930 Replies
MelissaR - April 3

Nina, wow triplets!!! How exciting!! I pray all goes well for you, you will do great I'm sure! My sister gave birth to quintuplets in Oct. and she is doing great! Well I'll be 29 weeks on Friday and everything is looking great! The dr. is very pleased. The u/s looked great and we were able to get 4D pics of baby A, but B was not cooperating. I did get a call this afternoon saying that I didn't pass my glucose test, so now I have to do the 3 hr. test next Friday, ugh. The nurse is pretty sure I should pass it, since my numbers weren't real high. Well I guess that means I have to give up my little debbie snacks etc. I'm sure I'll make it, but it will not be easy on some days :o) Ktbee, how exciting you get to meet your little boy soon! I hope all continues to go well for you! cmelissa, how are you doing? We've missed hearing from you. Amy, I'll be keeping you in my prayers, that all goes well on the fet! I hope you're all having a great week!


Erica S - April 4

Hello Everyone,
I had my FET yesterday and we were a little disappointed to learn that we only had 1 out of the 3 embryos make it to transfer. The 1 that was transferred was a 9 cell and from what the Dr. said, it was "good". I have been having light cramping since yesterday, which I have never had with the previous 3 IVF's so I am hoping this means something good is taking place. I will have my Beta on April 16th, I just hate the TWW, it is so stressful! I will try and read all the posts later to get caught up on what is happening with everyone.



AmyR - April 9

Hey ladies I'm doing well... been seeing a naturpoath for the past month or so.. I am scheduled fot a FET on 4/25 and they will thaw 4 embies and grow them to blast, and then transfer 2! Wow Nina 3 babies-- holy cow!!! Best of luck to you. MelissaR - Hope your glucose test goes well the 2nd time around... best of luck to you! Justine sorry your not feeling well... hope you're feeling better soon.. Hey there Tina.. the girls are adorable!! Erica- best of luck to you on this FET!!! Keep us posted. Hello to everyone else....


aish - April 9

hey all i have a quest. for MELLISA R.........
u had doxcylline flush and i told this to my doc she said i have no idea about that.Can u tell me name of the procedure so that i can tell this to my RE i am going for my post ivf consu. on wedn.i hope to hear from u soon.


MelissaR - April 9

Aish, The doxycycline flush, from my understanding, is when they use a liquid form of the antibiotic doxycycline and go in w/a camera into your uterus w/the antibiotic, flushing it in to clean out anything that may be causing the embryos to not implant. If you want you can call the clinic I went to and ask the nurses there specifically the number is 1-800-334-1409. I hope you are able to do it!! It was worth it for us. Good luck! I pray it all goes well for your next cycle!


aish - April 10

Thanx Mellisa R i will try to call the office ASAP .
I will tell my RE i hope they will try to do it this time..
thankyou so much again.


Erica S - April 10

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to drop in and Say Hi to everyone. Nothing new on my end, just the waiting game for Beta. Nina, WOW 3 Babies, How Awesome!!! AmyR I hope you get a BFP from the FET on 4/25! Aish, I also had the doxcycline flush my first Fresh Embryo Transfer and this last Frozen Embryo Transfer, mine were given to me just before the transfers and it was a pink looking fluid. DH & I are going camping this coming up weekend to try and keep our minds busy so we are not thinking about getting another BFN. It is so hard not to think about the last 3 BFN, but I must say I am not too hopeful with this attempt either. I am having no "implanting symptoms" pretty much I am feeling the same way I have all the other times, and to top that all off I am feeling AF symptoms coming along. My Beta is scheduled for the 16th, and AF should show up just a day before or on that day (YIKES). Well enough crying from me, hope everone had a nice Easter and I can't wait to read more BFP on this site!

Baby Dust!!!!!!!!


aish - April 10

hi Mellisa R ...just now i called them they told me that it is called Doxy flush ...same as u told me but i dont know why my doc dont know about it...well i am going tomorrow and i hope she will recommend me...Thanx


MelissaR - April 10

Aish, I'm glad you were able to call, I really hope it works out for you!! Erica, I can totally understand and relate to having 3 bfn's. Hang in there!! On our last try I would have sworn AF was coming, things looked and felt the same as the previous 3 bfn's but I am now 29 wks pregnant w/twins! I will keep you, and the others trying, in my prayers!!!


