***Baby Hopes 2006 Part 2***
85 Replies
Shawna - February 27

Here is the new thread. Well today is cd20 for me. All weekend I was feeling somewhat crampy in the ovary region and I had a bit of cm, so we will bd tonight and probably tomorrow and then keep our fingers crossed. I wonder if Kellie did an hpt this weekend or not? I can't remember what else is going on with everyone, so lets have some updates. Good luck with the clomid Kristi. Hopefully the second time is a charm for you! Elena, how is our little mama? It would be nice to get another update from you. You give us hope! Kelly and Dianne, what's going on?


Shawna - February 28

Come on Ladies, don't be shy!!!


Elena - March 1

I'm here nothing new. I will be 11 weeks on monday. Almost at the 2nd trimester very exciting. Next doctor's appt will be March 15th. Hey Shawna when is your next AF? Keep my fingers crossed for you.** baby dust**


Shawna - March 1

Well, my last AF was Feb 8, so my next one should be at least nine months from now!!!! I really have no idea when it will come again. My last cycle was 57 days long. I had to take bcp to have my last period. But my fingers are crossed as well. Over the weekend I had some cramping and I have no idea what that could mean. I never in the past had any indication when I was ovulating, no big signs to let me know, so I said a little pray today at mass for Ash Wednesday (I'm Catholic) that there is a little bean growing inside me and I prayed for a safe nine months. Are you going to find out if you are having a boy or a girl? Have you thought of any names? If you want some opinions, please share them. It will probably be one of the hardest decisions you've ever made! Continued good wishes go out to you Elena, and to everybody else. ........And God said, "Go make babies"........(not a direct biblical quote!) Have a great day Ladies, I have to go shovel the snow now!!!!


Shawna - March 2

6 more days before AF is supposed to show! Hopefully she doesn't! Have a great day!


Elena - March 6

praying for you hun. i just have not been feeling well at all. i can't seem to hold down any food. i keep vomiting after i put some type of food in my mouth. i weighed myself at mother's and actually dropped a 1lb. so i'm not gaining any weight, which probably is not good for the baby. i see the doctor in 2 weeks maybe he can give something for this morning sickness. yuck nothing worse than throwing up. well keep us updated...***BABY DUST***


Shawna - March 6

Elena, I wouldn't worry too much about the one pound you lost. A lot of women actually lose weight in their first trimester instead of gaining. If you are really concerned, talk to your dr and they should be able to relieve some of your concerns. I never had morning sickness. There was a couple of instances where out of no where I would feel the urge to throw up, but I never felt sick like that before. Have you tried searching the internet for morning sickness remedies? There is a lot of them out there, but be careful. A friend of mine wanted a natural way of relieving some of her morning sickness, and found a sight with various herb options. After investigating some of the herbs, she realized that some should not be taken when pg because it could cause m/c or bring on labour. It is scary that someone would recommend certain herbs for morning sickness relief, but you could be doing more harm than good. I think if you treated your body as if you were suffering from a stomach bug and eat small light things it could help. Try some toast or some soda crackers and drink a lot of water. As for me, I'm not sure what is going on. I had a ton of ewcm yesterday and all weekend I had some ovary discomfort and a feeling of fullnes in my abdomen. I thought all this a bit odd because AF is due on Wed and I am on cd 27. Ovulation wouldn't be this late would it? Just to be on the safe side we bd'd last night. If no AF by the end of the week, I think I might test. My husband said the worst thing to me yesterday. Some of the first signs of pregnancy are changes to your boobs, so when I was changing I asked him if they looked looked any different to him and he said, "Yeah they are lower down than usual". I freaked! I'm only 28 and my boobs are not sagging, but he tried to cover by saying that wasn't what he meant, but I gave him a hard time about it anyway! I'm feeling really confident and positive today, so hopefully this feeling continues and I don't come crashing down later this week! Kristi, how are things? Any horrible side effects from the clomid? What dose were you taking? Have a great day ladies! And baby dust to you Kristi***** Diaper pins for you Elena*****


