Bleeding during ovulation
255 Replies
BRANDY - December 6

Hi everyone! I need some help! My husband and I are trying to concieve and have been for a long time. My doctor put me on Metformin for four months-and did absoluetly nothing! So then I went in for an HSG(When they put the catheder in your cervix and inject ink to see if your tubes are blocked.) Oh my Gosh! That was the most pain I've ever felt in my entire life! Cramping like crazy! But good news...they are clear.I guess the only thing wrong is that I don't ovulate. I haven't ahd my period for two years...except for twice when I bled for a month straight. I go in on Thursday for Clomid. DOES ANYONE HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM I DO? DOES ANYONE HAVE A SUCCESS STORY FROM THE TREATMENT I'M ABOUT TO UNDERGO? DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW LONG IT WILL TAKE TO GET PREGNANT ON CLOMID?HELP ME! I WANT TO BE A MOMMY!! :(


Kerry - December 10

I am so glad that I found this sight. These storys sound alot like mine. My doctor did say that it is normal to bleed during ovulation and tht you can still concieve during this time. Even knowing this it still worries me.I do have 2 beautiful children and my husband and I are hoping for number 3. With my first 2 I had no problem. In fact it took us just 2 weeks after we decided to have him to concieve him. My second was the same. My third is NOT! I was worried because I never had a problem before and now I am 36 and it has been 6 year from the last. I started bleeding when I started trying to concieve. I only know this because this is when I started test for my ovulation time. It has been 5 months now and I finally, after reading this,feel hopeful. Thank you ! I do have a question. When is your best time during this time to concieve? Before,during or after? Is it normal to have more bleeding the 2nd day? Is there a difference between red and browish red blood? My started out brownish the 1st couple of months and for the past few times has been red. Does anyone know? Thank you for your help and I will keep everyone in my prayers.


Cheryl - December 16

Re: all of the ones below - especially December 10, 2005 entry. Yes - brown and red are normal colours for the spotting during ovulation - usually brown at first - heavier the second day (Reddish) and then back to brown. My husband I and are also trying to conceive (1st time). My cycle has been anywhere from 28-36 days and this months is the first month since going off the pill that I have had spotting. I checked it all out and it's all normal.

Good luck everyone!


MelissaK - December 18

Hi everyone - Hope I can jump in here. I am on cd15 and woke this morning to find HUGE spotting and bright red on the tissue when wiping. This month is my first cycle of Clomid - 100 mg. DH and I have been bd non stop since day 9. I have had a positive OPK since day nine - even today. Anyone have a similar situation?


trying for #3 - December 18

MelissaK welcome aboard, now this is where am confused, I had that egg white stretchy mucus yesterday and even today in which today is cd 12 for me, does that mean that I am ovulating, I AM SO CONFUSED!!!!!


Julie - January 5

My husband and I have been trying for a baby for 12 months. Last year i misscarried at around 6 weeks. We found out i was pregnant 9 weeks ago and went for a routine scan last week which made me 8 weeks from my last period. No heartbeat was detected so they advised me to return today 5.1.06. After going today for the scan, they advised me that there was still no heartbeat and suggested a (ERPC Evacuation fo Retained Products of Conception) which is scheduled for next Wednesday. What is the chances that they could be wrong? as I have not experienced any bleeding and apart from the sickness, I still feel pregnant? This is both worrying and distressing for my husband and I as we so much want a child.


RENEEB - January 12

my husband and i miscarried our first baby nov 16 @ 14 weeks. i had to have a dnc. i waited for my first a.f. which took 5 1/2 weeks(dec 24) it was a relief because it meant it could happen again soon. im 21 years old and sunday (cd 16) i had and INTENSE PAIN in my lower lft abd. i could barely walk. the following morning (cd 17) i had a very very small amount of bright red blood only for about 4 hours, and only every other time i wiped. it also was very painful ( i have never before had a tender cervix) to have sex. and still today ( cd 20) it hurts in the same spot, but very dull. my dr is jerking me around and has no answer but to get a blood test in 14 days. have any of u experienced INTENSE PAIN durring mid cycle bleeding? any thoughts on what this might be? well good luck to all ttc!!!


