*** The Tread That Holds Us Together ***
115 Replies
Kristi1 - May 12

Hi everyone...its Friday!! Thank God, I am so ready for a weekend! Not much to report here really. One of my best friends who I have known since we were 5 years old, and I work with, called me this morn and had me meet her in the conference room as she needed to talk to me....she is pg. She was scared to tell me seeing as this is #4 for her and she is not married and had no intentions of ever having more kids - was even faithfully taking bcp and got pg! I am ok with it right now, probably becuase I feel so bad for her and know she is really upset about the whole thing - this will actually be 4 kids/4 different dads. #1 was a right out of high school accident, #2 was with her now ex-husband, #3 was an accident at 31 years old which was just stupid at that age, and now #4 she was totally trying to prevent and it still happened! She says she prays for me to get pg all the time and look what happens. She has even seriously offered to have a baby for me! She is so so upset I feel so sorry for her, but the dad is a really great guy and they were already talking marriage before this happened, so i really think things will work out for her. So far I am ok with it, but i think as things progress and if i still do not get pg, that i will be jealous later, but i love her dearly and will do whatever i can to help her out! It justs so crazy to me how people get pg so easily when there is such a short amount of time that we are even fertile, it just amazes me that people get pg at all!! I was reading some about ovulation the other day and it said the once the egg is released it has like 23 hrs to be fertilized or something like that.....amazing. Well, everyone have a great weekend!!


stepmommel - May 12

Kristi1, it seems like that sort of thing happens all around me all the time and it is enough to drive a TTC woman INSANE! It's tough, I know. I actually had a situation the other day that struck me differently for once. a couple years back I lost contact with an old friend of 25 yrs and last I heard, she was TTC. I prepared myself when we found each other a week or so ago to be faced yet again with all her exciting stories of conceiving and having a child, etc. but it turns out that in three years she had no luck TTC even with all sorts of medical intervention and now they've decided to adopt internationally. It was an awkward position because I wasn't at all happy for her that she couldn't conceive, but at the same time I was almost relieved to not have to feel again like the only TTC person left alive. It was a pretty strange position to be in for once, but we talked a lot about what she went though, and she herself knows how it felt to be in a situation like you mentioned, so she and I were both able to be compassionate for one another. It was just so weird!


Shawna1 - May 15

Where is everyone? I hope you all had a great weekend!


Kristi1 - May 15

Hi everyone! Shawna I was wondering where everyone was as well!! Well, just so you all know, I will be on vacation starting this Friday and will not be back till the following Friday and will not be back to work till the 30th, and I usually post at work, so if ya'll do not hear from me for a while that is why. And this week is busy trying to get stuff ready for my trip both here at work and at home, so will try to get back by Thurs/Friday before we leave. Hope everyone had a great weekend and great Mother's Day (was it Mother's Day in Canada too?)! I dont really have much to report... Cd 23 for me, should start by next Tues, the 23rd, or there abouts - of course while I am on vacation!! So will let eveyone know when I get back from my trip if AF showed or not! Well, need to get back to work, will check back later!


stepmommel - May 15

Hi everyone. It's been so quiet in this forum lately! Well, I didn't get a chance to plug in my temps for a few days but when we got home from celebrating our anniversary and Mother's Day I did and FF tells me suddenly that I ovulated last Thursday (CD26)!! However, I refuse to get too excited about it because it did that once before and then a month later ripped it out from under me and said I hadn't after all. Today is CD30 & my temp was back to coverline, so I'm hoping tomorrow it goes up again... we'll see. I'm running out of energy with all the bd this month but don't want to miss any more opportunities. Doc appt in 3 more days! Krisit hope you have a relaxing vacation - where are you vacationing?


Shawna1 - May 16

So today is cd30 for me. I still have ewcm. I noticed some today. What's up with that? I wonder where everyone is? Shauna was posting a few times a day and now she hasn't been around in a while. Oh well, it has happened before. I'm glad we still have some loyal followers! Nothing else going on with me. My cycles have been going down a day for the last couple of months, so I should be expecting Af in a couple of days.


stepmommel - May 16

Hey Shawna, I didn't realize we were both so close in our cycles. You know, I'm totall confused when it comes to different CMs - seems mine always falls under the "fertile" category, but I think that's just part of my system still recovering from being on the pill for so long. FF even told me a couple of days ago that though I supposedly O'd I'm still having fertile CM which is contradictory. Hmmm... Good news is my temp stayed above coverline this morning, so maybe I really did O.


