new post for day 21 test
543 Replies
cw - January 20

yes we have a big bedroom and the tent is at the foot of our bed. he is sleeping there for now but i told him on his b-day (jan 31) he had to move back into his room.. its funny he never slept there even when he was a baby and when i took his crib down he has been there ever since!! lol maybe another reason he is still my only child!!! lol


Mega - January 20

Your baby will be 7 on 1/31st? Wow. They grow sooo fast, don't they? I plan on having the baby sleep in our room for the first few weeks, then move him/her to their own room after that. I say plan b/c you never really know things will work out once the baby comes. :)


Mega - January 23

Good morning! How was your weekend? Mine was pretty fun. Never long enough though. :) I had my u/s today. 2 biggish follies on my left side, 1 was almost 14mm, & the dr thinks I might be ready to trigger Thursday night. I have my next u/s Thursday AM. That's encouraging though, I might be ready a little earlier this go round. How are you? Tired from BD all weekend long?


cw - January 23

we actaully didnt bd all that much. i think my timeline for the month is blown, but we did get a couple of sessions in there so i guess we will see. that is great news about your follies this month! they sound like they are going to be your biggest yet!! i am so happy for you! maybe this will be the month for both of us. my weekend was ok we didnt really do much other then work. his weekend should be nice cause i am off thurs-monday. i am excited!! :) what did your dh say about your growth this month?


Mega - January 23

Hi! Oh I hope so, I hope this is the cycle for both of us. :) I'm pretty encouraged actually about the possiblity of 2 follies this month. Dare to dream. LOL! If I get a BFN this time I'm going to plunge ahead and schedule a laporosocopy. My nurse said it doesn't take long to get an appt. for the procedure so I guess I can get it set IF I get a BFN. I haven't called my DH yet to tell him the good follie news. I'll tell him tonight--he'll be excited I'm sure. Plus he'd LOVE to have twins. Of course he would, he doesn't think he'd have to do much with the raising of them. Silly boy! :) How're you doing in the 2 WW? Wow, that's great. You have a nice long break coming up. Any big plans so far? I was bummed that the Panthers didn't make the SuperBowl. I was cheering for them.


cw - January 23

we were actually pretty bummed to. they played awful and i am not even a big football watcher but evem i could see the 2ww is going ok. i guess i am not really thinking alot about it b/c of my timing issues and lack of bding. i mean we did but not as much as usual around that time. i am going to start taking the robotussin again next cycle b/c i hardly EVER get that ewcm, and i really think that helped me have hunt. i cant believe that he will be 7 next week. time goes by SO fast!! well have a great night and have fun telling the dh about your good news!!! talk to you tomorrrow! :)


Mega - January 23

I know. It was sad. They didn't play well at all last night. I was thinking maybe after 1/2 time they'd buck up & come out fighting. But no! Oh well, maybe next year. And hopefully by then me & DH will be living in Charlotte, & both you & I will have new little babies to care for. I like that fantasy! Now to make it reality. If you're not getting the EWCM, I'd definitely recommend either Robitussin or even look at getting PreSeed, that's supposed to work pretty well. I hate lubricants, but I didn't mind the PreSeed per se. Thanks, I will. It'll be nice to have good news for Derrick! Have a good night!


Mega - January 24

Good morning! Though I guess technically it's afternoon. So good afternoon! How was your night? Do anything exciting? I didn't. But DH was happy about the possiblity of 2 eggs this cycle. Well, I guess he was excited. Hard to tell with that man. :)


cw - January 24

i know what you mean about reading men!! me and scott had a little spat abut his vitamins this morning. he hasnt been taking them (and i havent been laying them out) and i was mad. i am really irratable for some reason today. so your next u/s is 2 days away? i am so excited for you this cycle. did you get your patches and everything that you needed?


Mega - January 24

Who ever said men are from mars, & women are from venus, wasn't lying. Men are martians, ha, ha. LOL! So, since you weren't handing Scott his vitamins in the AM, he was forgetting to take them himself like a big boy? Derr hardly ever remembers to take his fertility blend men's supplements either. I guess I should remember to nag him, er remind him. :) Not that we should have to!!! Yes, I slapped on the patches on Sunday, so I'm all set there. I'm thinking maybe that could've given me the boost needed to begin the follie growth spurt.


cw - January 24

that very well could have been it. this cycle is looking really good for you. i am so excited! not much is going on in my world. this 2ww is actually going pretty fast. probabloy b/c i am sure that this is not the month. my cycle being regular is a huge step soi will take that for now :) my doctor seems to think that it will be any time for me know. i guess since i have gotten pg 3 other times. i am just scared that something has happened and i canthave any more. i guess if that is the case i will just have to love and cherish hunter even more!! hows the reorganizing going?