reneebiggs - January 12



RENEEBIGGS - January 12

my husband and i miscarried our first baby nov 16 @ 14 weeks. i had to have a dnc. i waited for my first a.f. which took 5 1/2 weeks(dec 24) it was a relief because it meant it could happen again soon. im 21 years old and sunday (cd 16) i had and INTENSE PAIN in my lower lft abd. i could barely walk. the following morning (cd 17) i had a very very small amount of bright red blood only for about 4 hours, and only every other time i wiped. it also was very painful ( i have never before had a tender cervix) to have sex. and still today ( cd 20) it hurts in the same spot, but very dull. my dr is jerking me around and has no answer but to get a blood test in 14 days. have any of u experienced INTENSE PAIN durring mid cycle bleeding? any thoughts on what this might be? well good luck to all ttc!!!


samantha - January 13

In my discharge their is a little bit of blood in there and it has been when i get off my period and before i egt it is it normal and is my body ok ?


roughdraft - January 13

Hi - I'm a new user - I had an early miscarriage 1.5 years ago. I'm 35. Last fall I started to have heavy periods with spotting around mid-cycle. I went to my GYN; he removed a benign cervical polyp, did an endometrial biopsy (normal) and a pap smear (normal). Path on the polyp was benign. I have an ulatrsound scheduled for next week, to look at uterine lining, but right now I am at mid-cycle and just had a huge rush of bright red blood and mucus. It's more than spotting, so I'm very worried - but telling myself all my tests came abck normal. I shouldn't be pregnant (we're not currently trying). Has anyone else had heavier bleeding like this, mid-cycle? I'm anxious about this. Thanks!


Penny - January 19

I had intercourse on cycle Days 6,7,8 and now Im on Day 10 and I have brownish you think I have a chance of being pregnant? I hear the sperm can survive for a few husband is away now for a few days. PLEASE HELP :)


Kelsha - January 26

My name is Kelsha, and my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant now, this month for two years. I have had pretty irregular periods since I started them at 12.
I was told a few years ago that my hormone levels were close, to me having PCOS. I do definitely have the cysts. I am not sure now if my hormone levels are to the point that I really do have PCOS.
I miscarried in the middle of Dec. Everything that goes with that, I am not really sure when my last period was. It took a loong time for a pregnancy test to not detect the HcG anymore.
I had a period starting the 9th of Jan, lasted only 4 days, and it was very light.
I too, have been experiencing mid cycle bleeding...And am very greatful to you all for sharing your own stories.
Thanks for all your information you post.
My husband and I are trying like crazy this month. We'll see what happens.


emmak - January 30

Hello MelissaK I too have had a similar experience. I have been on Clomid for 3 months now and on day 15 or 16 of my cycle I start to bleed - sort of a moderate flow, red in colour. This goes on for about 10 -14 days and then stops (just when my normal period short be starting!). I do a pregnancy test, it comes back negative and I start the cycle all over again. I haven't a clue what's going on - anybody out there have an idea?


natachade - February 4

Hi, I am having the same problem, Just before ovulation I have spotting and then when I have intercource with my husband I start to bleed more.. I have 1 kid and I am trying to get pregnant again, I feel that in the last 2 months that it is not happening because of my bleeding. Also when i got pregnant to my daughter i never had this type of bleeding at ovulation and got pregnant the first month that we tried. Now its been 4 months and still I am not having any luck.. Also I have a apt. with my Doc. next month just 4days before ovulation to see with a U/S what is happening inside. I thought that this was not a normal thing, but since reading all your answers I feel that I am not alone with this type of bleeding. and it is not a bad thing...Thanks


LEP - February 11

My husband and I have been trying for a few years to get prengnant. This past year we have been going to a specialist who has been doing lots of tests on us to see why we haven't been able to get pregnant on our own. I found out yesterday that i have edrometrial polyps and my doctor feels they should be removed. I have been referred to another specialist who will make the final decision if they will come out. If the polyp interferes with the egg and sperm, it may make it hard to get pregnant. Has anyone out there ever had this? If so, were you able to conceive after the removal of the polpys?



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