The Best Mommies to be Part 9.... Stay Strong!
205 Replies
newmommy - May 3

Hi, girls! K8, BFP! BFP! BFP! BFP! BFP! BFP! BFP! BFP! BFP! BFP! BFP! BFP! Can't wait to hear some good news from you! Hang in there, girl! TWhit, I'm so sorry you're having a hard time right now. You will find a way, and everything will work out, I just know it. Insurance sucks! Lucky, my insurance is BCBS, and I feel very lucky that my plan has covered my doctor visits so far. I'm just waiting for them to come back and ask for their payment back!!! Lucky, good luck on your job interview!!! Things are sounding good for you. Have you ever noticed that things seem to work themselves out all at the same time? Bina, typing in bed sounds so cozy---but my butt always seems to go numb when I sit in bed for a while! :-) Have a wonderful, relaxing time at your accupuncture appt tomorrow!!! You'll have to let us know how it goes. I just came back from my appt. I almost fell asleep! The infection is already seeming to clear up. No yucky white stuff (TMI alert!!!); just waiting for my cm to come back. That little pill was great---I'll never use the icky over-the-counter stuff again. I couldn't believe it--it was only $4 for the prescription. I take a second pill Friday, just to be sure it's not going to come back. DH and I are going to BD tonight since everything's clearing up. Is it bad that I didn't tell DH about the infection??? I just know it would totally freak him out, and he won't want to BD for at least a week (we gotta stay on schedule, and we already missed once!). I figured that since the doc gave us the go ahead, and all seems pretty much normal it should be okay. Right???? :-)


TWhit116 - May 4

where the heck is everyone, so k8 whats going on you test yet?


k8cherry - May 4

Well sorry to report but it was a BFN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AF should be here by lunch time tomorrow. Looks like a pity weekend with lots of MARGARITA'S!!!!!!!!!!!


bina - May 4

K8- Sorry for the BFN, but you didn't get AF yet. Could it be pg symptoms?? I'm still rooting for ya!


TWhit116 - May 5

so sorry k8 but as bina said she hasnt offically showed yet!


newmommy - May 5

Hey, ladies! I'm just about to head out for my drive across the mountains, but I wanted to give you my update. I had my u/s today, and my follie is over 17mm! I do my trigger shot tomorrow at noon (Bina, I'll be thinking about you!). We BD tonight and Sunday, and we'll probably throw in Monday too, just in case! I'm a little nervous about giving myself the shot though! If I wasn't leaving town, I'd go in and have one of the nurses give it to me. But I guess I'm on my own! Not sure what the infection is doing. It seems to have come back. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the vaginal u/s, or if it's just coincidence. Both times I noticed, it was a few hours after my u/s. But today was also the day for my second dose of Diflucan, so it could also be that the infection just needed a second boot outta there. Is this a bad omen, or what???? I just have a feeling that this cycle probably won't work, but possibly next one. I guess we'll see!!! I'd love to be wrong. K8, so sorry about the BFN again. Hang in there---maybe we'll be IUI buddies next cycle!


Lucky717 - May 5

Hi Ladies -- The last few days have been a blur to say the least. My interview went Great!!! I am sooo excited and hoping that this all pans out because it would be a good jump professionally and also with compensation. More $$ for IVF!! I am praying that this is part of God's plan for me. Instead of sending a traditional Thank You I sent 2 dozen cookies for the team and management with a thank you message to all the people I spoke with. My girlfriend who works there already said that was a huge hit. My fingers are soooo crossed.