Mega - January 25

Good morning! I think with your track record, the dr's right, it's just a matter of time. When your thyroid is in working order (like now) you seem to be fertile. I'm sure you'll have a younger bro or sis for Hunter. If not, there are worse things than being an only child. I know, I am one! But I really think you'll be getting PG soon, & hopefully I'll be joining soon after! I know, if this cycle doesn't work either for me I'm going to be even more convinced something else is wrong with me. Ugh! I just can't help thinking if the progesterone boost isn't enough...As you can tell patience isn't my strong suit. Isn't it funny how much faster the 2 WW goes when you're not analyzing & over-analyzing your body for possible PG signs?! Weird. The organizing of my house has stalled. Surprise, surprise! I'll probably do some more this weekend though. Baby steps.


cw - January 25

hey mega! sorry that i didnt get a chance to read your post all day but i forgot that i had a class all afternoon and i spent all morning cleaning out and reorganizing our package room at work. we have a HUGE property walk scheduled next wed. and everyone os nervous b/c we sucked on our last one. i have a feeling that we are going to rock this time around though. i hope that you are right about me being fertile when all my thryoid is in working order :) i would love that as a b-day present this year. we are going to have so much fun sharing PG stories when it happens for us. i am alittle crampy today and i think i was that way about a week before i started last month. i am due sometime @ the 2nd so i think that is about right for me. are you excited about yoru u/s tomorrow? i am actually off but i will check in to see how it went for you!!! GOOD LUCK on yoru little follies!!!!


Mega - January 26

Good morning! That's right, you're off til what next Tuesday? That's great. Have fun! You definitely deserve the nice long break. How'd your class go yesterday? I wished they'd send us to more classes, that would get me off the phones more. Yay! Well, I had my u/s today & despite my expectations & the dr's expectations we were pretty disappointed. Good news, I still have those 2 follies on my left side. Bad news niether grew. Well, maybe .5 mm, but in 3 days that's not good at all. I have another scan on Sunday & if it hasn't grown by then I'm out this cycle. We'll have to cancel the IUI. My dr thinks I've become clomid resistant, so next step is injectibles. But really I guess this was going to be my last Clomid round anyway. I told him if I'm Clomid resistant (which isn't that unusual for PCOS women), that just strengthens my resolve to get the lap done next cycle. It's funny, I'm upset of course but I'm not that upset. Not as much as I'd think I would. Maybe I'm just used to these hurdles. Oh well. Enjoy your day off! Have some fun. Pamper yourself.


cw - January 27

goodmorning mega!! well i am sorry about yoru disappointing doctor visit yesterday but you never know you could still have a growth spurt. i enjoyed my day yesterday! i got a ton of stuff done that i needed to do. i am going tohave lunch with hunter today at scholl. he is pretty excited. i think i am going to take him mcdonalds or wendys. we were watching adoption stories this morning and i asked him if he wanted a baby and he said "whatever you want" i thought that was the funniest thing for a 7 year old to say!! so what are your plans this weekend? are you doing anything fun? i switched with a girl in the office so i actually have to work but i will be off on sunday and tuesday. we are having a party at my moms on sunday for hunt and my nephew and my dad. all of their b-days are a week apart. it should be fun. well have a great day and i will check in later!!


Mega - January 27

Good morning. Thanks! You're right, I could. I have felt a couple twinges yesterday from my left side, so I was hoping that meant "growing pains," but I don't want to get my hopes up too much b/c I think if I was going to Ov this cycle they would've already grown, but you never know. Weird. But like I said before, I'm really not upset about it. I've been thinking for awhile now I'd probably have better luck with injectibles & that I was probably just spinning my wheels with Clomid. Sunday sounds like fun. It's so funny how birthdays tend to run in families. It's Feb. for my DH's family, his b-day & his sister's is just 6 days apart. His Aunt's bday is the day before his sister's. So I figure we'll have at least 1 kid with a Feb. b-day. :) Have you got a lot of gifts so far for Hunter? That's so cute what Hunter said today about whatever you want. You're right, kids say the FUNNIEST things. That's cool that you're having lunch with him today. Sounds fun! You're working tomorrow? But you're off today all day? Other than lunch with your baby, what else are you doing? Have a good day. Talk to you later!



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