@@ Injections and Monitoring 2 @@
74 Replies
CC - August 31

Are you leaving tomorrow right?. I dont know what time my results will be, but not until the afternoon time usually. Lets do this, if I get a BFP I will text you..If you dont hear from me, then its a BFN. It will lesson the times I have to tell/type BFN. I wish we had endless money for all that other stuff, but we really dont. A few more tries is what I have, so I have to be greatful for that. Everything you are saying is true..Im just going to be glad to get the answer tomorrow.


Ann1 - August 31

Ok, the text if bfp sounds good, but if you don't get your results back for some fluke reason, text me anyway and tell me you don't know. I will be really sad if 8pm rolls around and I haven't heard from you. If I am sad, I want it to be for a reason!! Yes, we leave tomorrow. I have so much to do. I am going to try to leave a little early today. I've had such an unproductive week. Do you guys have plans this weekend, or are you hanging w/the in-laws and playing it by ear?


CC - August 31

Im sure I will get my results back, but if for some weird reason I dont, I will text that info to you "STILL WAITING". I dont think that will happen, but if it does, I will be pissed! Then I would hpt for sure, and confirm the bfn so I can stop these painful PIO shots. You and dh are going to have such a great time. Do you gamble? Are you seeing any shows? My in-laws are very remote. There are a few lakes up there, but other then that, literally nothing to do. Reno is about an hour away, but been there, done that. It's the most relaxing, beautiful place I have ever been. Lots of rest, sleeping in, reading, and hanging out. Its just what I need right now.


Ann1 - August 31

That sounds like a nice, relaxing weekend for you. No, neither dh nor I like to gamble (may waste a small amout of $$ on slots or something) and we aren't seeing any shows either. I am going to eat a lot, lay by the pool in my ugly cheap swimsuit, and shop. We may go to the dam, too. I am hoping to find a purse. The one I have now I bought in Barcelona 4 years ago!! Well, I am glad you have the backup plan with the hpt! I will be checking my Blackberry constantly to hear from you!!! I am taking off from the office now to beat some traffic. Talk to you next week and have a great weekend!


CC - September 2

ANN- I forgot your cell #..If by chance you read this...BFP!!!!!!!! You were soo right, I was so wrong! I am in shock. I actually forgot a little bag at my house, where I had a lot of numbers, not in my cell phone, and yours was one of them. I have been thinking about you a ton, and I hope you are having a great time in LV. My beta was 545, and I will have a repeat beta next week when I get back (we will be back Wednesday night)..I have an u/s scheduled for 9-14 to see if there are 1 or 2. I just hope we see good things either way. I am soooooo feeling like Im in twilight zone. My connection here is soooo slow, so I dont think I will post again until I come home, but Im feeling so sad I couldnt call you!


Ann1 - September 5

If I weren't so happy for you, I would want to smack you. I had my Blackberry with me and I can check the internet (not post), but I only have a charger that plugs into my computer, which I didn't bring. So, I stayed off the internet to save batter power, knowing you would email me. I didn't see your post until last night (Monday). So, all weekend I was so upset for you, since you never texted me!!! BIG CONGRATS, though!! You would have been 17dpo at your beta, so I bet you have one baby--perfect! I won't type much today, since you are gone. I hope you are having a great trip!


CC - September 7

Ann, I deserve the smack! I am really sorry. Whats worse-when we got home last night, the bag I forgot was sitting by our back door. I dont know if thats where I left it before we left and were loading the car, or if someone (like a neighbor) found it and put it there after we were gone. Our neighbors knew we were going so I dont know..At any rate, the fact that it wasnt left INSIDE my house freaked me out. Anyway-Thanks for the congrats. I am still feeling like I cant believe it. Today I woke up and my bbs werent sore at all, for the 1st day in weeks, which of course has me totally freaked out. You are right, now I worry about everything. I have a repeat beta tomorrow, so I hope that I can relax a little once they call w/ that info. U/s next Thursday, then another one 2 wks after that. If all goes well, then I will be released to my OB. Not sure why they are doing an u/s so early, when I asked the nurse on Tuesday when I called, she said they will be checking to make sure there is a visable sac. Guess thats all they can see at that point? I dont know if I am figuring it out right, but Im taking the day of retrieval as ovulation day, so that was 8-15..Each Tuesday I am a week farther, and today that would make me 3 wks and 2 days? Does that sound right?
How are YOU feeling? How was your LV trip, did you and dh have a great time? Tell me all about it!