Shauna - May 17

Im still here guys....Had an emergency on Thursday and spend Thursday nite in hospital with my foster son who is 3. I AM LOYAL TO YOU!!! lol. I have been checking in on you guys everyday it is just crazy with looking after my daycare and my foster son has to be on inhalers every 2 hours so I am wiped. I also have been really bummed out about the whole AF thing and I don't want to sound like a cry baby. : ( I am CD7 today and I took my temp today and the damn thermometer is supposed to beep when it is 'finished' and I layed in bed for 20 minutes...it never beeped...I just recorded the temp it was on and got up...so will have to just set a limit on how long I will wait. I don't have the box for the thermometre anymore so I cant take it back. If it doesnt seem to be working right I will just go buy a better one. My mother's day was great...my mom came from Saskatoon and we made seafood...garlic shrimp.. baked potatos, steak....oh sooooo good. I love shrimp...we go to Red Lobster at least 5 times a year. I would like to go every month but yah know that gets expensive. I love you all... I have not abandoned you. I just needed to get over the shock...I got toooooo excited that AF might not show...After 5 years I cant expect results so soon... Shawna I am going to be coming up around the middle of June for my neices baptism...So that should make me feel better....NOT>>>>> keep typing ladies...I keep looking for you and bumping us up...Baby dust!!!!


Kristi1 - May 17

Hi everyone! Things have just be busy here trying to get stuff done at work and at home!! Nothing much to report...I am on CD 25 and had a little bit of spotting yesterday (which is normal for me about 3 days before AF comes)....so not holding out much hope. More disappointed that I will probably have AF while on vacation than anything!! Hope she is not a bad one, may have to take the heating pad with me just in case ;-) Stepmommel, we are going to Memphis, Tennessee for 5 days then going to Eureka Springs Arkansas for 2 days then back home. We didnt plan this, but turns out that we are getting back memorial weekend, so I get an extra day on my vacation time from work!! Well, I have tons to do....I will post again before I leave!! Baby dust!


stepmommel - May 18

Well, I'm thuroughly confused now. My temp dropped just below coverline this morning. I'm at CD33 and 7DPO. Any ideas on what this means? Does it confirm that I definitely didn't O yet? FF didn't change it's mind like id did last month to say I hadn't o'd which is what I was totally expecting, so does that mean there's still hope? Any input ladies? I suppose I'll find out soon enough - my doc appt is conveniently this afternoon (3:45 California time). Kristi, have wonderful and relaxing trip and I'll keep my fingers crossed that AF will stay AWAY! Shauna sorry things have been so crazy lately... maybe it's a good thing as it'll help keep your mind preoccupied??? Shawna, how about you? AF still staying away?


Elena - May 18

Hello!!! Well I just went to the doctor's on Monday and found out that my PLACENTA PREVIA IS GONE!! yayyyyy. Which means I can be sexually active with my hubby!! It's been 3 months without it and I was going crazy along with him! lol... But Luke is doing great he currently weights 15 oz. By next visit they said he will weigh 1lb. His heart beat is 148. He is doing good along with me. To stepmommel this is my 1st pregnancy I tried for almost a year. I had to have surgery to get pregnant. My tubes were blocked with scar tissue. I also have PCOS. The doctor told me that after the surgery it should take me 2 months to get pregnant boy was he right exactly 2 months for me. I want everyone to keep hope because, if I could get pregnant then anyone else could. I just needed a little help. Hope everyone is well!*****BABY DUST*****


Shawna1 - May 18

No Af yet. I was thinking today or tomorrow she might arrive, but who the hell knows! Sorry to hear your news Shauna. Sometimes our kids scare the hell out of us and it is so frustrating when you can't do anything about it. I am just running out to do some plant shopping with my mom, but please check back later, I have a frightening story to share. Have a great holiday Kristi.


stepmommel - May 18

Hi Elena! Thanks for the encouragement. Sometimes it just seems like it's never gonna happen, but it's always great to hear that it really DOES happen even when nothing looks too promising! I'm anxious for my appt this afternoon and hopefully getting the go ahead to start SOME sort of treatment myself (we talked Clomid, so we'll see.) Keep your fingers crossed for me that I leave this doctor's appt with something to look forward to! I'll check back later to "hear" this story, Shawna. You've definitely peaked my interest. Hope it's nothing TOO horrible! Bye guys...


