The Best Mommies To Be part 7..."February is our month"!!!!!
277 Replies
newmommy - February 27

Pepesgirl, I'm not sure what to think about my chart. Here's the link: I guess I'll only know if temps spike up, right? Okay, girls I agree the chant has been slacking: BFP!!! BFP!!! BFP!!!


DeeD - February 27

Okay guys, I couldn't wait, what is the hurt one or two days early right???Well....BFP! BFP! BFP! I am so excited, but worried about another mc. Sounds like I am the first of a few of us girls....right? I will keep you posted. I am certain I will be going in for blood draws 3 times a feww at least for the next couple of weeks, and then occasionally after that. Heres hoping for more BFP's!!! Baby dust to ALL of you! Chat later!


k8cherry - February 27

DeeD - OMG!!!! Congrats!! That is so exciting. Did you have any signs before your BFP? I am hoping to join you next week. So this is #3 for BFP's this month right? Hopefully we all follow you guys. Well my temps are up again. If they go higher I think this might be it. I went and bought basal thermometer. I hope by buying all these things I get a BFP. I wont mind wasting the money. I can just use it the next time we try.


newmommy - February 27

DeeD CONGRATS!!! We're on a roll right now!!! K8, you're thinking is the same as mine---I bought the jumbo box of tampons last time hoping it would jinx further AF's!!! :-) So, I can't really tell if my opk was + again or not. I'm kind of thinking if I can't tell then it's probably -. But I went ahead and logged this one on my chart, and we BD'd last night. Hoping to get the next 2 days too! Do you think that Thursday is too late to get a blood test to see if it was my LH surge? Because if it was, I guess we'd wait a few weeks to see if I was preggo, otherwise I'm ready for the provera!!! CD40 today, girls!


k8cherry - February 27

Well I am anxiously waiting for my test results from my bloodwork yesterday. Does anyone know what the levels mean for pregestrone? I know anything greater then 10 means you ovulated but what does it mean when you have results as high as 45? Does that mean you release more then one egg? My first cycle on clomid my levels were 39 and last cycle it was 45 (That was on cd22). I am hoping for even bigger numbers. One week down another one to go. The first week always seems to go by quickly then the second week drags. I am going to do my best to hold out until the 7th but I am sure I will test earlier. I have a whole bunch of the freebie test you get with the pre-seed. I really hope this is it. BFP! BFP! BFP!!!!


k8cherry - February 27

I think we need a new Thread. This one is getting really long.


k8cherry - February 27

Here is the new thread - The Best Mommies To Be Part 8..."March Is Our Month!!!" Hope you guys find it :-)



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