TTC #1 and over 34? - Part 3
384 Replies
Georgiatoo - February 10

Hi Karen, good to hear from you! I hope tonight goes well and is a good distraction for the arduous 2ww. I'm on cd 11 just getting ready for o this week. We had to skip IUI's in Dec & Jan because we switched dr's and all the timing of the tests. So, I'm waiting until the end of the month to order my injectables on the off chance we get pg on our own - I guess you never know. Last month was the first month I didn't test at all - it was tough but I'm trying to hold off until af is actually due or dare I say late...I was getting a little crazy with the home tests. My shop is next door to an Eckerds - bad news for the impatient ttc'r! Rachel


baby1234 - February 12

Hi all. Went for bw and us today. It looks like two more contenders have joined the race. I am up to 6 follies which are pretty much the same size (15-17) and one anxious guy at 22. The two newcomers are sizing up at 10. There are a few more that he isn't really measuring because they are pretty behind. The big one somehow jumped from the right side to the left side when they measured today. It is amazing how fast things change! Anyway, the count is at 9 so far. My lh is good at 1.5 (surge is greater than 20) and e2 is at 760ish. I am getting cautiously optimistic that the no lupron/bcps ideas was the best for me...I was pretty nervous about it before. It would suck if it didn't work out. Anyway, I go back on Tues. (yet another day off of school--my poor kids) and they'll decide if I stim that night or trigger. I bet they'll make me stim that night and trigger the next. We'll see. I am down to 225 gonal f in the am and 1 menopur and 1 ganirelix at night. That is only 3 shots a day when I was doing up to 6 a day the last cycle. I like the fewer shots... mostly because it is soooo much cheaper! lol Stacie


meme_g - February 12

Hey Stacy, hope things continue to go well for you! That is great news about your follies. My exciting news is my af started today, day 29 right on time. It is good news - as that is my first period since my lap. And it is not as painful as before!!! Yeah, great news. Now I will start my new cycle (the one I get pg with, mind you!) I should be going for b/w and u/s on Tuesday which happens to work out perfectly with my work schedule. Yeah! Hope everyone else is doing well. Take care!


meme_g - February 12

sorry I spelled your name wrong Stacie - I know better, typing fingers got the best of me!


baby1234 - February 12

Hello everyone. I hope you are all well. It has been slow here today. Does
that mean that I am the only one with nothing to do on sunday? I hope
you are all off having lots of fun.

TRACY--thanks for the positive vibes for this cycle. I am so ready for
this pg to happen and stick! How are you doing lately? Up to anything fun
and exciting?

KRISTI--did I read that correctly? Did you say bfp?!? Congrats! I am
praying that your levels take off for Monday's beta torture. Good luck
and let us know how it goes. Double, beta, double!

RACHEL--Glad to hear that the sa was normal. It can be so frustrating, though,
not having a reason for no bfps. You sound so down and I just want to
reach out to give you a big
hug. Take care of yourself. I know your bfp is coming soon...I can just
feel it!

KAREN--I hate the tww. It seems to go on and on and on forever!
Do you have a 28 day cycle? That would make it another week before
you can test...a lifetime away I know. Good luck and try to hold out as
long as you can! (easier said than done, I know)

I guess that is it for now. Take care. Talk to you all soon. Stacie


baby1234 - February 12

MEME--great news! I am happy there is less pain, too! Af is bad enough, but when it is painful on top of everything else--yuck! Positive things are coming your way soon! I can't wait to hear how the bw and u/s go. Good luck! Stacie


Tracy88 - February 12

Kristi, congrats on that BFP!!!!! Hoping all progresses as it should. Please keep us posted!!! Meme, good deal on the less painful period. The period after my lap was less painful too, but I was too afraid to contribute it to the lap just yet, but coincidentally didn't get to experience any more after that (luckily). Stacie, sounds like you have some really good things going for you right now! I am loving the egg growth this cycle. Best of luck dearest! You deserve a BFP NOW!!!! As for me, I have been house hunting all day. I am soooo excited. We were looking to rent a house, but DH's parents are now encouraging us to buy (we think they want to help us) because everytime we saw something we liked, they would meet us there to check it out. Also, just by comments that they were making, we can tell that they are going to step in and help. Yay!!!! My in laws are so good to me. I am so fortunate. Well, if I left anyone out, which I'm sure I did, I am so scattered today, so please excuse me for that. TTYL


Tracy88 - February 12

Oh, Meme, the one thing about my post lap period was that it was clean, clear blood. Sorry for the graphic description ladies, but didn't know how else to describe it. I liked that it was so clean, because it felt healthy to me. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it!


meme_g - February 12

Yeah - Kristi, that is awesome news for you. Keep growing that baby! Fingers crossed you have a good appt tomorrow - you deserve it!!! Congrats! Yes Tracy - I know what you mean, it is better. That would be awesome news for you for a house. Yeah - keep us posted!


