4 Replies
vanessa - November 28

is it normal to spot when ur 2half months


j3ssica - June 18

it is just a minor case but it could also be a serious i suggest you to see your gynecologists.spotting in the first trimester is very crucial.take care!


sheila - July 26

if it's just a spotting, then it's totally normal, it's just some old blood...i also had this before during my first trimester, mine is a brown discharge. no worries!


lalai - July 28

yes it's normal most especially in the first trimester and so with cramping.when you get pregnant, your uterus expands and the brown discharge or spotting is an old blood.


pronatali2003 - December 7

Hello! My friend's allocation was every month as monthly. It was until the fifth month before the baby stirred. She did not think she was pregnant. She gave birth to a normal healthy child. Now it is already big. Now the boy is nine years old.
At me was so, in 6 weeks has started to smear lightly brown, color of coffee with milk. The doctor began to observe and wrote the treatment. In the end, everything became good. So do not rush to have an abortion. Save as much as possible the child. Try all treatment options. The only reason for abortion is when the pregnancy does not coincide with the size of the fetus. It can be a dead fruit. Good luck to you. Everything will be fine, the main thing is to believe.



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