100 Replies
Tonya - March 30

Isa, you are AWESOME!! Thank you so much for the information you've shared...I've read it all and now have some hope back...I know it is not impossible to get preg., but it is unlikely...we discussed it at length last night and decided that we will keep trying on our own...we are blessed with 2 beautiful children (dd-5 yrs, ds-2 yrs)and i would like another sweet baby, but it's okay if I don' are in my thoughts and prayers....I feel so hopeful for you...Lee & Toni, can't wait until June for you both...thank you all for your kind words and support during this time...I will keep checking in with ya'll to keep up on all the HOPE-ful news....


isa - March 31

u/s showed follies (cd8) at 9mm (this one didnt grow from 2 days ago) and 13, 15,16. Now that I have one at 16 I have to go every day for b/w, u/s. Lining was7.8 (yeah). AT this time last cycle my biggest follie was at 10cm and it was the only measureable one. This month is going way faster for some reason. Not sure how good that is. I did find out though not to relate my prolactin levels to others that arent having them done at same clinic because everyone's machines are different. Mine at is fantastic they said. I'm happy as I was reading other values from other people's comments and it didnt look so great. So feeling much better.


isa - March 31

Tonya another interesting article... again no hyphens etc. I didnt read the whole article but one of the links even said this therapy helped natural conceptions. Apparently they are clinics across the country but I couldnt find where exactly but there is a questionaire and they will send you info in the mail in 3-4 days. Sounds interesting. (No idea of cost). just an interesting read.


Tonya - March 31

Isa, your follies and lining sound good...I wonder what the difference is...cd8, and so many nice sizes....very promising...I went back and re-read the 1st thing you directed me to and even with high FSH, it said that you can still have good eggs, so we are going to keep on keepin' on and pray a lot....babydust...have a good weekend everyone....


Becky - April 1

Isa-goodluck follices are great size for only cd8. Well got dd cast off only to get another one put on for 2 more weeks..


Lee - April 1

Hi Guys. I am here. Just wanted to say hi.


amanda78 - April 1

Hi everyone-I have been working ot at work and haven't had a chance to write. Isa-sorry to hear your news, but I am sure everything is going to work out for you! The dr thought that I had a chem pg and I started clomid on 3/21. I went in for follie ck yesterday-had 5 ranging from 8-14, but nothing big enough to work with. I've been having some abnormal bleeding for a week (a 2 wk af). Anyway, they did my hcg yesterday to make sure the chem pg had passed and it was 689. They didn't see anything in uterus and are afraid it's ectopic. I go back on 4/3 for another hcg and u/s. If hcg decreases they will give me a shot to make me lose it naturally. If hcg has increased, I have to have a laparoscopy. That scares me to death because I have read of someone losing a tube from an ectopic pg. Praying that the hcg drops. It upsets me that the dr didn't keep checking my hcg to make sure it went negative before putting me back on clomid and giving me the ok to try this month. Enough of my rambling-baby dust to all! I'm praying for all of you!


Toni - April 2

Wow Amanda that would freak me out too. But at least you know what to look for now. Hope it all works itself out. Be careful! Hi everyone!!


Bethany - April 2

Hello all. Just a quick note to say hello and baby dust to those who need it. I stop by once in awhile to read up on how everyone is doing but have not had much to add. We go on April 10 to the IVF clinic to meet with the Dr. for the first time. Have had bloodwork done and had dh do a morphology test and we will know the results after our appointment and this will tell us if we need to do ICSI....wishing everyone who is pg the best of luck and a quick thank you to everyone who helped me thru a pretty rough time. The support here is amazing and I will be back to follow up to see how everyone is doing. Baby dust to all and thanks again.


isa - April 2

amanda, so sorry to hear what you are going through, it cant be easy. Is there any possibility that they just cant see it in your uterous yet? I hope it all works out the way you are hoping. was in for u/s,b/w today (cd9) and the follie on left just isnt growing any more (stuck at 9mm) but I have 3 on the right 19mm, 18 and 16mm. Lining is 8.4 yeah! Nurse thought he might trigger me in the am after tomorrows u/s reading (and he would have today's b/w reading also-unfortunately they dont run b/w on Sundays but he should be able to figure things out by u/s and previuos b/w levels). It's the earliest we've done iui yet if I go on cd 11 & 12 and we were figuring as usual it would be wed,thur or thur, fri so it's really messed up mine and dh's schedules with things that we have to do on Monday which is stressing me out a bit. I'm trying to keep calm about it all and figure what will happen will happen. Bethany good luck with your meeting. My RE said anyone over 37 he recommends icsi but I dont remember why. For the little added money we will be doing it if we go to ivf. good luck. Hi to all of you.


Tonya - April 2

Isa, how were things today?? your sounding good this cycle....Amanda...i'm sorry you're going through that....let us know what happens at your appt. tomorrow....Bethany...good luck with your dr.'s appt. on the 10th....Hey Lee & are ya'll?


isa - April 3

Today's update. cd10-lining 9.6 (I"m actually thinking this maybe a mistake, can it actually jump from yesterdays 8.4 to todays 9.6?)I hope so it's my highest lining yet and without meds for it. Left follie still 9mm, but I have 4 follies on right (19,18,18,18mm). Waiting for 2 follies to be at 2.1 to trigger so prob. tomorrow morning. I'm very pleased with this cycle.


Toni - April 3

Isa your cycle sounds promising! Hi Bethany, glad you are staying in touch and good luck with your IVF appt. Hey Tonya, I'm doing fine. Just working on the new room. Bought a ton of stuff this weekend (crib etc.) because I had nothing from my other kids. Do not want to see my credit card bill this month! Hey Lee, Judi, Becca and Becky. Judi are you doing cord blood registry?


Lee - April 3

Oh Amanda, you are in my thoughts!!!!!!!!!! Isa girl, this is it? I am praying. The ISCI thing does make sense when you are 37 (I was 37 for IVF, by the way)......Hi Becky, Tonya, Bethany-hope your meeting goes well.....Hey Judi and Toni-we used Viacord--rub those growing bellies!


isa - April 3

Just used hcg trigger. We have 3 follies that count.(she must have written the extra wrong yesterday when she wrote the 4th in). I am at 22mm, 20, 19mm and lining was 8.3 (I knew that lining yesterday was too good to be true- tech must have had a rough day!). iui tomorrow am and wed am. fingers crossed, prayers welcomed :)


Tonya - April 3

Isa, prayer done...sound very good to me...did they tell you to take a baby aspirin for the lining?



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