IUI in April - Part 1
165 Replies
Sonyamac - April 4

Chas, I found this on Babyhopes.com
If I had a HCG shot, when can I take a pregnancy test and get accurate results?
Home pregnancy tests (HPTs) are designed to detect hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), a hormone released by the placenta right after the embryo begins implanting into the uterine lining. The hormone is released in the urine of a woman who is pregnant. For best results use pregnancy tests that detect the lowest number of units. These will be more sensitive and give you the earliest results.

Many women are prescribed hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) injections (Profasi, Pregnyl) to trigger ovulation or to lengthen the luteal phase. hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is slowly cleared from the body. This may give a false positive on a pregnancy test. Some trace amounts of hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) can remain in the body as long as 14 days or longer after the last hCG injection. Thus, even after 10 days, there are still several hundred units of hormone available be excreted into the urine and to give a false-positive home pregnancy test.

If you had an hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) shot and want to take a home pregnancy test, you must keep this in mind. Approximately one half of drug is removed each 28 hours and so for accurate results you should wait at least 12 days and preferably 14 days from an hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) injection to be confident that a qualitative test is giving a reliable answer. If you test too soon after an hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) shot, you might get a false positive. Most doctors recommend that you wait 14 days after a 10,000 IU injection, 10 days after a 5,000 IU injection, or 7 days after a 2,500 IU injection.

Two consecutive quantitative hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) beta blood tests can determine whether the hCG is from an injection or pregnancy. If the hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) level increases by the second test then there is distinct probability that you are pregnant.

Hope it was helpful. I never had a positive line show up, as I said I was testing around 10dpiui, and up.


chele - April 4

CHAS, I never experienced all of that.... after a few day's I did experience moments of nausia but it went away quick or tender nips but not the exhaustion you are experiencing. I guess it depends on the person. Yes, I would wait until the 14days since then you will not be given false hope or the opposite... just wait until it's time that's my opinion. Feel better. SONYAMAC, they say that the HCG stay's in your for approx 10 days.... after ten days if you do a hpt it should show up neg because the HCG via the shot is out of your system. Now it is the same hormone that will show up when your preggo but typically at 10-11dp the counts would not be high enough to register on the hpt. Basically you should be in the clear of the trigger meds by 10dp. Oops! I was positing as I read your comments and now that I'm at the bottom I see that you already had my answer. BABY DUST!


Chas - April 4

Thanks for all the info Sonyamac! Guess I will just have to wait it out. I will test 4/12 (that is what RE said) and if it's pos go in for a beta blood. I just can't stand this waiting !! How are you feeling? Any new symptoms?


Sonyamac - April 4

Hi Chas, I just feel tired, up a few times last night with the little one. My upset stomach is better, I was still nausea yesterday as well. I haven't noticed anything, cm is very thick, just like it is when AF is starting to show up...anyway, maybe your tiredness is a sign ...BABY DUST TO ALL...............Sonya


mama keya - April 4

Hi ladies how's everyone, I think I am doing really well with the 2ww I don't have the urge to test as a matter of fact I'm going to wait till the 12th (I'm supose to test on the 11th)so I can test with you Chas, that's what we are here for so we can wait together don't take it early because if you do and it's neg you are going to be going crazy wondering if it is because it was too early or if it's just neg. so be patient. Chele I hope you still stick around so we can help you thru your time of sitting out. Sonyamac i hope you are feeling better, Shanlou JG, Kl99, and Tanner how are you holding up?


tanner789 - April 5

ladies hoping i can get good opionions from you experts as some of you know i had my iui this past mon, well late last nite i had what seem like pms sypmtoms set in. i took a nap from 6:00-10:00pm woke up watched tv and was ready for bed again by 12:30, i also had a huge mood change and went from ok to terribley crabby didnt want my hubby to touch me or anything he was quite upset b/c we were suppose to bd again last nite to make sure we hit the right days but i was so miserable i said no and went to bed, today i was still irratable, moody, very tired all day, and having cramps like period cramps on and off. in fact i woke up 6:30 am with terribel cramps expectign lovely af to be there thank god she wasnt. i have been snacking all day too and peeing alot, and everythign im feeling just make me feel one day closer to getting a period. could i already have a period coming this soon if i ovulated this past sun or mon. i am only 3 dpiui(which by the way do you count iui as day one or day one as day after) im trying not to stress myself out too bad but these cramps are a dead ringer for af, please help clarify did anyone else feel like this after iui or trigger shot? my nurse told me today to think of these as possitive signs that implanatation could be happening-but isnt it too soon? and she also mentioned that with me taking the shot sat nite i shouldnt be feeling the hcg effect any longer b/c it doesnt stay with you that long, but why does everyone say wait to test and that it stays with you for 10days-im so confused. hope all of you are well and this 2ww ends on a good note for all of us


mama keya - April 5

Wow Tanner I did have light cramps after my IUI but not AF cramps and I still have to urine alot more , and eating everything I can think of but the eating part can just be me being greedy. So I'm not sure what's going on I know it's hard but try not to think about it so much as long as AF don't come don't stress.


tanner789 - April 5

ill try mama keya thanks


Sonyamac - April 5

Good morning ladies, I had cramps last night, I expected to wake up and have some spotting, it feels like AF is arriving, but you never know! I just feel off, I was so tired last evening....oh well. I hope that everyone is dong well on the 2WW...Tanner you should read what I pasted on the forum from Baby Hopes, about the hcg shot. hope that you feel better.


