The best mommies part 14.....never leaving each other behind
250 Replies
TWhit116 - September 16

oh my gosh yes babyforcole, I gladly approved!


diem - September 16

this Bina! Make sure you take out all of the dashes (-)


diem - September 16

This one should be better.


SaintRose83 - September 16

Diem and Bina, I am just remembering that my doc said since my mc's were so early, that it couldn't be a clotting disorder, because something about the blood not going to the baby that early on... my mc's were at approx... 6 weeks, 4 weeks, 4 weeks, and 5 weeks. When were yours if you don't mind me asking...


diem - September 16

SaintRose, My miscarriages were 5 weeks, 8.5 weeks and 8.5 weeks. However, my babies never made it past 6 weeks development. It can definitely be a clotting issue. In fact, there could be a clot that prevents implantation is what my doc told me.


newmommy - September 16

I just typed a long post, and it disappeared!!!! HATE THAT! I looked at all your pics. Diem, you're definitely alot bigger in your 13-wk. pic than in your 12-wk. pic. Cute! I can't wait to line up the belly pics! ICSI is when they inject a sperm into the egg during IVF if sperm show signs of not being able to fertilize on their own. My doc said that there are advantages and disadvantages to ICSI, so I'm going to ask her what those are so I can stop worrying about it. Lucky, thanks for all the good thoughts on IVF. I know that the HSG hurts, so I'm not excited for that one. But mostly, I'm just more worried about them finding something than the tests themselves. I'm ready to get them over with! I may be able to get drugs donated from the drug companies, which would really be awesome! BINA----2 BABIES!!!!!!! That is such awesome news! Wow, I'm so happy for you: instant family! I can't wait to see those u/s pics! Okay, I gotta run---I'll post more later. We're having a baby shower tomorrow after work for the girl in my office that did IVF early this year, so I have to get my stuff done today for that. Talk to you guys later!!!


Jairia - September 16

I need to apologize for feeling rejected. I totally understand what it's like to want to be pregnant so badly and watch others around me conceive so quickly and what appears to be easily. After frequenting this site and the Best Mommies to Be Board in particular, I should know better. Hopefully, Ididn't offend anyone by posting my news. If I did, I truly apologize. Like I said, I've followed this particular thread for many months and only posted perhaps once or twice before. Although, I've followed the thread quietly, I have still prayed for and will continue to pray for each of you on this board. I only posted because I felt as though this thread in particular "14 never leaving each other behind" seemed so positive since so many were receiving thier BFPs if they hadn't already. Please accept my apology, and know that if I'm not posting, I'm still reading and praying for you all!


babyforcole - September 16

newmommy- HSG doesn't always hurt, at least it didn't hurt when I got it done, anyone else?


babyforcole - September 16

It's ok Jairia- no apologies needed. Hopefully you won't psot and run and you will stick around for us non-preggers to get our pfp's......welcome


babyforcole - September 16

Jairia, that was a joke about posting and run......


TWhit116 - September 16

babyforcole, you are too funny....Jairia welcome aboard, congrats to you!


bina - September 16's not working for me. It says page not found. I need to end with something that says .jpeg


babyforcole - September 16

Bina, you have to take out the dashes (-)
this one should work. I took out the dashes then pasted it


babyforcole - September 16

don't put in the one next to all


SaintRose83 - September 17

Newmommy... my hsg didn't hurt either... just a little uncomfortable at times..... if you don't have blocked tubes (which I didn't) it wasn't painful at all. I hear if the tubes are blocked then it hurts... goodluck to you... take lots of motrin.. I think I took 800mg. Wonderful stuff. When are you getting it done?


bina - September 17

Yeah!!! I finally saw the pics!! Diem, you and your DH are a cute couple. Great u/s pics too! Congrats!!



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