189 Replies
Rhonda - April 28

Morning girls how are you all doing today?I am going to try and make chili for supper tonight,chili is something i have never made before.Tanya thank you so much for the diapers i so appreciate them.Tanya that nice walk you took sounds wonderful i would have loved to join you.Robyn are you feeling alright?You been up since early huh?Katt rascal keeps you on your toes dont he?I do love hearing about him.Jamie i hope you get some healthy colts soon.Alright well i need to go change sophie it takes her forever to get done going poop.Hellos to everyone of you.I love you girls.


Katt - April 28

Wow, I haven't even read anything since Wednesday and I am still not finished catching up but it is blatently obvious that I inadvertantly started something and I am certainly entitled to a reaction, but ya know what I am not going to give you one. I had this whole thing typed out and it just doesn't belong here. If there is still a problem you feel free to Email me for further discussion. This thread is about friendship and support and I am not for one second going to mess that up. NICOLEM_ Thank you so much for getting my back as I was not available to speak for myself. It means a lot and it is good to know I have a true friend in you. I am going to go make breakfast. Cyas!


slowpoke01 - April 28

hey girls how is everyone doing? KATT- i bet rascal is a real cutey. he sounds like a handfull though. dont know how you do i love homemade chili. i make it sometimes and jessies family loves it. well i am off i took the horse to the vet this morning and got her health certificate so now i am just waiting to take her and have her bred. i know that she is close to ovulating since jessies roping horse has been trying to breed her. had to separate them cause he kept getting some and she was getting mad and started kicking after he tried to breed her like 12 times the old fart. i guess he figures he will get it while he can cause it will be another year before he get can hi to all. take care.


Katt - April 28

I guess I owe some of you girls and big (((HUG))) and a thank you for looking out. ROBYN_ I am sorry you reacted the way you did to my emotions, but I cannot be sorry for the way I feel. I forgive you for thinking ill of me. I never once thought ill of you. Take care girls. I love you all!!


ROBYN - April 28

NICOLE - once you trigger it last 14 days in your system well actually it depends on the dosage 10,000 units is 14 days and 1/2 of that well is 7. But if you test earlier than 14 days it good very well give you a false positive. But 14 days and after if its positive than its positive. KATT - i dont think ill of you. Never have. i just got defensive on something that personally effects me thats all and i got over it.


amygirl - April 28

I have not posted for a few day's and i come on and wow;alot has happened.I seem to sense some hostility still between robyn&katt.i can sense thing's fairly good and sorry to be so blunt but i feel this issue is not resolved yet for the best.katt i am curios as to what the long post was you considered posting.If it concerned robyn she should be informed of your thoughts/feeling's.Just my opinion.ivf is like a testtube pregnancy is that correct?That would creep me out a little bit.katt your religion is against ivf?i never heard that before.Must be a strange religion then.slowpoke it is good you and hubby can agree on a spern hubby would never take that sort of thing in consideration or adoption.We may never have a child i dont know.I cant fall pregnant again after my m/c.Well i really just wanted to drop in to see all of you.take care for the time being.


ROBYN - April 28

Amy seriously i know you mean well but I have been talking with Katt for over a year i am not angry at her and have been thru alot with her when i lost my pregnancy she was one of the first people i told and trusted and she told these girls with the utmost respect and care thats the kind of person she is. KATT if you read this before my email i also sent I love you as a friend and by no means what my friendship with you to end. Nicole made a good statement to me via email can we agree to disagree and i absolutely agree with that.


Katt - April 28

AMY_ Just to clarify a few things: #1 Robyn and I are working things out on our own as it does not belong here for everyone to see and get upset over. I believe most of this is simply a misunderstanding and most times misunderstandings can reek all kinds of havoc if not corrected. #2 Yes IVF is where an embryo is retrieved from the ovary and sperm are placed with it in the hopes the egg is fertilized by the sperm at which point it is implanted into the uterus. I wouldn't necessarily call it creepy. #3 I am more spiratual vs religious because I believe people went and messed everything up. I think the ideal religion has been spliced into so many different pieces that we really don't know what it is anymore. However, I will bring my children up in a church I feel comfortable in (which may be quite the hunt where I live). My children should have the option to believe or not to believe and I can't teach them everything there is to know about values, respect and good morality. ROBYN_ I do not think ill of you. In fact I have always respected you and valued your opinion. I do not want our friendship to end either. Please realize I was reading all of that in one block and had to process it Just know I hold no ill will against you - NONE. I love you ((((HUG)))) YOU ARE MY FRIEND. What are friends good for if we can't have a spat now and then?


