OCT O8 Injectables come and join us!!!
95 Replies
MissingDestiny - November 26

the first sentence was for Kimmer lol, i forgot to put your name as I was writing to you.


Kimmer23 - November 26

Vicky - I'm actually due on Jan. 16th...so, a Jan. baby, not Dec. But, it's still getting pretty close...a little over 7 weeks from now, I'll be holding little Brayden. I'm feeling pretty good still - just a little uncomfortable, but that's to be expected. Well, take care girls!! And, happy thanksgiving!


Aly0809 - November 27

Hi ladies- Happy thanksgiving! Kmmer- I can't believe how close you are! Amazing! Missing- I have had a few symptoms- some waves of nausea, usually in the afternoon and some heartburn. Otherwise, my boobs just seem to keep getting bigger! And I'm so tired! I can't wait until my ultrasound, and m,ine is a week later than yours! Yikes!


SaintRose83 - November 30

hello ladies, i have been reading your posts even though I have not posted.. congratulations destiny and aly. i wish you a happy and healthy 9 months, you deseve it. Let us know how the u/s go, i bet you are so excited. congratulations again.


MissingDestiny - November 30

Thankyou so much Saint. How are you feeling? Are you going to start ttc soon? I have been thinking of you and I'm. So glad you checked in with us. Let us know what you are up to. I'm going to start dec thread this one is too long.



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