~0~0~0Fertility Journey0~0~0~
93 Replies
Shauna - March 29

Hey everybody....where are you all??? So we are moved in now and things are starting to get settled. Hope you are all good. I dont have time to read so I will catch up tomorrow or something. Love yous all.


Kristi1 - March 29

Hey Shauna, good to see you got moved in! Now the fun begins...figuring out where you want everything to go....especially the kitchen ;-) We just bought our first home in 2005, and I still remember getting everything put away and how I have moved so much around since then ;-) Well, I went to RE this morning for my mid-cycle sonogram and i have 22m follicle, so I give myself the Ovidrel shot tonight and we go in Sat morn for the IUI....that is about all that is going on with me...hope the rest of you are doing well!!


stepmommel - April 9

okay, this isn't good.... it's been WAY too long since we've all talked on here! What's up with that!? Just wanted to check in and wish everyone a happy Easter and to see how everyone's doing. Kristi, I'll be expecting an update on you by the end of the week when I give you guys the update on the sex of our little one! I've been praying for you! Hope everyone is well... still waiting for certain belly shots... hint hint hint! :) Big hugs and much love ladies! Talk to you soon....


Kristi1 - April 9

Hey Mel, I am still around! I have been so darn busy these last weeks I am exhuasted! ;-) We are paiting and put up chair rail in our basement and with Davids schedule (working weekends) I am doing all the work, plus we are trying to get some new seed going in the yard and all this stuff going on...I am taking Wednesday off to try to get caught up! Anyway, I dont even know when I am supposed to test or what cd I am on or anything...trying to not think about it and then if AF doesnt show and it seems like it should be time, i figure up my days ;-) Luckily, it has been easy to somewhat not think about it since we have so much going on... But I will keep you updated when something happens! Cant wait to hear the sex of the baby!! Hope everyone is doing great!


Shauna - April 11

Hi all. Where are yah??? So we finally got the internet hooked up again. TG. So it looks like you guys have been a little busy lately!!?? Me too...I have this insane illness. It is like nothing I have ever experienced in my life. Oh yah...we need to back up a little bit............. April 4th my dh came back from his business trip and I was on CD43 ( usually 33 ) So I did a test and BFN. So he got home and I was really sick ( I thought it was good news, it wasnt) so I went to bed as soon as he got home. So the next day he was on Easter weekend break so he was home for 5 days....I slept and crapped all day. On CD 44 AF ( and it felt like a dam broke in my abdomin) I was in alot of pain. So for 3 days I bled and slept and crapped all day and all night. Then on Monday when my dh was supposed to be going back to work....he got sick and he has been home for 3 days sick. The doctor told me it is some crazy flu that is going around and that he has heard of it going around in Saskatoon too. (Shawna beware) So I am now 16 pounds lighter (not the way I would suggest you to lose weight) lol. Now I can finally eat some stuff and I have not crapped in 24 hours...not sure if that is good or bad....but I feel better. HURRAY!!!!!! there is my story in a rather large nut shell. love and peace to you all and hope that nobody gets this nasty flu.


Tink - April 11

hi guys! shauna, hope you are feeling better- the stomach flu and crapping stuff is just the pits. you feel like you want to die. i actually got sick when i was home waiting on a fridge repairman from sears. i was so sick when i went to open the door for him, i passed out and this poor repairman is like WTH! anyways, hope you are feeing better. Kristi- any news? thinking of you! Mel- sex news? what week are you finding out- i mean how far along? Ginger, how are feeling- how far along are you? well i am 10 weeks as of yesterday. i can't believe it. only a few more weeks and i will feel much better, but i think we are pass the safe zone now considering how sick i have been since week 4. i have severe morning sickness and started taking time off mid week last week. i am taking 3 weeks or so off on short term disability. i am so sick it is effecting my ability to work, plus i travel some with work and i had to go to vegas and was miserably sick the whole time. the guys i worked with could tell how bad i was, they thought it was a stomach flu, since i hadn't told them i was prego yet. so my boss and i decided it was better to just take off. i have good days and bad days where i can't even keep gatorade down. i don't throw up a ton- i mean i do, but it is more feeling like i have food poisoning 24/7 more than anything. so that is the bad news, the good news is that being so sick is a comfort that things are good. i have read the sicker you are, the less chance of m/c. but at this point, i am so miserable, i just want to feel better. hopefully i will in a few weeks once in the second tri. i have had one u/s and already was released to my OB from my specialist (of a year on meds!).....you might remember we did IVF, transferred 2 blasts (5 day). they say there is only one in there but the u/s tech was sure there would be two based on my progesterone (110). but just a singelton, healthy heartbeat and measuring 2 days ahead. i am due november 6th now. anyways- thinking of you guys- hope all is well!!!! baby dust!


