Pregnancy after HSG
1300 Replies
Celia B - May 12

Sorry I forgot to say that my question was directed to Babs.


Anna - May 12

Babs thanks for the response. I was just asking bc I had some weird cramping the day I was ovulating and the cramps increased for 2 days. I had slight pain on my one side too. So I was maybe hoping that was a early sign of pregnancy.


Babs - May 12

Hello, all. Yes, I forgot to mention that I too had and still have some mild cramping...but the doctor says that is completely normal as long as there is no bleeding. To Celia and Monique, I tested about 4 days before my period was due with a First Response hpt...and it was a FAINT positive...but then a few days later it was a dark positive. I had a blook test to confirm a day or two after the hpg. I don't think I noticed any pregnancy "symptoms" until maybe a week after conception?! Good luck to all of you!


Babs - May 12

Celia, I forgot to tell you...I have JUST started charting my temps last month but didn't even finish and I got pregnant without even really charting. How weird is that? If you want, you can feel free to email me at [email protected].


NO GO - May 13

Today my Dr. attempted to perform HSG on me. It was not successful, she was unable to insert the device inside my cervix. She said it was extremely tight, closed and some women are just built that way. The 3 times she tried were so excrutiating painful I thought I would pass out. I had taken 3 advil an hour before the procedue and tonight still have bad cramps despite the meds. Particularly if you have never given birth. She is my ob/gyn and had planned to refer us to a reproductive endo anyway so she said she wouldnt force the issue and she would just refer us to them right away. Apparently there are ways they can soften the cervix with drugs or us different sized dilators. My husband has 20% concentration and only 10% mobility. I have had two early miscarriages years ago with a prevous spouse and getting pregnant was easy. We've been trying for 2 and half years this time, I think the male infertility factor may be our issue but I was hopeful the HSG would be successful should there be any issues with me. I am hypothyroid/subtotal thyroidectomy and I have extremely irregular periods.


MV - May 13

I was told by my doc that the chances of conceiving slightly increases after HSG (even in cases where HSG report was normal) as it releases any spasms/blocks (not caught in the x-ray). We are a normal couple with unexplained secondary infertility. We will see this cycle if HSG has made any difference. Any other treatment that has worked you know about?


monique - May 13

well come to find out i didnt ovulate for the month of april. my progesterone test came back 0.5 my doctor said i didnt ovulate so im back to starting all over hopefully this month will be a good one good luck to everyone


katesylver - May 13

hi everyone went yesterday to do my blood test for homorne will be getting d result tomorrow being saturday but my husbands test result shows severe oligospermia can anyone whose husband has similar record explain to me and let me know if there was a good remedy to that.


Torismom - May 13

I had my HSG today and was looking for rhe same answers. The test went fine, no blockages, a little crampy and uncomfortable but not painful. My doc also said my cervix was tight and she had to manuever around to get the cathetar in. My husband had a vasectomy reversal almost 18 months ago. SInce then I have had one miscarriage and two surgeries to remove large ovarian cysts. Next month I start clomid with the HCG shot, maybe IUI. Hopefully after this HSG it won't be necessary!


SH - May 15

i had my HSG done on wednesday.To be frank it wasnt that bad at all..when they were inserting the catheter i just felt like a period pain. thats all.i was so scared before the procedure and i even cancelled the appointment at one point but then i got to know that my husband has a low sperm count and i had to reschedule for the HSG.Trust me ladies it isnt that bad.i also got my result right after the test and they say its i am very happy.i hope we become pregnant after this HSG.pls pray for me.thanks.good luck to u all!


katesylver - May 16

Hi friends, I ve gone to collect my blood test result and it is Normal which means i don't have any problem with my tubes and hormones now the problem is my husband's sperm count is low can anyone help me with advice on drugs to boast it though will be going to see our gyna next saturday.


TRJ - May 16

Hello Ladies. I have been ttc since Oct 2004. I had my right tube removed in Aug '04 due to ectopic. I had an HSG on April 18 cycle day #8 to check my remaining tube. I had a positve HPT on 5/13 & 14. I will be going to my doctor this week. I did not have any pain during or after the HSG. I took an Ibuprofen prior to the test.


TTC#1inMichigan - May 17

Just had my first HSG done a few hours ago. It went much quicker than I had anticipated. I took 800 mg of Motrin an hour and a half before the test and an antibiodic 2 hours before. I was very nervous because I had been told by a previous doctor that I have fibroids (these were found via ultrasound). Anyway, I really thought that the procedure was going well. I was chatting with the technician as she was waiting for my cervix to numb. Then...she put in the dye. Ouch!!! I had pretty severe cramping for about 3 minutes (felt like hours) and I was SURE that something was blocked. But, everything came out fine. My tubes are open and she told me that she doesn't see any fibroids inside the uterus---at least not with the dye. I may need another ultrasound for that. I was thrilled! I just turned 37 last week and have been TTC for a few months. I was referred to a RE right away (due to my age, I'm sure). I have been reading a lot of posts regarding doctors' advice to obstain from sex for at least 48 hours after the procedure; however, my RE has scheduled a post coital exam for me the day after tomorrow...... Baby dust to everyone!!!


Alison - May 19

I am scheduled to have my first ( and only I hope) HSG next month and I'm a little frightened. I have an extremely high pain tolerence and don't experience very painful menstral cramps. I've been TTC for 12 months and knew that the HSG would eventually come. What's the drug of choice- motrin, advil or Tylenol 3???? How long before the procedure should I take it ?


lemi - May 19

hi, i had an hsg test on monday and i had bad cramps.but the results were blocks!(thnk God).i took mefthal spas 2 hrs before the test and the doc asked me to take antibiotics the day before .she gave me a green signal to ttc.has asked me to go in for a pc test on coming monday and then a scan too(to find out if i'm ovulating).hope everything goes fine.i've got a daughter who's almost 10 yrs old..and i desperately want another one soon!been trying for 3-4 yrs.
All the best to you all!and congrats Babs!


Nena - May 19

I am one week after HSG. The results are ok my tubes are opened and no anatomical abnormalities. Doct gave me a shot on the same day prior to HSG and after HSG I took 6 days injections and also tablets against any infection or inflammation. The test was a bit uncomfortable but it will finish soon. I had cramps after HSG but doc told me that is normal and I felt so week I just wanted to rest all the time. I will go back on my first period day to start inducing my ovulation. I hope I will ovulate next month and get prego. He also recommended to stay 7 days on sick leave and to rest as much as you can.



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