Ann1 - September 7

A lot of drs do an u/s early. My dr didn't do one until at least 7 weeks, because he wanted to see the heartbeat at the same time. You are right that you are 3 weeks and 2 days from conception, so to say how far along you are "pregnant" you add 2 weeks to O day (they count from the first day of last af, and of course they use the avg 28-day cycle). Actually, you are 5 weeks and 2 days. On this u/s you may be able to see the fetal pole as well but probably not the heartbeat yet. It is possible that you will see the heartbeat, though. If you don't see it, don't worry at all. It usually doesn't appear until 6-7 weeks. That is funny--now you see what I meant when you don't "feel" symptoms you worry. Welcome!! LV actually wasn't very fun at all. I should have canceled when I got the bfp. It was just not that fun with no drinking/going out. I was tired a lot and it was so hot that I felt dizzy and out of breath just being outside briefly (it was over 100). Lesson learned! I am feeling pretty well. I've had some nausea lately, but it isn't too bad. I am just counting the days until Sept 25 now for my level 2 u/s. Nothing exciting is happening before then. I may be able to feel movement in the next couple weeks, but some people don't feel anything until 20 weeks (5 weeks away). How was your trip? Do you have any other symptoms?


CC - September 7

Thanks for the explanation on the time line..Do you add 2 wks to O day because of the whole being pregnant for 40 wks thing? I never have understood that...Makes sense that I am 5 wks and 2 days now. Good, Im farther along then I thought! My last AF..I dont even think I know. I got the whole Lupron bleed, so Im guessing that what they will count from. I have to ask my RE. I wish my u/s was today and not next Thursday..Always waiting for something, you are so right. That really sucks about LV, although I can see your point. I never thought about the heat, that is no fun. What did you guys do? I assume you didnt spend a lot of time outside? Did your DH have a good time and enjoy himself? Feeling movement, I just cant even begin to imagine. I was telling my Dh about you yesterday on our 10 hour drive home, and how excited I always was for everyone who got a bfp, and how sureal it still feels. It doesnt seem real, and I dont know when it will. Our trip was really nice, relaxing, but I was going stir crazy a little. It was a lot of time to think, and I couldnt get on the internet to research anything or obsess, their connection there was annoyingly slow. It was still nice, and great for my Dh to spend time w/ his Dad. No real symptoms to report..The sore bbs up until today..pulling/tugging in my stomach, headache here and there, although that seems to be getting a little better, and still light headed. That feeling I dont like, I might want to throw up rather then being dizzy all the time. Did you ever have symptoms that came, and then went, like I am having today w/ the bbs. That freaks me out.


Ann1 - September 7

The symptoms absolutely come and go, and it freaked me out, too. I would think, "Finally, symptoms!" and then they would disappear and I would think something was wrong. My headaches came and went (I think I told you this) from no headache to a really bad headache in a flash. It was odd. I am used to headaches kind of trailing off. Yes, the two weeks is included in the 40 weeks thing. Most people don't know their O day like we do, so the drs count from the first day of last af. For us, we just add 2 weeks and get the same answer! I am off a day because of the holiday. I was thinking that today is Wednesday and your u/s is tomorrow. Since it is next week, you very well may have a heartbeat. Still don't panic if you don't, but there is a decent chance it will be there. You will totally be in awe when you see the heartbeat. It is just unbelievable. I know what you mean about surreal, too. For at least the first month, I would wake up and think, "I can't believe I am pg." That was a good reminder to take my prenatal vitamin! In LV, we really just ate, walked around the shops a little, and went to Phantom. I had seen it before but my dh had not. It was very good--almost Broadway quality. I spent way too much time in the hotel room feeling tired and a little lousy. Oh well! I've told my dh about a few people from the board, too, although he can't keep anyone straight! He definitely remembered you all weekend, because of the number of times I checked for your text on Friday!!! One girl that I have posted with for a long time named Elizabeth did ivf and got a bfn. She only had 3 to freeze. They thawed and implanted all three and she got another bfn over the weekend. I am so upset for her. She and her dh can't afford to try again now and may adopt, but it takes 5 years where she lives (S. Africa). It just isn't fair. On the good side, Elyse, the one that has the clots and bleeding got an u/s and both babies have a heartbeat now. Yea! How is your dh's dad doing? I didn't understand your 3rd to last sentence. Were you saying that you feel like throwing up?


