Pregnancy and Rubella vacc.
5 Replies
jamers - February 20

OK.. I've been reading that it is NO longer true that you have to wait 3 months after the Rubella vacc. to get pregnant. and that it's 28 days or 1 month. Has anyone else heard this? The nurse at my doc's office called me the other day to tell me that I am not immune to Rubella and that I need to have my vacc. for it tomorrow and "the only downfall is you have to wait 3 months before we can start inseminations for pregnancy" I said WHAT! she said yes 3 months. Do I argue, and tell the doc. it's 1 month now? I don't want to wait 3 more months to start inseminations...


Christy - February 20

Well, they know what vaccine they are using and what the manufaturer's guideline is. I don't know if I'd chance it, but you can most certainly let the docotr know what you've read and see what s/he says.


melliemel - February 21

Although it is probably safe after one month, three months is pretty standard...


nurse08 - February 22

it is important not to get mmr when pregnant or breast feeding.


fncdavis - February 22

I also am not immune to Rubella, but when I met with my RE he told me that medically he needed to recommend me getting the vaccine, but he also told me that Rubella, is almost never seen anymore. DH and I decided to forgo the vaccine and continue with ttc and my RE was fine with that decision. GL Cindy


jamers - February 22

I got my vaccine for it yesterday, I kinda wish I wouldn't have but at least I feel safe from it now.. 'cause you never know. But my doctor did say it's only 60 days, not 90. But still, I have read 28 days from an actual lab. studies website, ah, oh well :)



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