Lucky717 - May 5

Ok...onto fertility stuff.....K8 -- I am so sorry for your BFN. Test again today and tomorrow just in case. I'm hoping that maybe your levels were to low for the test to pick up. My prayers are with you. DIEM -- How are you? Any news from the Dr??? Please bring us up to date. How's your DH recovering?? ****** Newmommy** Your follies are perfect size!!! YAY!!! That is fabulous! Yeast infections suck!! I used to get them in the summer from working out and sweating. Diflucan is the bomb!!! It's so easy and always clears things up quicker. Good luck with the shot. Honestly it's not that bad. The needle is so fine that you barely feel it going in. *** Twhit*** How are you? How's your brother? Is he living with you and DH yet? ***** Bina*** I am soooo rooting for you girl with this cycle. Think positive and definitely continue your acupuncture. Are you doing the Embryo transfer appointment? It's when your acupuncturist meets with you beforehand and you have a treatment done then you go into your transfer and right after you have another appt. with the acupuncturist for implantation. I am doing it. Down here it runs $250 for them to come and do it beforehand. ##### PepesGrl--- Where are you??? We haven't heard from you in soooo long. Are you ok???? How are things going. Please come back and post. We'd love to hear from you!#### BabyBaby --how are things going with you???#### BABY DUST TO EVERYONE!!!


newmommy - May 5

Well, I did it!!! I just did my hCG shot. I was a little freaked out, but brave! :-) I got the medication mixed faster than I thought it would take, so I did the shot about 10 minutes early. I didn't want to sit around and freak myself out for 10 whole minutes!!! I felt the needle a little bit, and it stings just a bit---but definitely pretty easy! DH races today, so I am off to potty the pugs and get my stuff together and head over. I'll check in with you girls later!!!


Lucky717 - May 5

Newmommy -- what shot did you use? Did you use Ovidrel? It's already mixed and is super easy to use. I am just curious as to if there is another type of trigger shot used. I didn't have to measure or mix anything. It came prefilled. Congrats on giving it to yourself. Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend!!


Lucky717 - May 5

Happy Cinco De Mayo Ladies!! I am about to fire up the blender for a batch of margaritas!! I hope everyone is having a great weekend and getting plenty of BDing in. I'm on CD 21. Just ready to see if by chance we got lucky this cycle and end up with a BFP. I can't test for another week so I'm going to stay busy and hopefully give my 2 week notice this week!!!!!


diem - May 5

Hey ladies. I'm getting ready to go out for cinco de mayo. Just wanted to pop in and say hello. K8, sorry about the bfn. keep testing!!!! I have my doc appt on Monday to discuss what hapens next. Dh is doing well. His owie is healing nicely. Take care and I'll see ya tomorrow!


diem - May 6

k8, i see that your temp went back up this morning. That is a good sign. When are you testing again???


diem - May 6

K8, I just saw your chart. I'm sorry. I know that you really wanted this to be the month. (((((hugs)))))


Lucky717 - May 6

So sorry K8. AF just sucks. Are you moving ahead with another IUI? Don't you just wish that we could all have these amazing healthy eggs that literally drag the sperm up to them and make them fertilize them???? I think we all have gotten things in place for this to happen but for some crazy reason it's just not working. I wish my eggs had tentacles...ha ha! I just thought of that and it made me giggle, but seriously I just wish that both items could be at the same place at the same time to make this happen already! My thoughts are with you. How is everyone today??? I hope well. I have banana bread in the oven and the house smells soooo good! Also made a dish of lasagna to freeze and pop out this week for dinner. When I get anxious I cook and freeze a bunch of stuff. I am hoping that I hear something this week regarding the job. It sure would be nice to submit my two weeks notice. Well off to get some chores done. I'll pop in later.


newmommy - May 6

Ladies, I am SO sick! UGH!!! Has anyone else gotten this sick right after trigger? Or is it just a coincidence? I started feeling bad at about 5:00 last night, and by 6:00 I was throwing up (TMI!). I didn't even get to watch DH race---His friend's girlfriend drove me home to my parent's house. Last night, I couldn't even keep water down. Luckily, 7-up and crackers are staying down today. Everything is so sore, and the spot where I gave my shot hurts like hell if you touch it. Lucky, the shot wasn't Ovridel. I'm not sure what it is, but I'll look on the box later. I just had to inject 1cc from the vile of water into the vile of powder and swirl it around. DH and I are supposed to BD tonight and tomorrow---that oughta be interesting! Now, I have to get all my stuff packed back into the car, potty the pugs, and try to endure the 2 1/2 hour drive home. DH and I came over in seperate cars this time, so I have to actually drive home like this. Ugh! K8, so sorry about AF. Keep trying, girl!



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