OHIO ladies....part 5...
396 Replies
mommywannabe - January 22

Baby, yes I am getting it in the AM. I am now second guessing going to get it because I went to the bathroom and the mucus that was slightly brown tinged before is a bit more but only just this last time I went to the restroom. So we'll see what the rest of the day tomorrow early AM bring. If it's non exsistent like it's been for almost a week now, I'll go. If it's there then I'll still make the appointment to go to see my RE. My nurse made a comment that as soon as I spoke to her that I'd probably start since that's happened before. LOL!!! So maybe I just needed to scare AF into coming. LOL!! I would seriously doubt that I got a BFP doing my beta tomorrow anyways but I guess anything can happen.


Mega - January 22

Baby--Yeah, that's right, they do seem to favor those late calls at my clinic. No, I haven't told anyone outside my DH & this board (natch!) about the BFP. I spoke to mom a couple of times & wanted to mention it but thought I should wait til I get the u/s. My cousin is coming this weekend, I may end up telling her. She wants me to have a baby almost as much as I want a baby. :) But again I probably won't tell her even if we don't see a h/b or a fetal pole at least on the u/s. Mommy--Yeah, sometimes AF just needs a nudge! But I've still got my fingers' crossed for you. You're right, anything can & will happen...


Mega - January 22

Even DH is getting antsy now. He just called me here at work to see if I'd heard anything yet. NOPE!


Mega - January 22

Beta #2 is 6,339! It more than doubled in 48 hours. The dr said for me to call tomorrow to set up an u/s appt. for next Monday. He said maybe we'll see the baby by then. I'm guessing he means the fetal pole & a h/b! Please oh please!


BabyRN - January 22

Mega that is so awesome!!!! I am so happy for you. Hopefully you will get in to the u/s quickly and see your BABY!!! I just have got a really good feeling about this. Keep us posted on the u/s date, time, and of course results! Again congrats. Celebrate with your dh tonight!


Mega - January 22

Thanks! Yes, I definitely will keep you guys posted. It's going to be a long week I think. But I'm glad though not to have constant beta appts. this time. Never thought I'd look forward to a Monday though. Go figure! Yeah, DH & I will celebrate for sure. Pickles for me. LOL!


BabyRN - January 22

Mega only if you have them on top of ice cream!!!


Tenk - January 22

Oh MEGA, I'm so so so very happy for you! I wish I were there to give you a big congrats hugs for you, your babies, and your DH. You can tell anyone you want now since that beta was so great. So when I come to Cinci in March you and I can have lunch. We will only be in town for 2 days so we'll really have to time it right, but you'll be in your second trimester by then.....hehe


BabyRN - January 23

Yep mega you will be in your 2nd trimester and hopefully you will be feeling wonderful by then. I swear you feel like a whole new person, energy, appetite, and you just start to glow! I wish I didn't live so far from Cinci I would come too. I would really like to meet you Teneal (sp?). Plus I will have a baby in tow! I don't know how well Colton would travel. Have a great night girls~Ericka


JSmith - January 23

Morning girls- Not a lot of time - I'm up to do my morning exercise and then it's rush, rush, rush to get dd to school and myself to work. Mega - I just wanted to say congrats on the numbers. Hope you all have a good day.


Tenk - January 23

Teneal is correct, thank you, and if your up to it I would love to meet the 2 of you as well. As a matter of fact all of you that would like to drive down to Cinci and have lunch with us, please feel free, it would be nice to know all of the girls that I talk to on here. The 2nd trimester is the best for sure......you'll be beautiful in all your round belliness...(that's a word too right)....hehe


Mega - January 23

Wow, I didn't think about march being the 2nd tri, I guess it would be, huh?!!! Wild. Yeah, that would be wonderful if all you ladies could join Tenk(Teneal) & I for chow in Cincy. I guess you have an excuse though, Baby, giving birth to Colton a few days before. He's planning on entering the world March 9th, right?! LOL! J/K, the 5th I remember is the plan. I'm sure at that age he'd travel well (sleep most of the time) it's how you'll be feeling that I'd worry about. And yummy to the pickle topped sundae. LOL! JSmith--Thank you!!! Have a good day yourself. Tenk--Babies huh? Think there might be 2 in there? We'll see. Thanks too for the "virtual" hug. Mommy--Good luck today. I hope you get a surprise ++ beta!


mommywannabe - January 23

Mega, congrats on your over doubling numbers. They are great. Good thing you don't need anymore HCG sticks anymore. Can't wait to hear about the ultrasound. YEAH!! So excited. Went for the blood draw this AM so I'll know something today. I know it's a BFN but I guess they are doing this for a certain reason so I'm just going with the flow. Still "spotting" if that's what you call it. It's not everytime I go and only when I wipe and it's mucus that's tinged brown/pink. Nothing more. That's why I am worried. I have that usually 1/2 day to 1 day before I start and this has been going on forever. Well longer than a week I think. Really weird to me. No pain associated with hit. I had a little cramp this morning but it wasn't even where my normal cramps are, it was more centered and up a bit higher. Weird. I guess I'm more scared because not only are my AF getting farther apart to non exsistant and needing Provera but they are also different when I have them. I feel like I am gonna go thru menopause. LOL!! Whenever I speak to someone about TTC and my problems so far they make comments like maybe menopause is on its way or something stupid like that and it has me SOOOO worried. WTF is wrong with my stupid body. UGH!!


mommywannabe - January 23

Haha, if my RE office calls today I can say I know it's BFN. I can say that because AF finally decided to show up at lunch when I was out and left my purse at work with tampons in it. So I had to buy one from the McDonalds restroom. LMFAO!! Oh well she's here now. SO when my RE office calls I can move on with my appointment. I'm anxious about that.


Mega - January 23

Mommy--I doubt highly that it would be menopause, you're so young. You're young even for early menopause I'd think. I'm sure that they'll get to the bottom of this soon & it'll be treatable. IF that is your beta is BFN. Spotting in pg isn't uncommon really, so it could be anything. Good luck! Yeah, thank you! And it's nice not to be stuck in beta hell this go round, that's for sure. Here's to another non-medicated pg on this board! Keep us posted.


Mega - January 23

We just cross-posted...Oh I'm sorry Mommy about AF finally showing. Figures you'd be without the tampons then. AF can be mean like that. I guess AF just needed a scare after all to decide to pay you a visit. Well at least you'll have an appt. soon with the RE & get to the bottom of why this cycle was so funky. Good luck!



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