Trying to conceive 4 the past 5yrs
3 Replies
AnaMarie - February 24

My husband and i have been trying to have a baby for the past 5 yrs. we've been having unprotected sex and still nothing!! im starting to worry because i havent got pregnant! is there anything i can do? any tests? what exactly do i ask the doctor? what kind of doctor do i ask? sorry of the many questions but its a first for everything!!


angelkitty - February 24

I would say it is time to contact a specialist. Does your insurance require you to get a referral? if so get your obgyn to refer you. I would find a fertility clinic near you and start seeing a RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist). You will meet with the doctor and do a complete fertility workup. My RE is wonderful and Iam so thankful we have him. I wish you the best. Also, have you tried ovulation prediction kits to determine when you are ovulating? You can get them at any drug store or Wal Mart. You start using them around day 10 of your cycle - the 1st day of your cycle would be the first day of regular bleeding. When you get the positive you will know to bd (baby dance - i.e - have sex) at that time.


AnaMarie - February 24

Angelkitty.. thanks for answering back.. This is actually the first time i really got interested in finding out why because i felt i was still too young to have kids. but i feel as if 24 is not that bad and im glad that i didnt get prego before.. but now... im ready. let me ask you a question can u not get prego if ur a over weight? does it have anything to do with it? i know many people who are plus and they get prego like nothing! can that be the reason? i also dont get my period's on time...EVER!! one month it can come on a 7th and the other can be totally different and come again on the same month but towards the end! can that be a problem with ovulating? please help


angelkitty - February 24

Anamarie you're welcome for the answer. TTC can be tough I know. From what is sounds like you may have some issues with ovulation. I am exactly every 28 days - always. I highly recommend that you get an appt with a RE if you can. As for the weight issue. It can go both ways. I have seen plus ladies get pg like nothing - I am thin but it has been a challenge for me. I had a girlfriend on this forum that was overweight (according to her) she lost just 10 lbs and got pregnant immediately after ttc for 15 cycles. With your af(aunt flo - your period) not coming regularly I would say you may have some ovulation challenges. And age really is not a factor - if you have challenges now at least you can take the steps to look into and correct it early. If you are overweight and want to drop a few lbs let me suggest the South Beach Diet. It is a great diet that does not just correct weight issues but it lowers your risk of diabetes. It is actually a diabetic diet. ANd I hate to call it a diet because for me it was a lifestyle change. I have never been overweight but I did lose 10lbs using it and I have just made it a way of life. Let me know if you have anymore questions.



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