Anyone from Colorado out there?
119 Replies
celestia1977 - September 22

It may have been too early to test today, but we'll see in a while. I think I'll take one next Wed, and then again on the following Sunday. This weather is nice! You can always dress to be warm, but you can't dress down to be cold. How is your day going so far?


celestia1977 - September 22

Well, my dad called me about 1 1/2 hours ago and said my grandpa, whose health has been failing for 2 years now, has renal failure, and could die at any moment. He's lost mobility and speech and has been slowly deteriorating over time. It's sad to watch, so in a way, I'm glad he won't be suffering, but I'm still sad to see him go. He lives in MN, so my parents and I will be going up there for a little while.


lorih - September 22

I am so sorry to hear about your grandpa. I know how hard that is and even though you are glad that the suffering is going to be over it is such a hard loss. I have lost all my grandparents and when my grandma died in 2000 I felt the same way but was absolutely devastated nonetheless. I will keep your family in my thoughts. My day has been very uneventfull and boring. Only 2 customers today so a lot of down time. Hopefully we will see more people this weekend. Take care of yourself!


celestia1977 - September 23

Hi, I haven't heard more about my grandpa, so he's probably about the same. My parents said they aren't going up this weekend after all, so I'm not sure when we'll all go. Yes, it's hard. I lost my other grandpa in February, but that was so sudden, so it's a little different this time because we've been preparing for 2 years for this one to pass on, but for some reason he keeps hanging on. He's so deteriorated - he has Louie's disease - which I guess is like Parkinson's, only your brain deteriorates too. He's down to 107 lbs, and his brain has lost 25% capacity. So, we've kind of been expecting him to go before this time. He's not gone yet, but I guess we'll wait and see what happens.


celestia1977 - September 23

I take it you didn't break down yesterday and test, huh? Do you think you can hold out till next week? I think I'm gonna test on Wednesday, provided I'm still in CO. I guess I can still test Wednesday in MN too.


celestia1977 - September 23

nevermind - I saw your post from earlier - I'm sorry, it's too early to think...but at least I slept well last night. I don't know what I was thinking - sorry again that it was bfn - I would still try next week though :-)


lorih - September 23

I am glad you slept better last night. I almost tested again this morning but fought off the urge. I mean how many bfn's can a girl take after all. I may break down and test again tomorrow. I am thinking if I do not test positive tomorrow I may quit taking the progesterone so that I can get my cycle started again. Got any fun plans for the weekend? I am just working so nothing particularly fun with me. I think I definately want to build a fire tonight and watch a movie, that sounds like fun to me.


lorih - September 23

I am having some cramps today. Normally if I am not on clomid or progesterone I would have gotten af by now. So, of course I want to think of everything as a sign but I am sure they are just Af cramps. How are you feeling? Any unusual signs to report so we can obsess over them. It could be fun.


celestia1977 - September 24

I agree, it's hard to take BFNs. I'm trying to wait till the last possible moment, so I know for sure. It's hard though! I would still wait the full 2 weeks though before stopping the progesterone. You never know what could happen :-) AF will still start if you aren't pregnant. It just might take a little longer. I would wait a little bit more and see what happens. I know it's hard to think your having symptoms, and then it turns out to be progesterone side effects. Enjoy your fire and movie! My DH and step son moved all the furniture into the living room to clean the carpet, so I'm having trouble getting around anywhere and there's not many places to sit...they are sitting around being bored. LOL


celestia1977 - September 24

I have a step son who is 17, but he lives with his mom. My sister is also 17 (she's only 22 days older than he is). They are both seniors in high school and get along great.


celestia1977 - September 25

How are you doing, Lori? I'm doing fine. I had AF like cramps and hot flashes today. I haven't tested though. I'm too scared. My lower back has been aching too. Any symptoms for you?


celestia1977 - September 25

Hi again - I have insomnia once again, although it didn't help that the alarm was set for 2am for my DH to get up. I couldn't sleep after that, and I woke up with very, very slight twinges of nausea. I think it's probably just in my head. I made coffee and ate an egg, and nothing really happened. Just the same thing. I'm still going to wait till Wed to test though. Have a great day!


lorih - September 25

No symptoms for me. I tested yesterday and it was bfn and I will try again tomorrow before giving up hope for this month. My temps over the last couple of days have been on the low side. Do you temp? I sure hope it works out for you this month, I think your signs are encouraging. I will keep my fingers crossed. So Wednesday is the big day for you? I will make sure that I check the site that day. I am off on tues. and Wed. and not always good at getting on the computer on those days but I will be anxiously waiting. Will the HCG trigger shot be out of your system by then?


celestia1977 - September 25

Bummer that you don't have any signs. I hope you still get a BFP though! The HCG shot should be out by tonight. My doc told me to test Wed, cause the 2 weeks are up by then. I hope it works! Thank you for checking on your day off :-)


lorih - September 25

So is your name celestia or is it something else and I am surprised that I had not asked you before. Also are you keeping a BBT chart? I was curious what your temps this month have looked like. Mine over the last few days have gone down so that is another reason I think I am about to start. But who knows.


celestia1977 - September 25

Actually, my name is Kirsten (like KER-sten). I've always used Celestia because I like moons and stars (our baby's room has glow in the dark moons and stars all over the ceiling!) How about u, is your name Lori? I tried keeping a BBT chart, but my temp fluxes everywhere, every day. I bought a digital BBT monitor even, and my temp was still all over the place on the same time each day, so I just gave up. However, I think my norm is 97.8 (average), and my temp was 98.9 the last 2 days. I took my temp because I felt hot flashes and just feeling weak all over, like you do before you get a cold, do you know what I mean? Strange. I went to $ tree to get HPTs, but they were out! They had a whole BUNCH of ovulation kits though, but I didn't buy them.



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