Shanlou - April 5

Hi Everyone, Tanner789 day one after the IUI starts the first day after the IUI was done. I am on day 8 post iui. I have no idea if I have any symptoms. My breasts were sore, it went away but now they are tender again. I think it is just the hormones and the onset of AF. I won't test until April 11th because I have waisted a lot of coin on pregnancy test and I have come to learn that if I just wait the 14 days post ovulation my period will show up. I read "Taking charge of your fertility" and it really taught me how to tell if/when I had ovulated so the 14 days was always the same. Now with the drugs the guess work is taken away and I know when I ovulated for sure soooooooo April 11th will be my test day. So close yet so far away. Good luck to everyone else and I'd love to hear who the 2ww'er are doing, mentally that is! The wait sucks! But in the end it will be worth it!


chele - April 5

MamaKeya, glad the wait is going well with you... I too am one that does not have an urge to pos.... I guess I just don't want the disappointment so I let it go until I miss a day of af... the of course..hahaha You bet, I'll still be checking in to see how all of you are doing. Of course I also love the support all of you give to me! Hi TANNER, hmmm I look back and I do remember a couple times when I had that b--chy day or two but don't know if it was the meds or me!hahaha I really don't think af would be coming that soon especially if you are a 28-30something day person. Maybe the nurse is right, maybe it's something else :0) As for the HCG not sure what she meant because if you look it up anywhere it will tell you that HCG stay's in your sytem for up to 10 days.... to see you could get the $1 ovulation test and take it, if the line is dark then you still have it in your system..... I'm wishing you all a bfp!!!


mommywannabe - April 5

Hi ladies, I hope you don't mind me barging in on your thread. Sonyamac told me to take a look over here. DH got his S/A results back and I think IUI is going to be our route. I notice Tenk on this board. She's on another thread I post on. Hi Tenk!! Hope you all don't mind me being here.


tanner789 - April 5

well thanks ladies for your input, today was another bad day very miserable ,emtional and extremely tired, i have been taking ovulaiton tests veeryday b/c i had some left over to check when the hcg leaves my body, today was a very faint second line so by sat i expect it to be gone. i keep swearing af is coming but i dont know if im just trying to prepare myself for the bfn or af, but its good to hear some of you think af wouldnt be coming this soon. mommawannabe welcome abroad i hope iui is the key for you. sonyamac what cd are you on-how close to maybe af-you sound liek ur having symtpoms like me. shanlou hope you get a bfp this month and maybe its a good sign some sore boobs started coming back-chele thanks again for your replies you help me so much as i talk to you on another bd too. best of luck to all of us


Chas - April 5

Welcome mommywannabe. I read your post on the other thread. We too deal with sperm issues. Dh's sperm counts have varied somewhat. The best advice is to try all the vitamins like they said. It does take a few months to get in their system though. We had our first IUI with a post wash count of 16 mill it failed. The second one was only .8 million post wash. (dh was sick and wasn't taking supplements) I was disapointed, but it just shows that it can vary from month to month. His very first SA said 13 million. All the other things were good. It's just a guessing game!! and a lot of luck it seems like. We are still trying, I am okay. So, we will see. Hopefully I can give you a success story soon!!! Oh, and the supplement dh takes is Proceptin. You can find it online. It's kind of expensive, but I believe it works. Dh's count had risen from the original 13 million to 86 million. Hang in there, and good luck !


Sonyamac - April 5

Hi Ladies, welcome mommywannabe, I hope that you find this stuff helpful for you. tanner I am on cd 8, I usually spot for about 2 days before i start a flow, cmy last spotting was March 13-my cycles are usually 24-26 days in lenght. Shanlou and I had iui the same am at the same hospital, we are both on cd8. I feel like af is on it's way, which would be spotting for me tomorrow or the next....but I am hopeful.....maybe your symptoms are the really thing...I thought the same in Oct 2005-and I was pregnant! Hang in there, BABY DUST TO ALL.....................................Sonya


tanner789 - April 6

sonyamac do you mean 8dpiui or aftual cd 8 thats seems too weird. well whatever i hope your spotting doesnt show as well as af, my face broke out really bad tonight like out of nowhere just like right b4 af, this sucks!!!!! so the symptoms you had b4 ur last pregnancy in oct you fel tlike af was coming too? i hope im wrong



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