Pregnancy after HSG
1300 Replies
Deb - November 9

Thasnk Shell. Your so sweet. I hope I am one of the lucky ones. My HSG was showed no major blockage. She just thought there was some mucus blockage since the day only backed up for a few seconds. I will keep everyone posted and hopefully I will be an HSG success story! I have been ttc for 7 months.


Ria - November 10

Im suppose to be aking the HSG exam on 11/11/05 and I am really nervous. I have a feeling I may have adhension with both of my tubes because i have ongoing pelvic pain and im been TTC for two years now. Will the HSG clear the adhension and will I have to take a laparoscopy after the procedure.


me - November 10

I wish everyone luck who had thier HSG done this month! Keep us posted!


yung&TTC - November 10

I wanted to know if the dye from the HSG exam suppose to clear the passage of the tubes and how effective is the contrast dye and after the HSG exam is a Laparoscopy required if their is damage to the fallopian tubes?


me - November 10

Yes the dye helps clear out any debris or mucus in your tubes, helping the egg flow more freely, and sometimes resulting in pregnancy. The dye is effective both at visualizing the tubes and clearing out debris. If there is a blockage, there is the laproscopy that can be done. However, everyone is different and may choose not to have anything done about blocked tubes. They may opt for an IVF treatment instead. Hope that helps!


Deb - November 10

Hi Me. I am anxiously awaiting to find out if my HSG helped. I will be sure to keep you all posted!! I am due Nov 20th so I am almost haf way there.


me - November 10

cool! I am due on the 15th. Hope mine takes too! Definitely keep us posted. I know I will, good bad or ugly :)


Sara - November 10

Hey everyone...congrats to those of you that were successful. Bad news for me this month. I had my HSG last month on the 19th and I just started AF on the 9th. I am a week early. I called the doctor and he said that your AF can change because of the test. It sucks because I'm not pregnant, but also because it's changed everything when I was so used to my routine. I was going to start clomid this cycle but my hubby and I decided to wait a couple months and try ourselves. We've been ttc for 2 years now, a couple months isn't going to hurt anything. Only make me crazy! We'll good luck to everyone, I hope the best. Also, has anyone evr heard of them using diabetes meds to help with getting pregnant? My friend used glucaphage (spelled wrong) after trying everything and got pg right away.


me - November 11

Sorry to hear your news. Good to know that about AF though. If it happened to me, I would have been thoroughly confused. Thanks for the info.


me - November 12

As of today, I am having a dip in temps, going back to my basal temp of 97.2. If it doesn't go back up tomorrow, I know this month is not my month, HSG cycle or not. I timed everything perfectly so I am very disappointed if it doesn't go back up.


Deb - November 12

Me - I will pray it goes back up for you. Mine dipped alittle today on 7dpo..hope it s good sign. Baby dust to you girl. It will happen. If not this month then the next! Keep your head up!


me - November 13

Thanks Deb. I temped this morning and it went back up to 98.0. I also took a preg test but it was neg. Do you think it was too early?


Deb - November 14

To me..I think everyone is different! They say you shouldnt test till u are late..and even then it can still come up BFN for another week. My best friend was a weel late till it finally showed. Praying this is your month! I am due on the praying af doesnt come. My temp dpped yesterday and was back up today to 98.32. I hope it stays up there for both of us! I will keep checking in with you! Any symptoms?


me - November 14

Hi Deb- I got symptoms a week after O, but they have subsided. They only thing I have now is bloating in my lower belly. Yesterday I got a few mild cramps, but that was it. My temp is still up at 98.1 though. I will not test again until after AF is late. Wouldn't it be something if we both got pregnant this month?! That would be awesome!


Deb - November 14

To me - Yes that would be great! I get cramping off and on as well and my temp today was at 98.18. You can check out my chart on FF if you want. Do you use it?


me - November 14

Yes I do, but this month I was actually pretty lax about it. Your chart kind of looks like mine, in that I didn't chart before O either :) See it this works for you. I am not very good with links.
you scroll over the day past O, you should be able to see my notes. What do you think?



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