These are my symptoms
1 Replies
Imhealed - February 27

Ok, Let me share my story. I started my period on February 5th, and started clomid pills on the 7th ( I did days 3-7). My husband and I had sex on the 9th of February. On the 15th I wiped and got some cervical mucus with pink blood. On Saturday, I had a slight headache and felt nauseas on the stomach. Felt light headed and a little dizzy, felt bad on Sunday, didn't go to work on Monday, but last night I went to the bathroom wiped, and I had a "glob" of yellowish cm. I still really don't feel like myself, and I was wondering could there be a chance that I may be preg? I took a test yesterday from the Dollar tree and it was it to early? ? ? ? I have not been feeling like myself, normally I'm a jolly person and all but I've been very quiet and to myself, because of the way I feel. I take nutri-calm herbs, because there are times when "anxiety" lifts its uglyhead. Any thoughts? Any suggestions? I need some encouragement.


photoholic808 - February 29

.keep your ehad up and try to relax easier said tha done... and I was just wondering if you tested positive.



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