Kristi - March 6

Hi ladies!! Not much to tell here...starting the every other day bding last night (Sun)....my temps have been all over the place this month, not sure why....i know Clomid can affect them, but it didnt seem to last time but maybe it is this time. But if I go by what my usual temps tell me, then I should O on cd 15 or 16 which would be this Thurs/Fri, so will be bding both those days!! Shawna, I am on 50mg again... Dr was going to up me to 100mg last round but then got pg so never did the 100 and she started me back on the 50 this time again. I dont really seem to have many side affects with it, just the hot flashes and have not really had those so far either. I think it is just different for everyone... Elena, glad to hear from you and that all is going well!! I was hoping to have heard from Kellie and wether not AF came....and where Monica??? Her dh should be back soon right??? Well, hopefully will have more time to check in now....will probably be back tomorrow...everyone have a great day and lots of baby dust!!


Shawna - March 6

Good luck Kristi, maybe this will be our month!


Shawna - March 8

Well so far so good, no signs of AF! However, this does not really surprise me considering my last cycle was 57 days long. Does clomid shorten your cycle? I have no idea what to expect anymore. No real signs of anything. Yesterday, I drove Taylor to work for 8:30am then curled up on the couch for a short nap and I didn't wake up until 1:30pm! So other than being tired, there's nothing. Taylor thinks I'm grumpy but that comes with being tired. I have very little appetite, and that is unusual for me. I wish I could remember more about when I was pregnant with Alexander. I don't recall having the sore boobs until much later on in the pregnancy. What other signs are there? I don't think I'm going to test until next week sometime, but I think I'll go crazy!!! I need some help girls!


Kristi - March 8

Shawna just hang in there girl! I know the waiting is tough!! I dont know if Clomid should shorten your cycle or not, i do think it should regulate from what my dr said, so I would expect it to be as long as your used to too, but i have read where some people still are on 30-35 day cycles even with the clomid. Well, nothing much else going on here..just doing the bding thing ;-) Keep us informed on how your doing!!!


Shawna - March 9

Still some strange happenings going on right now. I have been having hot and cold spells, this morning I wokepup feeling ill, a bit nauseated, but no big urge to throw up and some weird cm. Sometimes its thick and creamy, sometimes its long and stringy (sorry tmi) but I am determined to wait until next week to test. Does anyone know anything about the First Respinse test? I picked one up yesterday. I hope you are both doing well. I think we need to do some recruiting, our thread is slowing dwindling!


Kristi - March 10

Hey there! I think I used the First Response...i cant remember for sure, but it sounds familiar...is it just lines - 1 for neg 2 for pos? Well, just hang in there and see what happens!! Nothing to report here...my temps are confusing me, should have O'd yesterday or today, but temps have not dropped like the should when you O....oh well, we'll see what tomorrow brings. Wonder what happend with Kellie, wasnt she going to test last weekend?? Have a great weekend and lots of baby dust!!


Elena - March 13

Hey I can tell you that First Response is the test that you have to see 2 lines. With mne I saw a very faint line so faint I actually had to hold it up to the light and squint my eyes to really see it. That was a postive and Then I took ept I totally recommend both of them. Oh Shawna I'm praying for you hun. Hopefully this is it..** lets pray for a bun in the oven for you**


Shawna - March 13

I took the test Saturday morning and it was negative. However, I don't know if I believe that test. It was First Response with the 2 lines and I only had one line, but I don't have any other explanation for the way I have been feeling for the past week. Weird cramps, very sore nipples with certain spots on my boobs that are sore, weird cm, extreme fatigue, no appetite, and yesterday and this morning I was wretching (but not throwing up) so bad my stomach and throat hurt afterward. How soon did you start feeling symptoms? I have a dr appt on Wed at 2, so hopefully I can get some answers. What do you girls think? Next month will be 1 year of ttc for us, I don't want to get to that point.


