The Best Mommies To Be Part 8..."March Is Our Month!!!"
323 Replies
bina - March 29

Hi everyone. Sorry I've been MIA. We've had a little change in plans. I left my Wednesday appt with a definite retrieval on Friday, but they called later that morning and have to push it back. I guess my bloodwork is not matching up yet with the u/s. Probably the levels are low. So I go in Friday morning early again for more bloodwork and u/s. They'll probably say Monday is the retrieval unless they call me Friday morning. I'm up to 300iu Follistim and hopefully took my last 2 shots tonight, except for the HCG. Twhit-I'm sorry to hear about being a carrier. Hoping Dh is negative for you but if for some reason he's positive, I'm sure there are some ways to create a baby of your own through IVF. One step at a time. K8-I can't wait to hear how your appt went! Finally it's here. Lucky-your appt will be here soon as well. I forget, have you ever done IUI before? It's a piece of cake. Twhit-I took 100mg of Clomid for 3 rounds-how come you ask? I've heard people take 150. Newmommy-do you know the numbers yet for DH's sample? I'm glad things turned out positive for you and you really like the place now. How awesome to see Dh's swimmers! I can't wait to see pics of my embryos. Does your place give pics at the transfer? Well, going for a walk now! BABYDUST!


TWhit116 - March 29

well I was wondering what the chances are of concieving on 150mg rather then 50 or whatever, just curious to see why they are starting me high.


newmommy - March 30

Well, DH is sick AGAIN! He finally went to the doctor yesterday. They gave him some drugs, so hopefully it kicks it outta there before we have to start BDing! Bina, yes, I think that they give all patients the embryo pics. I know the other receptionist that just did IVF has her embryo pics for her baby book. Does your place do retrievals/transfers on weekends too? Ours does them whatever day they think it needs to be done. So if that lands on Sunday, that's when they'll do it. That's very exciting that you are almost at retrieval already!!! No, we don't know the exact numbers on DH yet. I pop in in check it numerous times during the day though! :-) It was only done Monday, so I know it's early---but I was hoping to sneak a peak if it's in the computer before they release it to the doctors! I know they said he looked good, but I just can't completely rest until the official results are back. TWhit, they're starting you right away on 150mg of Clomid??? That sounds like a high dose right away. Did they say why they thought you needed to go so high so fast? I've always heard of them doing 50mg then 100 and then up to 150 if you don't first ovulate on a lower dose. I'm sure they have a reason---just seems different than the norm. K8, you have to give us the full scoop tomorrow, okay??? Good Luck!!!! Lucky, hang in there! How are you feeling? I'm on cd11. Still waiting for some signs of possible fertile times. I can't decide if I'm going to do opk's this month, or just try to BD every other day or so when we can. I'll be interested to see how my follies look next Thursday, and if my cyst is gone. If there's the start of a dominant follie and the cyst is gone, I'm going to ask if they can do the trigger when I'm ready, even though I didn't do the Clomid this cycle. How is everyone else doing??? Diem, DeeD---how are you guys? Baby, pepesgirl, SaintRose---did we lose you girls? Oh---I did my good deed for the day! One of our new nurses at my work had never drawn blood before, so she's learning how by drawing some of the employees. So I was the guinea pig today! She actually did very good---and I got my gold star for bravery! :-)


SaintRose83 - March 30

Hey ladies.. sorry I have been MIA.... I just have been feeling really down. Just had my 3rd MC and I am really losing hope. I went to the doctor and she wanted to do some chomosome tests on me and if they are normal, then on my husband. She thinks maybe there is a chomosome problem with either one of us, since all of our MC have happened under 5 weeks. So I am waiting on the results of that, probally another week or so. Has any one else had this kind of test???


k8cherry - March 30

I'm back. It went so well.Everyone there is so nice. They did an ultra sound and they said that I def. o'd this cycle and it was on my right side. My uterean liner looks great. My dr. said everything looks great. So if I am not pregnant this cycle I will take 50mg clomid days 2 - 6. start opk's on day 10 then when I get a color change on the opk I will go in the next day for an iui. So that is my nexy step. Hopefully I don't have to but I am so ready!!!!


