One more question about Clomid
23 Replies
babyforcole - August 20

Lisa, did you check with your insurance to see if anything is covered? My isurance covers 100% for 3 IUI's and 3 IVF's. This is my first IUI and I hope I don't have to do anymore either. The clomid gave me hot flashes. The IUI procedure itself didn't hurt. Felt just like I was getting a pap. I did have to give myself a shot in the tummy though to trigger ovulation so he could time the insemination. But I hear the IVF's have alot more shots.


Lissa_ - August 20

I'm uk and so would have to pay for IUI or IVF (IUI being cheaper option by about £2500 a go!). Ooooh oooooh I'm a bit needle phobic!! I so hope I conceive before needing to stab myself with a nasty needle! lol Do let me know if you get your BFP tomorrow!


babyforcole - August 20

Thanks Lisa, I sure will.


babyforcole - August 21

Well ladies, there won't be a baby for the Cole's this cycle. But you know what they say try try again. I just hate taking that clomid adn now I'll have to take 100mg. I'm so afraid of developing cysts and then having to stop and then restart. I'm glad I didn't get myself all pumped up.


Lissa_ - August 21

So sorry to hear that Babyforcole. :-(


babyforcole - August 21

that's ok, there's akways this cycle right. And maybe I can get multiple follicles like you so that the little bit of sperm he gets in there will have options. lol


Lissa_ - August 21

lmao!! trouble with my dh is they are clearly reading the map upside down! Shame you can't inject them with a GPS/Sat Nav! lol


babyforcole - August 21

lol. you are so right.



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