Kristi1 - May 18

Hi ladies!! Well, I will off on my trip starting tomorrow, so if you dont hear from me for awhile you know why!! However, if I get time tonight at home, I will have to check back in to see what Shawna story is all about and see if there is an update from stepmommel and the dr appt!! Everyone have a great weekend, week, and Memorial weekend!! Will check back when I get back! Baby dust to all!


stepmommel - May 19

Ok, well I'm completely frustrated and irritated and basically fed up! This was a new doc to me, except for one time years ago I saw her and for some reason never returned to her... now I think it must've been that I just flat out couldn't stand her! I thought she was going to pick up where my last one left off (and start me on clomid) but turns out she's just starting me all over again on Provera. That's fine, as I still haven't had AF, but I felt like she blew me off the second she walked in the room! I felt like she didn't think I knew anything and when I tried to show her my two months of charting temps she tried to hand me a paper version of the chart as if what I'd been doing all this time meant nothing - she didn't even look at them for more than 3 seconds, and that was after I insisted! She didn't want me to take any blood tests until 5/31 (why that late I don't know) and she said no more BD until then either (unless AF comes first or I find out I'm PG.) So, basically I feel like my last two months of charting to avoid this sort of delay should I have to return to the doc was a total waste, and even now there's no brighter future outlook ahead anytime soon. She wants me to do OPKs which is fine but doesn't really help me to START Oing which I was hoping for. I feel like I'll just continue not ovulating for the rest of my life! And normally I am a great advocate for myself but something about this woman just made me unable to do so today so I'm mad at myself too!!! She also told me that my insurance may not cover anything until we've been trying for a year (whch my other doc said after 6 months would be okay since I couldn't conceive with my first husband) so now I'm thinking I should just give up all together and not even bother temping or anything else until November. At least I won't be stressing over it and I might get pg anyway! So, all in all it was not the visit I'd hoped for. And I plan to get a new doctor for my next visit. This woman is the LAST person I want delivering any child of mine, so I might as well start looking now, right? WHEW, OK.... I'm feeling a bit better now that I've vented. I'm so sorry. I'm just so frustrated right now. Well, Kristi, have a wonderful time on vacation and let us know when you get back! Shawna, we're still curious what the story's all about! Take care all, and thanks for letting me vent!!


Shawna1 - May 19

I'm really sorry you are going through this Stepmommel. It seems that each one of us at some point has come across a dr we just wanted to kick in the teeth. Don't wait until the end of may. Can you go to another dr? Stay strong, the frustration will pass. As for my story from yesterday. I apologize for that, I lost track of time in my garden! Here is the story, it is real, please pass along to others. A teacher at the school I was teaching at the other day, was rushed to the hospital Monday morning after a scary reaction to Sudafed. She is an allergy sufferer and has taken Sudafed before. Monday morning, she was feeling horrible and took the recommended dose. She went ahead with her shower, but while in the shower started feeling dizzy and light-headed. She put the plug in the tub and sat down, but kept the water running to warm her. The next thing she remembers is being hauled out of the tub by her fiance. He went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and found her unconscious. She had passed out in the tub with the water running. She ended up with a huge scrape across her shoulder and a very large bump at the back of her head. What kept her from drowning? When she sat down, her back was facing the taps. When she passed out she must have went straight back and her long hair became tangled on the knobs. Her fiance said her hair was holding her up. At the hospital, after running numerous tests, it was determined that she just had a bad reaction to Sudafed. What is scary about this is that she had taken it before, without a reaction. I guess you can never be safe when taking any sort of medication, even those you have taken before. I am an allergy sufferer. I can only take Sudafed if I can go right to bed. It knocks me right out. So beware! Please pass this story along. Nothing new with me. I am expecting AF any day now, but so far, no signs of anything. I am tempting fate today by wearing white shorts, so I hope she stays away! Have a great weekend and to my fellow Canadians, have an excellent long weekend!



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