Kristi - March 14

Good to hear from you Elena!! Wonder where Mo is??? Shawna, I had a neg test before i got my positive.. and i am pretty sure i used the First Response as well. My line was also very very faint like Elenas when it finally showed up....just wait a couple more days and try again. What cd are you on? I am on the 2ww...we'll see next week I suppose. Shawna, didnt you go to Jamaica over the Holidays?? Our trip to Las Vegas got cancelled - they are discontinuing the flight that we were booked on....so we are now thinking in a different directions and looking at going to Jamaica!!! Just wondering if you had any suggestions on places to stay, things to do. We are still in the deicision stage, but leaning pretty strongly towards it! Well, it is late here and I am tired. Will check back later! Baby dust!!


MO - March 14

Hey Ladies – How goes it?! It has been a LONG time ‘eh?! I am sorry to have banned the board – needed to try & push the TTC mission out of my head as well, you need sex to be successful in such an endeavor & I wasn’t getting any for 9+ weeks! DH just got back from Australia last Wednesday – WooHoo!! I was so thrilled! Although, he came home with bad jetlag & the flu – so naturally, I tried to take care of him & got sick as well… We’ve both been laid up in bed on meds & antibiotics – hacking, spitting, coughing, wheezing, whining & watching movies – despite the miserable sickness – it was nice to snuggle for 4 days & be together again! Although, ladies as we know all too well – potent antibiotics = yeast infection!!! Great!!!! Just Great!!! Lol – & would you guess it, Friday afternoon that blasted AF came & got me! Damnit, sometimes you just can’t win!!! So…. we had that night of amazing reunion sex on Wednesday, again on Thursday – got sick towards the evening – woke up miserable Friday - started AF & a course of Levaquin antibiotics – Felt the yeast coming on Sunday & have been supplementing with acidophilus. Thinking of buying stock in Activa I’ve been eating so much! LOL!! Ahh… so yeah, today is day 5 – I have a full course of Clomid – I’m thinking about it…. Should I start it?! After all, DH leaves again on April 10th for another months & a half…. So if I don’t try this month – I’m $h!t out of luck until June so again – the crucial sex schedule lies in front of me, thus the problem…. I feel that the stress of hoping & praying & timing & hoping & praying & timing may be my biggest stress factor so a part of me wants to say you know what – God is telling me that I am just not meant to have a family… My body is telling me that I will go crazy before I give up & my heart is almost telling me that maybe I need to reconsider my marriage…. I know that sounds awful but all the time totally ALONE & INFERTILE recently has me almost resenting my husband & thinking depression induced resentment based thoughts… That maybe DH & I just aren’t meant to be…. It will be coming on 2 years of TTC w/ no success & an “unexplained infertility” diagnosis…. I think of all the time I sit alone. All the time, money & emotion I have invested into this – the completion of our family & I get so depressed. I think about the fact that he has a child already, from a one-night stand 3 years ago & I think about how some 19 year old girl can be successful in a mistake of TTC & I just feel like a failure as a woman…. I know it pains him to see each month how we are making no progress. He is getting fed up with the temps & the charts & the sex days & the supplements & the talks about it & the tests & the meds & the Dr’s & the “lack of sex appeal of the whole baby-making process” -He told me the other day “don’t worry about it sweetie, maybe we should just look at adoption down the road since this just isn’t working out. I have a bloodline to extend my family in my daughter & your sister & brother between their 5 kids have a bloodline to extend your family so, maybe we should just focus on other things because I am tired of trying.” –I mean, sure thanks for the support – it’s big of him to be open to alternatives but at the same time it’s a slap in the face!!! I have AF monthly, my tubes are open & clear & there & my ovaries produce follicles, & I ovulate & my hormones are in-line etc…etc… Nobody ever told us that I have a problem?! –Maybe I am just being too sensitive but it’s just that the more I go on the more I change my perspective – the further he gets disenchanted with our sex life, with me, with this whole thing… The schedule gets booked & the months go by & I just sit & sulk & question if things really do (or don’t) happen for a reason….



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