The best mommies part 14.....never leaving each other behind
250 Replies
SaintRose83 - September 26

all my bloodwork came back fine... although i did not fast for my prolaction test.. is that a problem? anyhoo.. waiting to hear about the second opinion about from radiology... oh and I am taking baby asprin for this cycle... we'll see how it goes.. maybe its just what i needed. how is everyone today?


TWhit116 - September 26

so far so good just swollens boobies, I wasnt feeling all that great on monday. If I dont eat right when I feel hungry I dont feel all that well. but Lucky your dessert sounds yummmmmyyyyy!!! Newmommy sorry about AF, but at least you have a GREAT plan!!!! Saintrose, Im not to good with the whole fasting thing. i think if it comes back weird, they will just re-test. good luck!!!


newmommy - September 27

Is everybody too busy to post? :-( I have no real news to share---I'm just waiting for AF to grace me with her presence so I can get started. DH and I were supposed to go out of town this weekend to watch the last races of the year. But it looks like I may be doing my baseline u/s and bloods this weekend instead. SaintRose, it's great that all your bloodwork looked good. I don't think it will make a difference that you didn't fast first. Where are you at in your cycle? Are you doing IUI's or just BDing? TWhit, glad that you are feeling okay. My boobs are killing me this time around too---not sure why I was lucky enough to be blessed with them this month. I hope everyone is well----stop in and give us an update. I miss everybody. :-(


diem - September 27

I'm here!!!! Sorry I haven't posted much. I have been busy and sleepy ;) It sounds like the month of October is going to be the lucky month for this thread. Saintrose, that's good that your bloodwork came back normal. I never fasted for any of mine so I don't think it's a big deal. TWhit, I felt that same way during the first trimester. My hunger has slowed down and I no longer feel pukey if I don't eat right away. I'll tell ya, I was RAVENOUS before. Now, I'm back to my normal eating habits but finally starting to gain weight. Newmommy and Babyforcole, how long to you have to take bcp's? Is it a few months. I hope you get to jump to IVF right away.


babyforcole - September 27

GM all. Hey diem. I only have to take them for 21 days. Until 10/15 but on 10/9 I start Lupron shots and then when the bcp's end and i get af i start the stims.


k8cherry - September 27

Hey guys! Sorry I have been MIA. Work has been so crazy and I haven't been on my home computer in a while. I posted my 12 week baby bump picture.
Diem - When is your next appointment? Are you going to find out the sex? I go next week and I am hoping the baby is a perfect position for us to find out. I'm still tired and been getting migraines but thats it. Can't complain to much. No morning sickness. Newmommy - I have been wearing my tank tops so it fits nice a snug on my tummy so I really show. The ladies at work love to put their hands on my tummy. My MIL bought me some maternity clothes. I can't wait to see what she got. I know within the next week or so I wont be able to fit in anything anymore. TWhit - I was the same way. I am snacking all the time to keep myself from feeling yucky. My boobs still hurt and are def. much bigger then before. I am so excited that Prison Break is back on. All my shows are back on. Now I am having trouble figuring out what to watch and what to record. Baby - Good luck with the ivf. This will be it for you. You will have your BFP soon. You too Newmommy!!!! Lucky - I am hoping to find out next week but we will see. How are you feeling? When is your first appt.? STRose - So glad to hear your b/w came back good. I hope the second opion figures out what is really going on. Good luck!!! Well gonna go figure out whether I want to watch the Office or CSI. What to do what to do :-)


babyforcole - September 27



DeeD - September 28

I am here too. Just not feeling really hot. I am glad GOOD TV shows are on again too. We watch CSI-Vegas, Criminal Minds, Lost, etc. Still waiting for Lost, but the others are on at least.


