Mzwest83 - June 5

Well I will be 14weeks in a few days. I am doing good exept i now have satic (sp) pain! It hurts to even walk. I have another Dr. Visit in 2 weeks. Then we found a high risk doctor in our city who is the #1 high risk doctor in Ohio and has been on discovery channel a few times. I see him in one week. I really don't want to change doctors in the middle of a PG but hubby is just worried and wants to make sure every thing is ok and wants the best of the best. So I had a few people pull some strings.( I work at ta hospital and know some doctors) What do ya'll think?


Mzwest83 - June 17

Hey how is everyone?


hopefulljules - July 7

Hi! everyone! Just wanted to see how things are going!



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