Tilted Uterus
6 Replies
EricaLayne - February 12

I've been ttc for 3 1/2 years now and for the past month I have been taking metformin. Currently on 1700mg a day. Last week I had a pap smear done at the health dept. and I told the woman that was doing the pap smear that I have been ttc. As she was checking me out she mentioned that I have a tilted uterus. She said it is tilted downward, making it harder to concieve. I havent told my doctor yet but just wondering if anyone else has this problem?


leelee3000 - February 12

I was told I had a tilted uterus during a sonogram... but the tech said that having trouble conceiving is an old wives tale...so I researched it and the results were about 50-50 I've been ttc 1yr. 3mo. my doc never said anything about it so I'm not sure if it is a problem or not and how to compensate for it if it is a problem


lovemy3 - February 12

I was told that also but manged to have 4. I'd mention it to your dr for sure but I'm not sure if it actually does make things harder.


TiffanyRae - February 12

I was also told I have a tilted uterus and was ttc for almost three years....we got pregnant november of 06 and now have a six month old little boy! My doctor said that it can slightly hinder the sperm...making it a little harder to swim to the top! But I know every doctor is different and every website states different information. But that is what my doctor said and I have been seeing him through my whole ordeal! We are trying for number two now and I start femara tomorrow. Doctor did an exam yesterday and said my uterus is still very tilted...even after giving birth. So we will see! Good luck to you!


toshi - February 25

I'm not sure if it makes it any harder. I have a tilted uterus also and I have a 10 year old daughter, but my second pregnancy ended in a miscarriage which had nothing to do with my uterus.


lakensmom - February 25

I have a 4 year old and not until after her birth did the doc tell me I had a tilted uterus. We have been ttc our second child for 1 year. I ask my doc if this had anything to do with my tilted uterus and he said no. But I always try to lie down for awhile after intercourse and maybe elevate my legs..just in case.


nurse08 - February 26

anyone tilted to the right? my nurse told me on my scan that my uterus was tilted to the right.



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