stepmommel - April 13

Shauna, so sorry to hear you're feeling so badly. That must've just absolutely sucked! I hope you and your DH get over it soon so you can get back to working on your pfp! Tink, sorry you're not feeling well either. It's amazing to me how some people get so sick during their pregnancies, but you're right, at least you know it's a good sign. Hope it goes away with the end of the trimester. As for me, I'm 20 wks this week (WOO HOO, already at the 1/2 way mark, I can't believe it!) and today is the day... we have our u/s appt at 3:00 (california time) and will learn the sex if baby cooperates and then we meet with the doc directly after. I also plan to schedule my 4D appt for about 8 wks from now, and might also rent a dopler so we can hear the heartbeat from home. We bought one of those "listening monitors" but so far it's been a joke... though, we ARE using it earlier than they say you should, so maybe that's why all we hear is static! ANyways, would love to hear how everyone else is doing (Krisit) and will check in again after my appt to fill you in. Shawna, Ginger, hope you're well too! Check in soon....


Kristi1 - April 13

Tink, good to hear from you! Sorry you have been so sick, how awful! Shauna, sorry you have been so sick too, I absolutely despise been sick...but who doesnt I suppose ;-) Well, I am just still waiting....will probably know something next week. I have a hugely busy weekend ahead then I will be a little less busy and have more time to ponder things, so will probably be getting anxious about testing next week ;-) Like I may have mentioned, I think I O'd the day before IUI, so I do not have my hopes up this month and we are talking about taking a cycle off just to relax a little then will be back to it in May...I still cant believe how far along Shawna is and Mel, cant wait to find out the sex!! Everyone take care and get to feeling better!!


stepmommel - April 14

Well, it's official! I'm having a SON! :) Exactly what we were hoping for! I'm SO excited, can't begin to say. We'll name him Gavin. That's it for now. Just had to fill you all in like I promised! Much love....


stepmommel - April 23

just bumping us up... holding out hope that this thread isn't gone forever! How is everyone? I miss y'all!!


MsMonet - April 23

Stepmommel-Just peeking into this thread! Congrats to you! Welcome baby Gavin!!! I just went in today to get have a discussion with my fertility doctor regarding all of the pretesting that I did. Well, he said that I have to get a Hystoscopy procedure done to remove 2 fibroids, start taking bc pills today, after the pills, 10 days worth of hormonal shots then the egg retreival. So, happy to hear that I can have childrens!!! :)


stepmommel - May 2

Well, it seems like the thread is done and overwith, but I'm not ready to give up completely! Just thought I'd drop a quick line to say hello again. Shawna, can you believe he/she will be here next month!!!? Man, time is flying! How are you doing? Tink and Ginger, how are you feeling? Shauna are you still around? I know you read up every once in a while but with how slow things have gotten I can't help but wonder! Kristi, how's it going for you? I know this is your month off. You taking care of yourself and resting your mind for a while for a fresh start once you're ready? All is well here. Feeling great and gettin' big. I miss you guys so much! WHere did you all go!??!?!?


Shawna1 - May 3

I'm still here Mel!!! I can't believe I'm going to be 33 weeks this Friday! You're more than half way there yourself right? I think I'm getting an eye infection. I hate this time of year so much because of my allergies. My eyes were so sore the other day and I kept rubbing them and now I think something else is developing. Have you felt Gavin moving around lots? I used to enjoy those little kicks but now my entire abdomen jumps around and its quite painful at times. We still can't decide on a boy's name. Any suggestions? Kristi, how's your month off going? Maybe I shouldn't ask you might be trying to keep your mind on other things. I guess in that case you wouldn't be on the thread either. Shauna, how are you? Aren't you glad spring is finally here!!!! Tink and Ginger, how are all 4 of you?


Kristi1 - May 3

Hi guys..I am still here as well! I keep in checking in now and then but hadnt seen our thread for awhile.... I am still on the break and enjoying it...thinking about taking off a little longer, but havent decided for sure yet. I cant believe you are almost due Shawna!! Do the drs think you will go the distance, or will you maybe go early?? Wow, how exciting! Mel - and Shawna....been waiting for more belly shots!! ;-) Glad to hear you are both doing well. Hope everyone else it too....


stepmommel - May 10

Hi everyone! Just wanted to check in and see how everyone's doing. Shawna, you ready to pop yet? I hope you're hanging in there. How's everyone else? I lucked out and got to go to the Ellen Degeneres show (again!) and this time celebrate with her huge baby shower she threw for first time moms! You'll have to check it out. It airs tomorrow! Lemme know if you see it!? Hope everyone's doing good and feeling well. I miss chatting with everyone, but I'm still holding out hope that this will pick up again! Much love to everyone!


Shauna - May 11

Found yah. Nope I am done with TTC. That 44 day wait last month through me for a loop. I was 28 days from age 12-20. Got pg with son and then was 30 days almost every month until 2 years ago and I was 33 days and now for the last 2 months I have been 44 days last month and 35 and counting this month. WTF as they say???? So I am around but just really busy. We are leaving to OHIO in two weeks so I have lots to do. SHAWNA good luck with the relay. You are doing a really great thing. Hi to everybody and welcome to the new bees. May you all have happy healthy pregnancies. TTYL



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