bina - March 31

We are on for an 8am Monday retrieval. I'm so excited that it's finally here. Just hoping they get lots of eggs and they fertilize. It's so exciting that they'll finally meet! Just wanted to write a quick update. Hope everyone is doing well. BABYDUST!


diem - March 31

SaintRose, I know exactly how you feel. Its tough to miscarry once...twice seems too much....but three times is ridiculously hard. My doc is going to do blood work to see if I have a blood clotting disorder since I always micarry early. I wonder if we have the same thing. I haven't felt like posting much lately. To all of the ladies here. I have been MIA for a while. I'm reading your posts....just feeling down and well, I don't feel much like responding. Sorry I'm not being supportive. K8, It's such good news that you O'd. I'm hoping that this is your month. Bina, good luck on Monday. I will anxiously be waiting for your results. Newmommy, sorry dh isn't feeling well. My dh and I just bd'd for the first time since the last m/c. He injured his know... again. He is going to see a urologist next week to find out why this injury keeps happening. "it" keeps brusing and it hurts him real bad. We have had to be creative in the past. He is going to the doc this month because we are not allowed to "try" until after the bloodwork comes back. He may even need surgery. Basically he has a boo boo on the underside that keeps coming back. Not like we are really rough (embarrased).But it happens so often. I had bought a "due in October" shirt that arrived last week. I tried to send it back to the company claiming that it didn't fit right. They gave me my money back but wouldn't accept the shirt. I ended up shipping it to a girl on the FF October Mommies board. Anyways, I'm sorry I have been MIA. I will try to post more often. L


newmommy - April 1

Hello, ladies! We've been pretty slow on the posts the last week. Diem, it's good to hear from you again. I so hope your docs can figure this out for you. I'd take some of your pain for you if I could. And I'm sorry about DH again! What a bummer for both of you. I'm sure he's a little freaked out about it.. Bina, you'll have to let us know all about your retrieval Monday!!! How exciting! How are your follies? Do they think you have a lot of eggs to retrieve? What a long two weeks this will be. :-) K8, wow! Sounds like you have a solid plan for next cycle. How does you DH feel about doing IUI's? I think DH and I will do IUI's after 2 natural Clomid cycles. I hope my ovaries look good and have no cycsts from here on out. It's so frustrating to have a plan and not be able to do it yet!!! SaintRose, I'm so sorry you're having to go through another m/c again. I couldn't imagine. One was terrible enough. You deserve some answers. How are the rest of our girls doing? Nothing new here. DH and I should start BDing soon, but haven't yet since DH isn't feeling well. We found out that DH probably has walking pneumonia. Him and his co-worker went to a customer's house that had a contagious form of pneumonia. Both DH and his co-worker are both really sick with the same symptoms. I still have the right-side pain occasionally. I have no clue what it may be. If I had to guess, I would have said a cyst on the right side, but the u/s was clear on that side. I just want all these little crappy things to go away so I can get pregnant!!!!!! I guess I'll know more after my u/s on Thursday. I've almost given up on this cycle already. I'm just so sick of stressing about what could or may not happen.


TWhit116 - April 1

well cd 68 here, I am going to start provera this evening to bring on af, so we can get this ball tomorrow Bina!


bina - April 1

hi ladies. Happy Sunday. The big day is tomorrow. I had to go to DH's work again last night at exactly 8pm so he could give me the hcg shot. It hurt, but I am all done with shots! I survived. My doc actually did the u/s on Friday and he thinks 6-8 eggs. It was nice to see him again-it's been since the initial appt.Well, Dh works til 4am tomorrow and then it's on the road at 6am-the swimmers had a rough weekend, I hope they can pull through. Diem-I'm sorry you are feeling down. I hope you find the strength to pick yourself up (I know you will!) TWHit-thank goodness you are able to get the show on the road. No more long cycles.Newmommy-when can the plan start again. It sounds good. Keep us posted on how clomid is for you.K8-I hope the iui works for you (if you're not already pg). It is a very easy procedure! Saint Rose-I am sorry for your loss once again. I'm thinking of you! Talk to everyone a little later!


