Please help!
3 Replies
momomomo - August 24

I was going to post this in a thread that was already posted but I clicked out my window on accident and cannot for the life of me find it.
I know I'm not the only person alone on this, I've posted at another forum and I've gotten nothing but negative and snide remarks. So a little positivity would be great, please? ;)

Yea, so this is a cut and paste...

Wow, It's amazing to see how NOT alone I am!
Well, here's my story...
I haven't had my period since around the end of May. My boyfriend and I tried 4 times in June.
I've been having a lot of pregnancy symptoms. The last time that I didn't have my period for a couple months I never had any symptoms, I just thought I was pregnant because of missed period.
Nausea, headaches, lower back aches, cramps (only 2 times and it was a couple-few weeks ago, they weren't bad and never came back but they felt like period cramping yet no period came. And when I get cramps, my period ALWAYS comes right away), really bad discharge (it keeps feeling like I'm leaking or bleeding down there, but of course I'm not), my stomach has hardened a little around the belly button, I keep feeling like I have to throw up, my sense of smell is a bit heightened (or else the stuff just really smells bad) and cravings (like I've been wanting to eat mac and cheese all the time, donuts, and veggies (which I really don't like veggies at all!), a lot more tired, peeing more often (which it's always really dark even though I drink a ton of water) and I'm always thirsty and dehydrated.
I've taken 4-5 HPTs, 2 at Planned Parenthood and a blood test and they were all negative.
It's just September is nearing and no period. I've never been this late, yes I am trying to get pregnant and really hoping but I'm not trying to push it. I just have this FEELING and somewhat of an intuition.... I really hate that people are being discouraging, when they know that it's not what I want to hear. I do have one friend that is crossing her fingers for me and she swears I have to be pregnant.
If I get an ultrasound is that the for sure way I'll know?
Oh yea, I went and got my pap smear and exam and nothing is wrong with me.
I just am afraid to do an ultrasound and find out I'm not pregnant. But I don't wanna wait any longer, or at least not too much longer.
Any input???


momomomo - August 24

Oh yea, another symptoms gas, bloating, going the bathroom a lot (and I don't mean #1 -____-)


Lissa_ - August 24

whether the blood test can be wrong entirely depends on when it was taken. I suggest you request another hcg blood test. If thats positive and numbers are very very high then great. If its positive with low numbers then the dr needs to know that so it'll be good to have had it done. If its negative then there is no way that its wrong after the amount of time its been since your lmp so your dr could then give you provera to restart your period. U/s is fine but I don't think its necessary unless you get a positive on a blood test.


autumnsmommy - August 24

I agree with Lissa - You should get another blood HPT. If it's negative the doctor may do other testing further on to see if they can find out what the problem is. For now Provera may help get that period to start and then they may have you use Ovulation tests. If they find you're not ovulating you will more than likely be able to start meds. to help! Good Luck! :)



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