CC - September 8

Still no sore bbs, xs 2 days. I will take to heart what you said about symptoms coming and going. I had more b/w done today. They will call after 4:00 w/ results. I just hope/pray its going up the way it should. I really wish my u/s was yesterday. Even if the b/w is ok today, I wont feel like its real until the u/s next week. Even if there is no h/b then because I know its early, I think at that point, it might sink in a little more. It just feels so strange, after so long. I wake up all the time and think the same thing you did, "Im pregnant??!!" I guess if nothing else, there is great food in LV all over the place. I didnt really think about the smoke issue until I read your last post. That was something I always hated about LV and the casinos. Even though they have smoke free tables, etc, you still walk out of there smelling like an ashtray. Gross. Thats really sad about your friend Elizabeth. It always blows my mind, why it works for some and not others. I was really afraid I was going to be in the latter group my whole life. Adopting isnt really cheap either, although I dont know what its like where she is from. GREAT news about your friend Elyse. She must be so relieved and happy. How many weeks is she now? My dh's Dad is getting there..its a slow recovery. There were times that he just felt so bad, that I really felt awful for him. He has good hours and bad, but is up, walking about a mile a day, and trying to get his strength back. We are just happy he is alive. It really was a horrible accident. My 3rd to last sentence in my prior post..I dont feel like throwing up, but I think I would rather throw up then be dizzy like I am. The dizzy feeling I can do w/o. It feels like I spent too much time on a carnival ride. I hate that feeling. Although no one wants to throw up, at this point, it might be a nice alternative to the dizzy feeling. Guess I better be careful what I wish for.


Ann1 - September 8

I can't wait to hear about your blood work!! So, do they want it to have at least doubled and doubled again? Do you know what number the would like to see? The smoke in LV was soooo bad. I wish they at least had the smoking areas glassed off. People were even smoking in the mall! I think Elyse should be 7-8 weeks by now--I am not sure. She has an infection and anemia and hasn't been posting much. I will give you an update when she does. I totally thought it would be me, too, as the one and only person on the board that could never get pg. You and I think alike in that regard, though, to expect the worst! About dizzy vs throwing up, the think is that I don't think puking would help the dizzy or nausea feeling! I would hate to have both. If you start to feel nausea, eat whether you want or not. The cliche soda crackers are good.


CC - September 8

Im actually not sure what they want my b/w to be at now. If its been a week since my 1st beta, so I dont know. I think you are right, if it was 545 last Friday it should be about 1500 or so now? Im nervous now about it (its 3:00 here) but I havent really started to think about it until a little while ago, so at least now I only have an hour or two of worry. Better then being freaked out all day like I was last Friday. What will be will be now, nothing that can be done either way. I still want so much to be positive, but I cant just yet. Have to keep thinking of the worst case scenario so Im prepared. Its awful to think this way. You are right, its all about expecting the worst. The lack of symptoms is weird, I can understand why you were worried. You still have never actually thrown up have you? Wow, sounds like your friend Elyse is dealing with a lot right now. I wish her and the babies the best. That has to be really stressful. When did you start to notice your middle changing and belly/waist were different?


