*******Venting frustration 3***********
63 Replies
Holly - January 6

Hi Dee and Alycia and welcome JCR.. I am feeling a bit better today.. I think it is because I had
such a bad sleep the night before.. hubby gave a good massage so that helped..thanks. I think it is
also due to not wanting to be at work.. one of the secretaries here quit so I am a little stressed out. I
like the idea of the natural approach.. I was brought up with natural ways.. herbs and vitamins and
reflexology etc... The acupuncture may help though.. but I don't want to pass out..lol needles make
me woozy! lol Such interesting facts on the clomid about how it mass produced.. that would make
allot of sense.. I don't think that they put that much care and attention into the medications
anymore.. I really have never been a medication person.. I have been reading that book about what
they don't tell you about the medications and about pharmaceutical companies..some of that stuff I
already know..working in the health industry. I am totally in the wrong job..lol the dr's here believe in
medication alone! no natural stuff for them.. and here I am the complete oposite...lol I think if you
need the meds and they work for you and if alternative care works too then both should be used..
otherwise try the natural way. I hope to get that BFP soon.. I am on cd32 and I still don't have AF..
weird..back to my old system..lol I have had an HSG test done before and everything came back
good.. a bit of a painful test..actually more like getting cramps from AF but worth getting done if you
have not had that test done. ..I have already started my addiction to HPT's gone through 2 and
both were negative.. uhhhggg.. oh well.. maybe it is all the stress.. I hope that you find out what is
going on with your stomach Dee.. crossing fingers for you that it is nothing serious. JCR.. thanks for
your input.. glad to hear that the acupuncture is working for you so far.. I hope you get that BFP.. let
us know what happens.. crossing fingers for you... I need to find something that works.. 8yrs is a
long time (not including the eptopic I had in 2001).. Thanks Dee.. I really would like to find a more
relaxing less painful alternative.. thanks for looking out for me.. I appreciate that. We all could use
some inspiration :o) Happy Friday to you too and to Alycia!! I will be back later.. *~Baby Dust~*


Dee - January 7

well i'm popping back in. :o) i know what you mean by being overwhelmed when people quit...i just had 30+ people quit at several of our offices here and we've had to cover all of those people's files. it hasn't been very fun. i'm glad to <read> that your hsg came back good. i am probably going to see if i can get one done here pretty soon as there must be something wrong after all this time not getting pg, so better to get the test and figure out if everything is working properly. have you had a LAP done? someone told me i should get it done and explained what it does and it sounds really painful, so i'm going to do the hsg first. thanks for crossing your fingers for me...i really need all the good luck i can get with that. and i am here for you any time you need anything...after all, you have been here for me and w/o you and alycia, i think i would be crazy by now. :o) you guys have been better friends to me than the ones i have here in LV because you understand where i'm coming from. all of my other friends already have children and just dont get what a hard time i'm having with this, so it's nice to have you both to talk and vent to. alycia~i hope you're doing well. let us know if af arrives, or if you get that bfp! i know you're not due for a couple of weeks, but i'm always anxious to see if one of you gets that BFP we're all dieing for! ;o) well i'm going to go home now, so i will catch up with you on monday (i cant wait until i get my tax refund, so i can buy a comp for my house). have a great weekend and *~*tons of baby dust*~*!


Holly - January 8

Hi Dee.. glad someone knows how I feel..omg overwhelmed is a good word.. I had a hard time sleeping last night due to stress.. I am not to sure if 3.3 is good.. the dr said that I did not O because it was so low.. :o/ I am on cd34 and still no AF.. back to being frustrated again.. I broke down and bought 1 test.. (instead of my regular 2..well they are cheaper that way..lol) and so far it says negative.. ahhhhhgggggg!!! Ever feel like screaming?? lol Thank you..!! I am here for you too.. it is tough.. none of my friends or family can relate..as they have no problems having children..good to have you two to listen to me vent.. thank you both. :O) Alycia.. hope that you are doing good and having a great weekend.. :o) let us know how you are. .. talk to you ladies on Monday.. (darn test is still negative! uuhhgg..lol) ~Baby Dust~


Dee - January 9

just bumpin us up...i'll write more later.


Holly6 - January 9

CD36 and no AF yet.. driving me nuts!! Having a frustrating Monday!! More later .. *~Baby Dust~*


Dee - January 10

sorry...i'm really busy today...i will write tomorrow.


