Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor PART 2
1080 Replies
TerriT - December 15

Well~ I am tired, hungry, my temps went up some more this morning:) Other than that, no. I seem to have a lot of discharge also. But, I think these are all AF signs also, so who knows!!! AF is due on Sunday and so I guess I will know then. Dawn~ will my temp drop tomorrow or Sunday if I am pg?


TerriT - December 15

Dawn~ oh yeah, I have had no AF cramps this cycle. I don't know if that means anything, but none and I usually have them the week leading up to it. I think I am 12 dpo so I could test, but I am scared.


jen327 - December 15

Hi, I am new to this blog. I have PCOS and have for years. My hubby and I tried for years to conceive and couldnt. I recently bought the electronic fertility monitor and used it for 1 month. Turns out I was wrong about when i was ovulating. The kit was so easy. I decided to buy one new because my doctor said they remember the last persons cycle so it can take months to refresh them. I used it one more and we are now 5 weeks preg. after yearas of trying. I wish i had bought it earlier. Oh, I have also been on Metformin for PCOS for 5 months.


jen327 - December 15

Oh, one more thing, the first 4 months we used the clearblue easy test kit that was not electronic. I had such a hard time reading them, I was so confused and discouraged. I was apparently wrong too. THe electronic kit was so easy, it basically says "high" "low" "peak". So it was so easy to know when to have sex ;) before on just the sticks I was so confused. Well worth the money. Oh and it turned out I was not ovulating until the 18th not the 14th like most women. So all those months we were never even close.


TerriT - December 17

Hi ladies...well tomorrow is the day that AF is scheduled to arrive. No symptoms or signs of anything. My temp is still above 98 and so I am curious to see what transpires. Wish me luck? Where is everyone at in their cycles? Sweetpea~ are ya hanging in:)? Babydust to all!


TerriT - December 17

OH MY GOSH~ I"M PREGNANT!!!!!!! I am still in such a state of shock! No AF this morning and so I went and bought a digital test and it said PREGNANT!! I still cannot believe it! Sweetpea~ Hang in there cuz you and I were in the same boat for so long! I know it is just a matter of time! I wish you all the very best...thank you for all of the support that you guys have given me..I will still stay on the boards because you are all like family now!:)


fatboy - December 17

Terri!!! OMG!!! Good for you! I had a feeling that HSG would work. YEE HAW!!! WHOO HOO!!! Sweetpea, how ya doin? It's our turn now! Welcome Jen! You can call me Dawn...fatboy is my dog's name.


TerriT - December 18

Dawn~So, this could be the cycle for you as well since you just had your HSG. I am nauseated and I feel bloated and gassy. I am still in shock:)We used a digital and so it disappears after an hour, otherwise I'd still be looking at it! I am thinking good thoughts for all of you guys!


Happiness4e - December 18

HiTerri, I am so happy for you , OMG , finally. Good for you and have a happy 9months. I am not sure if you remember me I use to post with you guys. Again I am so happy for you. Congratulations


fatboy - December 18

My hopes are high, Terri! If not this month I start clomid next month, so maybe in the next couple of months. Anyway, I am so excited! It feels almost like I got my bfp! I love hearing good news! BTW, for those who know Leigh Ann she hasn't had time to post much, but things are going good with her. She got her second ultrasound the other day for her 10 wks. Just thought i'd give everyone an update since she hasn't had the time lately. Baby Dust and Belly Rubs!


TerriT - December 18

Happiness4e~ Ofcourse I remember you! Thank you so much! How are things going with you? Dawn~ tell Leighann hello for all of us! I am sooo sick this morning! I am sitting at my desk and feeling oh so nauseous! But, I am thrilled!!!!Babydust to all of us!


Parul - December 18

Congrads TerriT!!!! I am soo happy for you!!! A little update on myself...I am 6 weeks 3 days today...and morning sickness is morning noon and night....seeing doctor this Thursday for possible meds. I told you gals...the domino effect has started!!!!


Sweetpea - December 18

Terri-I'm so excited for you!!! We've been trying for so long its about time for some good news! YAY!!!!


Sweetpea - December 18

I'm 5dpo. AF was late because I didn't understand how my dr. wanted me to take the progesterone supp. Doesn't matter now, figured it all out. I probably won't be able to try this cycle, df has to travel for work :( Dawn I'll be on clomid again for the first 2007 cycle.


TerriT - December 18

Sweetpea~ Thank you:) I am pulling for you! We hung in there together for almost a year:) I am sending lots of babydust your way:) And, hey...don't count this cycle out...remember Nicole8 got a BFP when her husband was out of town off and on:)


fatboy - December 19

Sweetpea, i cant remember if I had asked you this, but have you had the HSG done? Just curious!



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