please reply soon.. HSg testing& cost
4 Replies
aish - September 27

hi frnds,
i have hsg testing on thursday ,my insurance is not paying as they told me it is infertilty testing but it is TTc 4 mths only ..
how much ur insurance paid ?and what diagnosis di u doctor did


Mega - September 27

Hi Aish,

I had the HSG testing back in late July. I'm assuming my insurance covered all 100% of it b/c I have yet to receive a bill. My insurance covers all infertility tests & diagnostics but not the drugs or treatments unfortunately. But still covering tests is a big help. Anyway, be sure to take 3 or 4 advils
before the test. It relaxes you & makes it a lot less painful & uncomfortable. Good luck & hang in there. Also, one thing to keep in mind, oftentimes women get pg in the 3 or 4 months after the HSG test.


aish - September 27

thanx for the reply. actually my insurance is not covering infertilty test& diagnostics ,,, so i have to pay for that around $400. lets hope for the best.thanks allot, baby dust to u


Mega - September 27

You're welcome. Thanks, Baby Dust to you too. Let me know how the HSG test goes Thursday.


Melissa - September 28

I had an HSG done 3 weeks ago & am not sure, but think my insurance covered 90%. My diagnoses at the time was multiple cysts which were blocking a tube. I had a laparscopy last week & found out that what she saw on the ultrasound was not cysts, but scar tissue which was removed. The HSG was very painful for me, so definitely take some advil! Best of luck!



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