newbies seeking a BFP!!!!!
172 Replies
tynadu - August 25


tynadu - August 25

Here is a little tip for BD'ing. Never tell DH it is time, come on or we have too! I know what turn my DH on so around the time I need to start BD'ing I start pulling out the tricks! I loves it when I wear this little fancy night set in the middle of the day just looking at T.V. Or if I cook in just a big Tee shirt. I never let him see me take my pills(he knows i take them) and i don't tall to him too much about it at all. I talk to U guys when I need to talk. So to him, He is THE man and all he know is we are having great BD. lol


tynadu - August 25

oops, He loves it...


tynadu - August 25

tall = talk to him


Lucky717 - August 26

Hi Ladies!
GOOD LUCK DIEM!!!! I am soooo praying for you. =) I agree with you about hurricanes. That is something you don't need to deal with right now. I live in NC about 1.5 hours inland and we have gotten nailed a couple of times. It sucks!
How is everyone else? I am on cd 18 and I don't have anymore cramping. It was pretty intense. I called my Dr. on Wed. night and he said that it was more than likely a good thing but to take Tylenol and call him in the morning if it persisted. He also said that if I got to where I was doubling over in pain to get to the hospital. I am fine though. I hope and pray that means I o'ed. We are Bding again today to cover our bases.

Ok....enough on me...tell me where each of you are on you cycle and how things are going. Take good care!!!
@@@@@ BABY DUST@@@@@


diem - August 26

Hello girls!!!
Tynadu, thanks for the website for Cheri!!!! I've been wanting to contact her for a while. Lucky thank you SO MUCH for the the good lucks! I think I'm going to need it. Well, it's Saturday, DH is working, I'm bored and can't keep my mind off of this dreaded 2ww. I am now 8 dpo. Last month....the first month I charted, AF visited on the 9th day past o. My temps are different this month. They have been rising steadily. Last month they dipped on 8 dpo so I guess this is a good sign. My boobs are hurting more today. Since last night I just keep craving milk and sodium. I must have drank 1/3 of the gallon. I hope my mind is not playing tricks on me. I think I will test on Monday morning but GOSH it's hard to wait. I have a few free pg tests that I got with my pre-seed so I will use those first. I AM GOING CRAZY WONDERING!!!! I think I should open up a counseling office for all of those in the 2ww. It drives you nutty! I bet I'd have a pretty good business...LOL I have stopped taking the fertilaid and started back on my prenatals just in case. I believe you have to stop when you find out your pg right? I guess I am "wishful thinking" right here. The good thing is that my 2ww is not really a 2ww. It is a 1.5 ww. That makes me a bit lucky. But I will always have to wait until my 3rd week of my cycle to O. I'd much rather wait to O than wait to find out if pg or not. I hope you all visit this forum sometime this weekend. I could really use a chat right now. It would also help if I could tell my mom that we are ttc since we talk about everything....but if I did she'd be asking me everyday if I were pg and I'd like to stay away from the depressing "NO" answer. I'd also like to surprise her. I think she has wanted this longer than I have, which is hard to believe. Anyway, I am rambling because I'm bored. I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.


Lucky717 - August 26

Hi Diem - You are sooooo welcome! We want a BFP on this board girl!!! We are all rooting for you. Hang in there. Lol about your idea to start a counseling office. I am in the PR / Advertising business. Can I handle your marketing? ha ha! Anyway I hope you have the biggest and fatest +++++ on Monday.

Other girls how are you? Anyone think they are Oing this week? Good luck to those of you who are and those who are finishing up on AF get ready to get your Clomid on. =)
Well DH and I are about to watch yet another movie. I've found that movies and reading help the days go by quicker. BABY DUST TO ALL!!!!!


Lucky717 - August 27

Ok....I just was glancing through the birth announcements in my hometown paper and WHAM!!!! My ex and his wife just had thier 2nd child. Why is life sooooo unfair at times? He is the last person that should be fathering a child. Sorry girls just needed to vent. Clomid talking? ha ha. Anyway that is rough to see. I am soooooo ready to be prego. I know you girls are too. Fertility Issues suck and cause soooo much heartache.

Next week I am supposed to see my best girlfriend who is of course 7 months prego. It's soooo hard right now for me. It makes me so sad. Any advice on how a friendship can survive after one friend is pg and the other can't seem to get pg? I am so envious of her. Just needing some advice.


JerseyGirl - August 27

Lucky717 - I know how you must feel about your ex having his second. Mine just did too. He doesn't deserve anything good he may have in his life either! However, we have to keep our chins up and remember that everything happens for a reason. When it's our time, it'll be our time. Baby dust!


diem - August 27

Lucky.....THAT SUCKS the big one!
It always seems like those who shouldn't be parents become parents by blinking> Thanks for all of the dust. I'm so nervous to see another negative.
I don't know what its like to have a good friend PG...but I do have a very close sis in law that announced her pg 4 months ago. I cried and cried. Everytime I see her, which is often, I feel a bit sad. Yet, I know how much she wanted this and how long she waited for it. She is 36 and her DH, my DH's bro, just a couple of months ago agreed to try. Luckily she got pg first shot. Didn't make ME feel better but I know she is a good person and deserves it. I just keep telling myself that my time will be here before I know it. It's hard to stay positive but i try. We WILL be pg soon. Say it with me "WE WILL BE PG SOON".
I look forward to my dreams each night because in my subconcious I am already pg and feelin it and lovin it. I dream about being pg a lot. At least this gives me a sense of relief.
******DUST******* to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm hoping my temp stays up tomorrow. Last cycle it dropped by 9 DPO. (crossing fingers). -Diem


Lucky717 - August 27

Oh thanks Diem & JerseyGirl. This site is soooo wonderful. I feel so lucky to have it. I am soooo scared I won't see a + sign too. Sometimes it's so hard to keep the faith.

Diem - are you sweatin this Hurricane? I hope you don't have to deal with it. I am praying that you have a high temperature tomorrow. Stay strong sister!!!


diem - August 27

Well my temp was even higher today. I woke up this morning and threw up. I hope that its not just a bug....I saw a lot of kids this week that were sick. My breasts are still tender, another good sign. Last month the tenderness subsided a few days before AF.
Talk to you ladies later.


celestia1977 - August 27

good luck diem! Baby dust to you :-)


Lucky717 - August 27

Diem - Throwing up is good and so is a higher temp. LOL! I think that's the only time we can be happy about it. I hope you have a huge BFP tomorrow. Please let us all know. =)


JerseyGirl - August 27

Does anyone else ever get tired of analyzing every tiny thing that happens during their cycle? It makes things so much worse when I think, "Oh wait... my boobs hurt. Am I pregnant?" It's such a shame that getting pregnant hasn't been easier for us! Hopefully our time will come very soon, but I just can't help getting jealous when people say they're pregnant and weren't even trying, or got pregnant right away.


Lucky717 - August 27

I can completely relate Jersey Girl. It's so hard hearing another woman say they are pregnant when you would give anything to be. I am on cd20 and noticed EWCM this morning. I pray the Clomid is working. How about you? Where are you in your cycle? Are you on any meds?
Tomorrow morning I go for my progesterone bloodwork. I pray that my levels are normal. They were really low last month when I had my baseline done.
Baby Dust!!!!!!



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