mommy2josh - April 28

Afternoon ladies. How is everyone? I mean I read the posts, but feel too pooped to address everyone. I am cleaning my house and am not done yet. This is from 7:30AM. LOL. I have the kitchen, but will probably leave it until DH and DS are asleep. At least DH did all the laundry. I will be back later. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Rhonda no problem about the diapers. Hope it helped some. Hugs and Kisses to all.


mommy2josh - April 28

PS. Katt and Robyn, I think it is great that you are taking the time to work things out just between the two of you. The rest of us should really butt out at this point. There is no point in looking back and I personally will no longer comment on this issue. Love you all. :)


Rhonda - April 28

Hello girls,Amy i dont know what to say to your post because i dont know how to take what you said.So i am stepping over it.Katt and Robyn i am so happy you girls are talking things out and that everything is ok with you both now.I love all of you girls and i dont want to see any of you hurting more than you have to.Tanya yes they are a big help,the diapers that is lol i want to make sure you knew what i meant.Well girls i love each of you and i am sending you all lots of hugs.


Katt - April 28

Hey TANYA_ I am on day 7 or something of the diet. I think I have been guilty of cheating on some level every day, lol. I know it only hurts me but I have absolutely no will power to donuts brought home that sit on the counter just waiting to be eaten, haha. For the most part I am sticking to it. I commend you for all the walking. I need to exercise but I don't think I can get started until I see some sort of weight loss initially. A nice jump start, ya know.


mommy2josh - April 28

LOL Katt. I cheat everyday. I dont eat donuts, but I eat a piece of dark chocolate with coffee. LOL. I am at a standstill for now. I mean I am still losing but no more then a fre ounces a day. My total weightloss I think is about 12lb. It is hard, but I intend on sticking this one out. Since I am never hungry it helps. Of course I am ready to kill some people from work who intentionally dangle all sorts of yummy stuff in front of my nose asking if I want some. That is just plain wrong. It is so hard to lose weight, and these skinny people can not possibly relate to my struggle. I am on day 11 of diet 2 and at this point I am not constantly thinking of food. I do get tempted, especially when I make Josh mac and cheese (not from the box). My absolute favorite thing to eat in the whole world. As for you, even if you cheat, you are still consuming less calories then before, so some good results are surely to come. Couple of girls at work couldnt do it. No will power :) Keep strong.


mommy2josh - April 28

Rhonda I am glad I could help. I just hope Sophie doesnt outgrow the diapers I sent. How many kids in diapers? I know Cloe is. Anyway. I'll be back later.


ROBYN - April 28

Katt - i dowloaded Tanyas diet i looked at the vegetarian portion of it. I am not really a meat eater at all. But,,, are you having a hard time being "faithful with it" I am tempted to try it but i dont like a "hungry" feeling. TANYA - thank you very well put and just for the record everyone KATT AND I are fine!! We kissed and hugged and never really fought we broke up for about 30 minutes and got back together LOL. KATT are we back together ?? Yes we are. Look girls please noone be afraid to speak their minds on here Katt made a very good point to me this thread has been built on friendships and its not always about TTC its about life in general because when you have friends you talk about things other than just TTC and she is very right about that. We are just a bunch of girls from all over the globe. We are all raised with different values, morals and beliefs it doesnt make anyone wrong or right. It just makes us individuals and i do know that. You all know i have been thru hell these past few months and now i am ready and have begun the next cycle and i am gonna need you all again more than ever this time. I am also truly truly sorry for anything i also may have caused. I should have directed my feelings via email i dont think i should have posted them here. That would have been the appropriate way to handle things. But like i also told Katt we both have very strong personalities i can tell that just by talking with her this past year and i am very strong minded as well. But in the end we are all TRUE friends because we can say these things and not walk away from one another.


Katt - April 28

Dangling - hell my husband is the one bringing in the donuts and other tantilizing goodies! Sometimes I think husbands/boyfriends etc subconsciencely(sp) sabotage their woman's diet. It's like they get this idea we're leaving or something lol. I can't quite put my finger on it. It's like you mention diet and everyone brings you candy! Oh and I am already planning my three days off, lol! I can't help it I love food! Too bad it hates me ;)



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