Holly - January 10

bumping us up again..will write later


Dee - January 10

hey girls...how are you both doing? i'm not so good today. i dont know what's wrong with me this morning, but i've had a stomach ache since last night and i keep feeling like i'm going to throw up. i feel really yucky. so your progesterone level was 3.3? are they going to give you progesterone supplements? sorry your test came out negative. i feel like screaming a lot. one time i was having such a bad day i went home and screamed into my pillow until my throat hurt...then i was hoarse for 2 days, so i didn't do that again. i wonder where Alycia is at...haven't heard from her in a while. i hope she's ok. well i'm looking forward to this 3 day weekend coming up...i think i'm just going to sleep the whole weekend! well actually dh and i are probably going to have a little BBQ on saturday or sunday with some friends, but besides that i think i'm going to sleep, sleep, sleep. i really dont feel like being at work today...i wish it was friday already. well i'm going to go cause i dont feel good right now...i'll talk to you later *baby dust*


bump... - January 11

bumpin it up...


Holly - January 11

Hi Dee... Alycia hope that you are doing ok.. I am going on cd37? still no AF ..been feeling a bit sick today so maybe she may show up? Dee.. hope that you are feeling better.. I know all about stomaches..I have been stressed out about work.. as the one lady quit ... they took away our casual friday.. we use to get every third friday off now we dont..grrrr!! They had a meeting yesterday with us 2 remaining secretaries and it was a bash Holly day.. that upset me so I walked out of the meeting..before saying something or crying my eyes out. My coworker is totally understandable and is equally frustrated. I went for a job interview last month and the lady phoned my work and talked to my manager..and that ticked me off as I had not talked to my manager yet about changing jobs..as it was a thought..and my manager gave me heck today..omg!! I don't know what to say.. screaming in a pillow sounds great!! I have bad dreams that I am always screaming at someone..and that I wake up crying/ hyperventilating.. so I don't know if I should take the new job or stay were I am for a bit until I find something else..as everyone is talking behind everyones backs. Anyway.. not to sure if they will give me progesterone supplements.. or what they will do.. I have to postpone my appt as my schedule has now changed..uuhggg. I hope you have a good weekend..I love 3 day weekends..I hope you had some time to relax and feel better.. I have been taking Zantac and ginger tea and a herb for ulcers as my stomach has been giving me grief.. Hope you have a better day tomorrow.. Maybe we should start a new topic soon?? **frustrations 4** let me know.. *~Baby Dust~*


Holly - January 11

Man!! Yucky snow day out..the roads are covered in ice so I am not going any place until it warms up.. I am so cranky today..omg! cd27? wonder if AF will show up. .. have a great day ladies.. *~Baby Dust~*


Holly - January 11

Geshh.. ok as you can see I can count..lol CD38 not cd27..counting backwards.. *Dust*


Dee - January 11

wishful thinking with the cd27 huh? :o) i think i'm going to wishful think my butt to death! geez, it sounds like you had a tuff day yesterday! that sux about everything that happened at work! is the other job going to offer you better benefits or pay? because if it does and you're unhappy at your current job, then i would take it. it's nice to know that you have seniority at a job, but if you're unhappy then i would go somewhere else because stress is not worth it. stress can cause you a lot of problems. especially if you already have an ulcer. i would say go with what's going to make you happy. i'm feeling a little better today...i went home last night and went straight to bed and told dh he had to fend for himself for dinner-he wasn't to happy about that, but oh well. so i feel better today and rested. well so far i dont feel preggo...definitely feels like af is on her way (oh joy). i already feel a little bloated and yesterday my coworker commented on my "large boobs" and i'm getting minor cramps today...so maybe she's coming a little early. oh, well...guess it's better i dont get pg until i get everything figured out first. but it would be nice to get a bfp one of these days! it feels like i'm never going to see a positive pg test at this point. i mean dh and i started trying (well not using any type of bc) in november of 2003, so it's actually been over 2 years....OMG i didn't realize it had been that long! now that i think about it, we started trying after 1 1/2 years of being together and we've been together for 4 years in july! holy crap that's a long time to try and not get pg! i think i definetly need to see a specialist soon and definetly need to send dh for an SA. i really hadn't realized it's been that long! that makes me feel a little depressed to know that it has been longer than i thought it had been and still haven't gotten a positive pg test yet. i'm really sad now. :o( yeah ***frustrations 4*** sounds good or maybe something along the lines of **what the heck...am i ever going to get pg** or maybe even **why can a 15 yo get pg and i cant?!?**...sorry i'm just a little bitter after figuring out the whole 2years and 2months thing. i just really cant beleive it's been that long...and this whole time i was thinking only 14 months. well i'm going to go and have a pity party for myself...i'll be back in here later.


bump - January 12

bumpin us back up there....


Alycia - January 12

Hi girls. im sorry that i havent been by in a while but i have a virus on my computer whcih forces me to have to use my mothers computer and she is like a 20 minute drive away. well not much new here. i am cd like 18 i think and i definately O two days ago but the sad thing is that dh is away working and is only home on weekends, so i know im not pg this month. really getting discouraged now!! well i gotta run, i am at work so i had to make it fast. ill be at my mothers this weekend so i promise illl post more then. take care. baby dust


bump - January 13




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