Lucky717 - April 1 I'm having a shitty day. We went to church for Palm Sunday. KIDS GALORE!!! Cute as could be. I lost it in the car on the way home. I cried from the deepest and darkest part of my heart. DH does not understand at all. I had pg women, babies and children everywhere. It was insane. I almost cried several times throughout the service so I closed my eyes and prayed to God that he would have a BFP to give to DH & I this month. My heart aches. You all can sooooo relate. I'm just empty inside. Hollow as can be. I just wish my child would come and fill me up. Next up is our appt. this week. I feel heavy about it because we will talk about the expensive injectables. The risk of multiples goes up alot with injectables and IUI because we can't control how many eggs fertilize. I feel SUPER BETRAYED by my body right now. Why won't it sustain life? I know all of you have asked the same question. Thanks for listening and understanding. I have you girls, my mom and my therapist to help me through this. No one else. I no longer talk to best friend and can not talk to DH. He freaks out. So I am thankful for this outlet and for all of you. Well I need to make lunch and then I suppose I'll clean to keep myself occupied.


newmommy - April 1

Lucky, (((HUGS))) to you girl! I'm sorry you've had such a crappy day already. And I'm sorry about your DH not helping. A lot of guys (mine included!) freak out when their wives cry---they just don't know what to do to make it better. They'd fix it if they could---but since they can't, they're lost. We're here for you!!!!! I actually prayed for a BFP for each and every one of you girls last night. We all deserve to fill this huge void and be mommies!!!! Don't lose hope---we are strong women, and we will make it through this. And the reward will be worth all this heartache. Bina, good luck again tomorrow. ***lots of eggies*** Why have the swimmers had such a hard weekend??? (If you don't mind me asking) :-) TWhit, I'm so glad you get to start the provera!!! You and I are having such similar stories lately---hang in there! It's the looooonnnngggg waiting that drives you nuts, huh? Sitting around and doing nothing. UGH! Chins up, girls!!! You are all such awesome ladies!!!! (((HUGS))) to you all!!!!


diem - April 1

Oh LUCKY! I'm so sorry you are feeling so down. I understand what it's like to feel hollow inside. Right after my 2nd m/c I went to church with dh and his family (it had been years since I had gone). It was so hard to see the pg women and the beautiful children and not feel bitter. I kept thinking "why me?" Keep talking to God. The love of a child WILL come to you. I know how hard it is to wait. This journey sucks. But just think how loved our children will be. They will be the most loved children in the world ...after what we've been through. (((((hugs)))))) I wish I could be your shoulder to cry on. I think even though our dh's know...they don't understand our deeeeeep desire inside. They can be supportive but they won't ever truly understand how bad we want this. I'm glad you can express yourself here. We are ALWAYS here for you.


Lucky717 - April 1

Thanks Newmommy & Diem. I am crying again because I am thankful someone understands me and I'm not just plain crazy. Gotta prepare myself for Easter Sunday. It will be hard seeing all the sweet little ones in their Easter Dresses and outfits. What I am about to write is really strange but I want to know if anyone else feels the same way. I have this amazing urge in the afternoons when I am home from work to have something to take care of or nuture. I don't want to watch TV. I want to read a book to our child. I would rather be busy feeding our child or even giving our child a bath. I feel like life is passing me by. Like I'm missing out on some of the best things life has to offer. Robbed. It's this desire to have a child to look after and not fill my afternoons with the same old stuff. Anyone with me on that or is that just the freakiest thing you've ever heard? In other words I am wishing I could be on diaper duty instead of wondering what to fill my time doing when I get home. Your thoughts?


SaintRose83 - April 1

Lucky, I feel the same way. Like I should be at home taking care of my children. I feel I am not doing what I am supposed to do in life. That is so hard. I know the feeling you are having, and it is a terrible one. I hope we can be parents soon..


diem - April 1

Lucky, I am TOTALLY with you. In fact, two days ago I phoned our local boys and girls club because I feel like I have this energy that needs to be expressed towards kids. I "think" i might want to volunteer to be a big sis. I'm waiting for them to call me back. I want to know what kind of comitment it involves. Anyway, I want you to know that I am right there with you!!!



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