@@ Injections and Monitoring 2 @@
74 Replies
CC - August 25

So happy to have a new thread! That other one was started in April! Anyway-about the beta, I dont know. I tried to get it done on Thursday instead of Friday so we could get out of town for the holiday weekend, and they wouldnt do it. (I did get the time off, finally!)..Im feeling fine, cramps are gone, and I feel nothing.
What are you doing this weekend? We are leaving for Palm Springs this afternoon, and Im really thinking about going in the pool when I am there..


CC - August 25

I should add, your testing pressure is working, and I think I am caving..Thinking about testing on Monday. Might as well get the depression over with before Labor Day weekend so I can enjoy it.


Ann1 - August 25

My dh just got a super rush cellar job, so he is working all weekend. I will be working more on our house--fun, fun. I would be totally lying if I didn't say that I am so happy you are thinking of/going to test on Monday!!! When you get the bfp, you will just look at it and think, "This can't be positive, can it??" I need to have someone else look at it and take another test. Were your cramps in the middle or on your ovaries? Maybe you were feeling the embryo(s) burrowing in.?.? Have a good time in PS. That sounds soooo relaxing. If you do test, do it first think in the morning for the higher hcg. I know the tests say it doesn't matter, but that will still give you the most hcg. Have a great weekend!!


CC - August 25

So house stuff this weekend..Dont over extend yourself! Are you dont painting for now? I just had cramps all over. Its the whole not being in touch w/ my body thing..They just feel like AF cramps. I thought they were gone, but they are back. I will test in the AM on Monday. Thanks for all the positive thoughts. Twiggy posted on the IVF board, said she has been testing everyday (she has a beta Monday) and her line is getting darker each day. She also said that her sister was really itchy before she found out she was pregnant, and Twiggy's itchiness has gotten so bad, she is taking oatmeal baths. I would say she is a bfp as well! In the last few days, I know of 4 bfp's on here. Crazy. I broke down today and cried and cried. My dh is certain I have lost my mind, when I dont even know if I have a reason to cry yet. He told me that I need to seperate the emotions, which I have, and the facts, which I dont. He is right. Im still here working for a few more hours..If you dont post before then, have a great weekend!


Ann1 - August 25

Aw, CC, I feel so bad for you that you are upset. Maybe your being emotional is another sign. I got light af-like cramps at 10dpo the cycle I got my bfp. How many days past ER is Twiggy? I will look on your ivf post and check if I don't hear back from you. It really seems like ivf is the "miracle cure" for so many people. I know it will work for you. Try not to stress too much. I know you feel what you feel, but I hope you can keep your mind off. I think you will be celebrating next week!! I've always thought it would work the first time for you. I am not even close to done painting. I have painting, grouting, caulking, and joint compounding on my agenda this weekend. Woohoo!


CC - August 25

Ann, thanks. I dont feel better after my freak out, but I feel more calm if that makes sense. I am not having what feels much more like AF cramps. My back hurts, sore bbs..Can be pre-pregnancy signs, but these are all my typical pre-af signs. Just hoping I dont start while in Palm Springs. That would suck! Im not sure how many dpo Twiggy is, but w/ a beta on Monday, I would think she is a week farther then me. She had a 5 day tx though. You made me laugh about your weekend. Just be careful!


CC - August 25

not should say now..I am now having AF type cramps. Sorry, Im trying do too many things at once today.


Ann1 - August 25

I doubt Twiggy is a week off from you. Your dr has you wait abnormally long to get your beta. Even though she had a 5-day and you had a 3-day, if you count from the ER it is the same as the O day, because that is when fertilization will occurs. If you have sore bbs, that is a huge sign. That is the one that everyone says they have first!! I will be careful. I am not looking forward to my ladder time--my balance is off now.


CC - August 25

Ladder time??? Is your DH aware of this? I need his number so I can call him! Are you sure you should really be on a ladder? I hear balance is a challenge when pregnant. Please be careful. I feel like your Mom! Sore bbs is prob from the progesterone. There is another site I lurk on from time to time called IVF Connections. There, people do a lot of polls, and I read a poll that several hundered people had responded to, re: how soon were you able to get a bfp after a day 3 tx. Most who tested @ 7 days after ET had negative (although there were a few positives) and it seemed like the magic # was 9 days after ET, when negatives were turning positives. Some not for 10 or even 11 days, but on Monday I will be 10 days post transfer, and will know then either way I would think. I just want to get it over with!! I need a time capsule, so I can fast forward a few days. Know where I can get one of those? : )


Ann1 - August 25

That sounds perfect to test on Monday then. I can't wait!! I bet I will think about it 1,000x this weekend. Don't worry, dh will be home while I am on the ladder, mom.:) My crystal ball says you are pg if that helps any from not having a time capsule!


