sad and worried
3 Replies
sad.girl - August 21

hello..well not to long ago i went to the hospital b.c i was having pains in my belly. and i also had a cyst on my left ovary and when i went to the hospital the Doctor told me that the cyst was gone but he then told me i had a heart shaped uterus and im scared b.c i dont think ill ever get pregnant . i have been trying to get pregnant for a year now and still no luck im scared ill never get pregnant with this heart shaped uterus can someone tell me why i cant get pregnant i know my doctor told me it takes a lil while to get pregnant bu i have been trying for a year and still NOTHING. im scared and worried i know it aint my b.f b.c he was tested not to long ago can some one please help me


autumnsmommy - August 21

Maybe you should call and get in to see your ob/gyn. They can tell you what's going on. After a yr. with no luck in concieving you can start things like Clomid to help. They can even tell you if cysts or the shape of your uterus could be causing problems. I've heard stories of successful pregnancies with a heart shaped utuerus though so it could be that you're not ovulating or have a blockage...Could be any number of reasons. It's best to go get checked out so you're not just wasting time and driving yourself nuts! Good luck! :)


Tink - August 21

i agree, after a year of trying, most docs will begin doing all the basic testing or even refer you to an RE (reproductive endocrinologist/fertility specialist). how old are you? If you are young, perhaps they think you should try longer or something? but i would push the issue. are you tracking your temps to be sure you are having sex on ovulation day (and around it)? the doc will probably want you to do that as a first step. or even use ovulation predictor kits. otherwise, i would ask the doc to start running some tests- bloodwork to check your progesterone, estrogen and ensure you are in fact ovulating. maybe do a clomid challenge test. an HSG to check for a blocked tube. these are all basic tests they could do and should do after you have been trying a year.


Lissa_ - August 21

My grandmother had a heart shaped uterus and even those many moons ago she had two healthy pregnancies (conceived naturally), a boy and then a girl! Just wanted to reassure you that a baby is possible! :-)



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