Lucky717 - September 29

Hey Girls! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!!! This thread has been super quiet. What's everyone been up to? BABYBABY -- did baby girl come yet? I've been thinking about you since you are in the home stretch now. Fill us in. ****BINA***** How are you feeling?? We haven't gotten an update so let us know. When is your next Dr. appt? **** K8*** You find out the sex this week right??? I think you & Diem are having boys. Just my gut feeling. You both have sailed through your first trimester without any nausea. You are sooooooo lucky!!!!! *****NEWMOMMY**** Did AF come? How are you feeling? When do you get the green light to start your IVF protocol? ****DIEM**** How's that belly looking? Don't you get to find out soon too? Please let us know when your next U/S is. How are you feeling overall? *** TWhit*** You are coming up on your big Dr's appt too soon right? Aren't you around 7 weeks now? Let us know when it is. That is so exciting!!!! *** St. Rose any news from the radiologist? *** Babyforcole*** When do you go in for your ER and ET? Good luck with this cycle! ***DeeD*** How are you feeling lately? You are super close to your due date too right? Keep us posted on when lucky #7 arrives.


diem - September 29

Happy Saturday!!! I just got back from the gym and I feel great. I haven't been in weeks and it's starting to show :( Deed , sorry your not feeling well. Babyforcole, I am a CSI freak too. I watch all of them. In fact, I'm a tv-aholic. I have my next appointment on October 8th. I'm hoping I get to find out the sex at that time. I will only be 16 weeks but I'm hoping my doc will take a peek. If not then I have to wait till I'm 18 weeks which isn't bad. However, I'm DYING to know.


Lucky717 - September 29

I am feeling well for the most part. DH is fighting a cold and I am trying to stay away from him. Going for my flu shot next week. The Dr. insisted on me having it since I work at a large university and come in contact with so many people throughout the day. Trying to stay well so I can get it on Thurs. Baby girl is kicking up a storm. My mom & sisters are coming in next weekend and throwing a shower for DH&I. I am super excited. We ordered the Glider last night through an online company that doesn't charge sales tax or shipping!!! It's We also ordered the crib through and paid no shipping or sales tax. It's worth it because those things are heavy! Just throught I would pass these tips on. Oh! also ordered the bedding through and didn't pay any sales tax or shipping on that as well. Trying to save where we can. DH & I have to go buy another digital camera this weekend. Ours broke on vacation. UGH! Just what we needed! Also we had a large window above our staircase shatter while we were gone! That's another expense to take care of and did I mention that our dish washer was struck by lightening??? Bad things happen in 3's so I am hoping this is it! I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!!!! (((HUGS)))


newmommy - September 29

Happy weekend everyone! I'm still waiting for AF---it's driving me nuts! I had accupuncture last night, and she focused on getting my period to come. I'm hoping today. I start my testing and doing my baselilne as soon as it comes. The docs are reviewing my case probably on Friday, and I'll probably start on the pills soon after. I'm excited to finally get things moving. Lucky, that's so crazy that all those weird things are happening! Hopefully it's all over with now. Sounds like you found some great deals. How far along are you now? Diem, I can't wait to hear what you're having! Do you have any feelings either way? Babybaby and DeeD, you guys are both in the home stretch---how are you feeling? Any news yet? K8, cute bump picture! TWhit, how are you doing? How many weeks now? Babyforcole, I find out my final IVF calendar on Friday---I'm ready to know exactly when I do each step. But I'll be picking your brain (and Bina's) since you're ahead of me. Bina, how are you and the babies doing????? SaintRose, I'm hoping and praying that you get some answers soon. Have a great weekend ladies (and do a little AF dance for me!) :-)


TWhit116 - September 29

hey guys!!! everything has been so great with me! yes im 7 weeks and 3 days! our first appt is Ocotber 10th! we can't wait. we have told all of dh's family but i dont want to tell my family since I dont really speak to alot of them =( LUCKY hope fully no more bad luck for you!!! Newmommy- I will pray af comes!! but only this one time will I pray for that ok??!?!?!? ugh im so glad shows are back on, espically my lovey michael schofield always makes the winter go by much faster!


TWhit116 - September 29

lucky which bed set did u order?


Lucky717 - September 30

I ordered the Ella Grace set from It should be here next week. They have a great selection of bedding stuff. I hope everyone is well!!! Desperate Housewives is on tonight.... YAY!!!!!


SaintRose83 - September 30

I can't wait to watch desperate housewives either! Do your hunny's watch it with you? Mine does. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Back to work on Monday :( I think I may have ovulated this weekend, that, or it is close. The strips looked positive and my nipples are sore. So maybe this will be the month for me be4 I have to do all the injections w/ Shady Grove. I am taking my baby asprin this time.



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