Tina 5 - April 11

Nina- WOW, congrats honey - you are blessed 3times, that is such wonderful news! I know two people so far that have triplets (and they still have hair on top of their heads lol). It is tough with multiples at first, lot of work, but so rewarding. My girls are now almost 6 mos old and they now laugh and smile at each other, hold hands and play so nice. I love it!! I will send you some pictures, send me your email address, I have some uploaded that I can share. They are getting big FAST! Ktbee - 35 wks, wow that is great, I am so glad things are going well for you. Are you still working? I remember I was taken out of work at 28wks then I had regular contractions and ‘lived’ in the hospital ev weekend for false alarms. I think I was 1 cm dialated at 35 wks too and did not progress much more by 38 wks, so they decided to sched a c-section. I hope ev thing goes well, you will be seeing your little one soon, congrats, let us know how you are doing. Justine - I am sorry to hear you are bad w/the OCD, Good luck on the house buying and give those babies a hug from me. Back to work soon huh, I hated that part, but then again, now, it is also a nice break once and while  Melissa - that stinks on your glucose test, I know those tests are the worse and I would hate to give up the sweets too, esp when pregnancy is such a good excuse to eat all of it. How is your blood pressure? Any excessive swelling? Keep in touch. Amy - GOOD LUCK on your FET on 4/25, I am hoping this will be your last!! Keep your chin up. Oh, and thank you all for your advice/suggestion on our embryo dilemma. We ended up opting to donate them to research, it was a nice happy-medium for DH and I, so I am very happy they will be going to research, which in turn might help someone. Aish - welcome aboard and hope it works out for you. Erica - I had cramping when we were in our 2ww, and got a BFP - so it might be implantation, so keep your chin up, good luck. Baby dust all and hope you had a nice Easter!


Erica S - April 17

Just a quick note, had Beta done yesterday and it is a BFN AGAIN. We will no longer attempt IVF and will move forward with adoption. Best of luck to everyone who is ttc through IVF, I will check in perodically to see how everyone is doing but will no longer be posting.

Take care and Baby Dust to All!!


ktbeee - April 18

Hi girls, hope all is well with everyone!! Glad you are doing great Nina, I remember when we were talking about how we both were in the same boat and what not. Tina, glad the girls are doing great, 6 mo already? Time flew by!! Well I am almost through with my 37th week. Ummm yea, HE IS HUGE!! She is ordering an ultrasound today to see how big he is because she thinks my body won't be able to put him into labor so we are talking about an inducement date. He is bothering my back a lot and sharp pains down below but he isn't moving it seems like. He is still high up there. I was in my lamaze class and there was a girl due next month behind me who was pg with twins and I was WAY bigger then her. So I am nervous but will keep everyone posted. I am still working and will work till I go and then I am taking 12 weeks. It will be nice to have most of the summer off and being my family has a lake place, I will be there quite a bit!!


Tina 5 - May 1

Hello ladies. I wanted to stop in to say hello. The site has been pretty quiet lately, hope all is well. I wanted to send out this link for those that are expecting/have multiples...http://www.nomotc.org/index.php?option

It is a mom's group, where you get together w/other moms w/mult and talk and share experiences. I am interested and will check it out...
Ktbee - how excited, you are almost there!! Have they set a date for you yet? Are you going natural or c-section. with a big baby, they might perfer a c-section. Let us know, best of luck! Melissa - hows are you doing, still on mod. bes rest? Justine, how are you you? How are the little ones, send updated pics! Nina - how are you momma? I can't believe trips, how exciting, how is evthing? Amy - how did you FET go? I need updates :-) Baby dust to you...good luck to all and hello!


AmyR - May 1

HEy ladies I had my FET and now the beta day is this Friday 5/4/07. I had 1 blast, and 1 morula transferred. THey had to thaw 12 embies to get these 2, and the morula would become a blast in 12 hours. I am encouraged and having some symptoms, but it's so hard to say becuase of the PIO and E2... It's such a long road.... Hope everyone else is doing well.... Hi to everyone!!!! I'll let you all know how Friday goes.


MelissaR - May 2

Hi, Ktbee I can't wait to hear how everything is going for you! Well I just found out today that they scheduled my c-section for June 4th at 3pm. I'm going to pray someone goes earlier so I can have the morning slot, but if not, I'm sure I'll do fine. Of course they could come anytime, but the dr. is pretty sure by the looks of things that I will make it until then. I'm supposed to be going to the dr. every week, but he had me cancel this week, since all is going so well. The u/s estimates that they are over 4lb each! And they are only going to get bigger!!! I'm still just on the modified bedrest (min. of 4hr/day). I'm anxious to meet them, but still trying to get things ready for them here, w/help of course. Amy, I'm glad you feel good about the transfer. I'll be keeping you in my prayers, I know the waiting game sucks!! It's hard! I'm praying for a bfp for you!!! Nina, How are you doing? I can't remember how far along you are. Have a great week everyone!


Tina 5 - May 8

Amy - SO???? How did your beta go on Friday, I am dying to hear your BFP! I am so hoping for you hon! Ktbee - Did you have your little one yet? How are things,,,I am so excited for you! Best of luck! Nina - momma! How are you love? Have you seen the u/s of the trips yet? I loved seeinf the two of them moving all around,they used to box all the time, it was a riot. How are things going? Melissa - won't be too long now, less than a month! WOW, I am so excited! I look back now, and it was tough at first, but we got through it, the sleep etc. Try to take shifts if you can, I know my husband took ealry shift, from 10-1 or so then I was up w/them after, since I was home. Is your hubby planning time off when you have them? Have you thought of names, Ic an't remember. hello all and have a good day



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