Success after laparoscopy
14 Replies
christine - September 27

Has anyone success stories to share after a lap, i have block tubes will be doing a lap in november , would like to hear some success stories.


eb - September 27

I had my lap done 2 weeks ago last friday and went today for my follow up appt. My tubes are all clear now. So hubby and i will be very busy. Good luck to you.


christine - September 27

good luck to you, baby dust, i hope you will get your bfp really soon.
how was the lap, did you feel any pain afterwards


eb - September 27

yes i was very sore for a few days and lots of pain from the gas the fill you with. I had my surggery on a Friday and didn't really feel like myself until Wed. I also had some bruising aroung my belly button and spotted or bleed for about 4 or 5 day after. But it was all worth it b/c now my outlook for a bfp is really good. Good luck!!


Mega - October 3

Good question! I find out on the 11th (after a MRI) whether or not I need to get a lap to remove a cyst. So I'm wondering the same thing. I'd like to hear stories from people who had it done too.


Rachael - October 3

I had a laparoscopy done 2 yrs ago in Sept for level 4 endometriosis. I just gave birth 7 weeks ago to a beautiful healthy little boy after 3 and a half years of trying. It is so worth it. Good Luck!!!


christine - October 4

hi rachael, congrats , i have been ttc three years in nov, how old are you , i am 38,
i look forward to hearing from you


sandra - October 5

hi all, There is hope for you all, i had a laparoscopy for an ectopic preg, had to have right ovary and tube removed as they had ruptured and i was haemorraging very badly - i nearly died. However, since then I have gone on to have 2 lovely boys without hardly trying. I am now desperate for another and have not had a period since June and i seem to have stopped ovulating too so who knows what will happen. Been for blood tests so anxiously waiting for results. Next step is ultrasound so keep fingers crossed. Good luck to all x


Mega - October 5

Good luck, Sandra. I hope your ultra sounds goes well & they're able to get you ovulating again soon.


Rachael - October 5

Hi Christine, thank you. I am 28 yrs old. Have you been to an infertility specialist?


christine - October 5

no , i have only been to a obgyn, i have an appt with a RE on nov 19.
i have lap on the 14, my obgyn told me if the lab doesn't work within six months its not going to work.
i am a bit surprise yours took two years,
were you with a infertily spec, i dont have endo i had fibroids, i removed did hsg tubes are blocked, i have on dd age six. how is your son doing?


Rachael - October 7

Yes, I was with an infertility specialist. I had an Hsg but tubes were not blocked. My baby is doing real good. He has some acid reflux issues, but that will get better. I apologize for not being up on all of the abreviations, but what does dd stand for?


Rachael - October 7

Christine, sometimes its hard to find and get thru all the posts, I only have e-mail at work, but you can e-mail me at [email protected] if you would like. I'm in Cleveland Ohio also, where are you?


christine - October 9

hi rachael,
i sent you an email but it came back, do you have a hotmail account, its easy to set up, i live in toronto canada,
i am seeing a re in november for the first time. bye for now


Rachael - October 11

Christine, I'm sorry, that address I gave you was internal for the company. The correct one is [email protected]. I do not have hotmail. We recently turned off internet at home because we just don't use it enough and I cannot access hotmail at work. But the above address will work. Hope all is well and you are keeping a positive attitude!



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