CC - August 25

Wow, I wish I knew sooner that you had a crystal ball! I would have been asking tons of questions. That made me laugh, thanks! Thank you also for listening to me whine. Im driving myself crazy, so I can only imagine..I feel much better though then I did yesterday and this morning. I keep telling myself, my agony isnt going to change a thing, one way or another! Have a great weekend, and stay on low ground as much as possible. Wear a mask for fumes!


Ann1 - August 25

You have a good weekend, too and post ASAP Monday!!! I will be checking this thread constantly!


CC - August 28

Ok-I did not test this morning. A weekend away from you, and I got strong again! No hpt's! I now only have 3 more days until Friday. Im going to wait it out. Dont kill me. How was your weekend? Did you get a lot of your house work done? Stay off the ladder as much as you could? I had a nice weekend, despite no massage or pool. It was a good time passer, and being w/ friends helped keep my mind off the 2ww for the most part. I am still amazed when every time I go to the bathroom that I dont even have a hint of red. Still having cramps off and on, and the only "sign" I can say could be something, is that this weekend, there were a few times that I got really light headed, or feeling sort of dizzy. Not in my stomach, more in my head and body if that makes sense. That could be from anything though. Im feeling more calm. I want to know, but being scared won over. Im such a baby.


CC - August 28

oh-I have a horrible headache. IF I am, which I doubt, what can I take for it if anything?


Ann1 - August 28

Oh, I am going to totally kill you. I have checked this thread soooo many times. The headache was my first sign. They say you can take Tylenol, but I just suffered it out. It was miserable, let me tell you--headaches were bad. I know you are pg. I ended up having to go to a client's office and work all day Saturday (put in about 65 hours last week). So Sunday all I got done was grouting and caulking (no ladder work). Every bone and muscle in my body hurts right now. What did you do in PS?


CC - August 28

Your post has me laughing, although I knew you would want to kill me. I'm telling you, 2 days w/o you, and I thought "what the hell am I doing, this isnt like me when it comes to hpt's"..Everyone on my IVF thread told me not to test when I said I would. I guess those girls have some restraint too! Humph! Im glad you didnt do ladder work (leave that for dh) but not glad you had to work all day. You really earn your pay. You do enjoy what you do though, dont you? That makes it much more bearable, when working so many hours. Other then being sore, because you did too much like I told you not to, still feeling ok? (See, you dont listen to me, I dont listen to you-we have a great relationship!) Didnt do much in Palm Springs..went out to breakfast w/ the girls on Sat before their massages, then went back to my room and hung out. When they came back, we went to the pool. We rented a cabana which was totally cool, I needed the shade. I sat at the edge of the pool w/ my feet in, and pour water on me from time to time to cool off. We all went to dinner Sat night after the guys were done golfing. Sunday, we hung out in a room while the guys golfed, in our pj's and talked for hours..We then went out to lunch, and by that time, the guys were done golfing, and we came home. All in all, a nice weekend. I have never had so much freaking water in my whole life to drink! I did have a few sips of wine Sat night, and I had a beer out at the pool Saturday, and that was it!


Ann1 - August 28

I don't know why anyone would say not to test. Like I said from my logic best/worst case scenario, it just doesn't compute in my spock-like brain!! Who said not to test and why? I know Mega tests and you said Twiggy tested! I know Galina tests, too. I could see waiting more if your clinic would test you at a reasonable time, but they test you so late!! You are right, though, if you don't want to test you shouldn't. I should have mailed some hpts to your house. With your headache, I will just assume you are pg. So now you will get the results back probably while you are on the road Friday, and it will be next week before you can post!! I really didn't overdo it at all. I only did work in the shower, and it just required some leaning and reaching in awkward positions. See, I listened to you!! Yes, I do like what I do. With my education/experience, this is the top of my list of jobs. I can make more money and work fewer hours if I go elsewhere, but the work wouldn't be as fast-paced and interesting. The market here is really good right now. A coworker of mine just switched jobs and got a 34% pay increase plus only a 4-day work week for 6 months out of the year! It is very tempting, and I will switch if we need the money once the baby comes. I hope I don't have to, though. PS sounds like a good time for you. I am glad you weren't bored. I am surprised that I haven't wanted wine more. I crave cosmos, but normally I drink wine much more often than "drinks." Who knows!



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