cromwell - February 12

Hi all. It is nice to not be worrying about stuff this month. If my RE hadn't been such gloom and doom on the age thing, I would probably take off a couple more months. I am really trying to wait for "signs" to help me make this decision, although I am leaning towards starting inj. next cycle. Anyway, Kristi, great to hear about your BFP! I am really praying your beta numbers go up. I totally understand why you haven't logged on. It is totally great to have people to talk to and bond with over this whole subject, but sometimes I felt like it contributes to a negative sort of energy for me. Just by virtue of the fact that we log onto the section called "problems getting pregnant" seems to mean something, energetically speaking. Really, I don't want anyone to be offended by what I am saying, it is just that I have been a pessimist since I was a young girl, and I really am susceptible to negative thinking. That is why on the flip side, it is so encouraging that there has been a lot of good news, also. I basically have to decide for myself if in the end, I would do the donor egg thing. I just can't help but wonder how I would feel about using someone else's eggs. Would I feel like I am raising someone else's kids? But then, I have a friend who truly does not like her older biological son's personality, so I have spent much time pondering this from the philosophical side. (I am not kidding about the dislike, by the way--she is never overtly cruel to him, but if I can pick up on it, you know her own son can). Anyway, it is also nice to really get all your feelings out on this site too! Bad and good! Laurie


meme_g - February 12

Hi Laurie - glad you are feeling good with your break. I agree, it helps a lot mentally. I do understand about negativity for sure, I even changed the name of the link for this thread in my favorites menu from "infertility" to "I Became Pregnant, Read My Success Story" - so that when I click to come to the site, I don't see anything but positive words in my link. (You can always rename links by right clicking the link) So maybe that will help too! Anyway - good luck with your decision process and we all understand needing to vent. As for me I'm going in tomorrow for Day 3 ultrasound and then to start my clomid. I am very excited for this month and look forward to sharing my good news very shortly! Take care ladies!


cromwell - February 12

Meme that is so great! I love your attitude. I am thinking about buying that DVD--The Secret. Of course, I have read a bunch of books by authors who already preached that stuff years before, but, DVD's are cool too. L


karenk - February 12

Just a quick posting today. I had to take a flexiril this morning am am still feeling drugged. I get these terrible neck and shoulder spasms ever since a car accident several years ago. I have been fine for many, many months, but they reared their ugly heads last night. I waited until this morning to take something. I kept thinking about the possibility of being pregnant and not wanting to harm anything, but the pain this morning overrode that line of thinking. Besides, I hate putting life on hold for the "what ifs". Stacey, my cycles have always been 25-26 days with a luteal phase of only 11 days. But those were unmedicated cycles. Not sure what it will be this month on Clomid. Last time on Clomid, I got a bfp on cd 28. Didn't test before then because I was so convinced AF was coming. I don't really know what day to test this time around. DH likes me to wait as long as possible, but I may give in and test this coming Sat. Sorry if any of this is rambling or confusing, the drugs are taking their tole on me :)


NatashaV - February 13

Hi, lots to catch up on! Meme, I do LOVE your attitude, we want to see it work for you, so everyone will want to try it too. :) Stacie, I'm so pleased to hear that your follies look good - yay! Your follies were just excellent last time (I remember how I was blown away that they all fertilized), just keep that in mind, right? It could've just been (as you've said before) a question of which drug and when, and changing it a bit this time is bound to make the difference. I know that your follies will grow big and be ready for fertlization soon! Rachel, good luck with the big O this week...hope this is the one! Karen, I totally understand about not living for the 'what ifs'. That was the thinking that had me drinking 3 glasses of red wine the night before I got my bfp..oops! Speaking of bfp..hey Kristi! Nice to hear from you, and about your news. I really hope that you have a happy and healthy 9 months ahead... Dana, how are you doing? Update us soon, please. Laurie, I agree that I don't like that the section is called "problems getting pregnant" - I always felt it was a downer to click on that. I hear what you're saying about negative thinking and the energy that it puts out there too... We just have to focus on the good aspects. And, of course no one is offended that it's not always easy to post on here. I think we've all stayed away at different times to try to gain perspective etc. I still haven't checked out the 'pregnant' threads..don't wanna. :) As for my MIL, I shouldn't have made it sound that bad, she wasn't mean or anything. It's just about expectations that dh had (I agree Tracy, having none is easier) - he was wanting to tell her on his bday, and thinking it was so exciting and special and she was 'happy', but was quick to chat about other things etc. Oh well, I honestly haven't given it much thought since, I just wish for dh's sake she'd been more excited. I had my first dr. appt today, and it went well. When the dr. put the fetal heartrate monitor on me (where you can hear the baby's heart), he said that it might be slightly early to hear it, but he'd try. He tried, tried, moved it, tried again....dh and I were getting worried. Then, there it was! I could hear it...phew. I was really relieved and almost didn't care about anything else he said after that. I can't wait to hear about heartbeats etc. from each and every one of you, and our thread is lucky lucky, so it's gonna be soon!!!


Tracy88 - February 13

Karen, as far as taking the medication, you cannot harm the baby until about week 5 to 6ish. My OB explained all this to me because I take migraine meds and was taking Valium for muscle spasms for my back right when I was doing treatments and such. The doc said nothing will inhibit the cell differentiation that is occuring just after fertilization, before implantation, and for about another week or so after that. Usually if you have missed your period, and you stop whatever you are doing (ie...meds) there is zero effect. I just popped in and haven't finished reading, but can't continue right now because my back is killing me, so I will write in the morning.


baby1234 - February 13

I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I hope you are all doing well. I am starting to get a headache (reading is bugging me), so I guess I am going to bed. I'll check in tomorrow. Take care. Stacie



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