Ann1 - September 8

It is odd, isn't it, how pre-bfp you think everything will be relaxed if you could just get that bfp. Then it arrives and you have a million other thoughts and worries!! I would think they would want your beta to be more like 2,500+. You wouldn't take 545 x 3, you would do 545 x 2 = 1,090 x 2 = 2,180 to do the minimum for 6 days. So, I just rounded up to get to 2,500. It may be much higher than that, becuase it could triple every couple days. That would mean it would be over 5,000! No, I haven't puked at all, except that day where I guzzled a bunch of milk (ie not pg sickness--my fault). I was surprised how quick my middle started changing. Even now people make comments to me about how I am "showing early" and "look bigger than 4 mos" etc. I am not sure if that should offend me or not, but whatever. I've heard that women can be really competitive about how much weight you gain, how you look, how long you could wear your clothes, how quickly you could get back into your clothes after you have the baby and all that stuff. Typical female bs, in my opinion. I do look really big, though, but I don't think I would make those comments to someone else that is pg. Right now, I have gained 8.5lbs, and I should have gained 7-8 according to my book. The odd thing is that my arms and legs have not changed at all--everything is in my stomach and bbs (the bbs drive me crazy. I want my small ones back!). Sorry for that ramble/vent session. My middle started changing around 6 weeks. I am quite sure the initial change was bloating, but it was still noticable! By 8 weeks, my clothes barely fit, and by 10 weeks I had to tell everyone because it was getting so hard to conceal! Have you heard from the dr yet???


CC - September 8

Ok, this is a perfect example of why you do what you do for a profession, with my math calculations! This is the sort of thing dh would look at me sad and scared at the same time. He calls a lot of what I do "Colleen math" when it comes to calculations. Thanks for setting me straight. That said, I would have been elated had my RE called and told me my HCG was 1500!! Ignorance really is bliss. Still no call yet, but in my paranoid state, I did call my nurse and left a message telling her that I wanted to make sure someone would call me w/ the results. Im sure she thinks I am the most anal person ever. She is used to it I guess. No puking is good puking. Thats great! I hadnt heard that women/competitive thing, but it doesnt surprise me. Women are so crazy like that, sometimes I am surprised and ashamed at the same time that I am one. What book are you reading/comparing notes w/? I got what to Expect When Expecting, just because I thought it would be a good place to start. Most of what I have read in there so far are things I already knew, except for specifics to the development of the baby. I didnt really notice bloating until yesterday and today it seems worse. They say initially, I think its more from your bowels then anything else. Yuck. I feel thick in the middle and I hate that feeling. See, Im already complaining, and its only been a week. Im just never happy! You made me laugh about your bbs. I have bigs ones, and I pray they get bigger at a slower pace then normal. They dont feel any bigger yet. Im keeping my fingers crossed. Im already a full C, I will be in hell if they grow much more. Your weight gain sounds right on, and doesnt sound like that much to me at all. Its because you are skinny/thin, you will probably be all belly your whole pregnancy, like it sounds like you are now. I wonder if thats why people comment on how "big" you are, because its all in your belly? I think I will gain weight all over. Woe is me, but I will take it for the end result.


Ann1 - September 8

I reread what I typed above--I hope I didn't sound like I don't like comparing some of that stuff w/other pg or ttc people. I like to know about the weight gain, clothes fittiing, body changes, etc. Just some of the people that have made those comments to me at the office have come across a little rude to me. It is odd, because I like to see my pg tummy, but maybe I am more sensitive to it than I realize. I really don't think that is it though. I think it has just been the nature and context of the comments from a few people. Anyway, I am going to take off from work now. I will be checking my BB for your beta numbers and will likely post to you tomorrow when I get online!! Our numbers were pretty close. Since I had 313 at 14 or 15dpo (depending on how you count O day), my beta would have been very close to yours at 17dpo. I guess mine would have been at least 626 at 17dpo. I am curious to see if yours comes back at like 8,000 or something that would indicate twins! From your initial number, it seems like a singleton. I guess you will know for sure next week!!



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