218 Replies
Toni - August 29

hey everybody! Not much here. The baby weighs 11 lbs and 8 ozs now. Pretty much sleeping through the night, gets up sometimes at 4 though! Tonya how was the sono, was it today? Isa I know you have a tough decision ahead of you. Becky hope you have implantation bleeding. Where is amanda? And is Judy still checking in?


Tonya1 - August 29

Hey ya'll...Becky, so sorry you've been so sick...We know a couple of people who have had the same thing...I know what you mean about growing up too fast....Toni, so glad she is sleeping better....11 lbs, that's great!! The sono. went well, the baby was moving around a lot...she said it was safe to tell people because everything looked really good, except she was a little concerned about the placenta being low....I see my OB on Tuesday and she said that she would send the records and we could talk further about it....I looked on WebMD when I got home and it said that 90% of placenta previa cases found before the 20th week usually resolve on their own as the uterous grows, so I feel a little better about that....anyway, that's all the news I have....Have a great week! :)


isa - August 30

Becky I hope you have better results this month than me. Temp just plummeted cd24, to 96.9 so there is no way I could be pg and af will come today or tommorrow with a temp like that. I'm surprised though its that low today. I should have a 26 day cycle but it looks like it might be a day or 2 short this time around. Gearing up for final review tomorrow with my RE and probably due my ivf cycle starting cd21 in sept with Lupron suppression. I'm very sad but not surprised. Sorry you've been sick Becky and hope you're feeling better. Tonya I hope all works out with your placenta. I have heard of that on some of the baby shows I"ve watched in the past. Hey Toni, wow she's getting big eh? Keep us posted on her progress.


isa - September 1

af is here. saw Re -we have decided to do ivf. I will start Luperon on my cd 21. I will have a sono done after af flinishes and a endometrial biopsy between cd 19-23. Gonal F to start on the following cd3. retrieval / transfer dates tentative 2nd week of October.


Tonya1 - September 1

yeah!!! Isa, I'm so happy for ya'll....this may be just what you've needed. :)


Becky - September 2

Isa sorry that af showed up but glad that you guys are going to do IVF. Tonya have you had a low placenta before. Toni glad to hear that she is sleeping through the night. I am feeling a little better thanks. I was at the dr on Tues and Wednesday have another uti and had really bad bronchias. I got a shot of meds so I am doing better.


Tonya1 - September 2

Becky, glad you're doing better...girl, you've really had a bad time lately....I hope that all your sickness is over...what cd are you on? anymore bleeding....I haven't ever been diagnosed with low placenta before, but with my son, I had unexplained bleeding during the 1st 4 months...I wonder now if that might have been the problem....anyway, I go to my reg. OB on will be my 1st appt. with her...I'm anxious to hear what she has to say about the placenta and also I want to talk to her about that Nuchal Translucency tummy is getting so poochy....I can't believe it because I'm only 12 weeks....but I haven't gained any weight so far....I guess my body has changed since I've had previous pregnancies...Ya'll have a great weekend!!!


isa - September 3

wow Tonya 12 weeks already. that went very fast. I have heard you will show faster if you have had previous pregnancies. I have a pooch now from all the fertilty injections for the iui's I did (started with a really little one anyways) but 20lbs heavier now (at least 1/2 due to fertility drugs, 1/2 from other meds I was on last year) and now I just look like I am pregnant with a pouch. Becky, boy you have had a rough go of it. Do they know why you keep getting the uti's? One thought of something I have read is that holding in sperm after bd'ing can cause it. If not ttc time of the month I urinate right away. If we are at the ttc time of the month I wait 1/2 hour then go right away. Maybe something like that might help out. I know how miserable you must be with it. I'm sorry. I hope you start feelng better soon. Perhaps also your body is just stressed from all this ttc'ing and needs a break. I found that out just before my trip when my body broke into a terrible rash that lasted 2 weeks all over my legs, little on my arms and a tich on my stomach. Doc says I was stressed and that was my bodies way of showing it. I didnt know I was stressed so there are lots of things and ways obviously our bodies try to tell us things. I do hope it goes away for good this time.


isa - September 3

Becky I read this : "You may be asked for a urine sample so you can be checked for UTI and, if you have one, it can then be treated immediately. Avoid trying to conceive altogether if you have an UTI as it is associated with miscarriage, low-birth weight and premature labor." from website:


Toni - September 4

hey guys! not much here. isa i am so glad you are going for it! becky i hope you are feeling better soon. tonya i thought all placentas started low and moved up as you progressed. i thought that happened to me too.


mala - September 6

Hi this is the first time i am using this sight thie is my story i have pcos i have seen my dr had a scan of the pelvis and my hubby has been tested he is normal i now have an appt with the specialist in october what questions whould i ask him and what medication can i recomend him to give me i really want a baby


mala - September 6

my appointment is on the 5th october


farooq - September 6

after doing research i think i am going to ask the specialist to give me clomid and famara but can you guys please tell me how long your cycle lenght are have been after taken these tablets so i would rufly know when i am likely to ovulate when i start taken the tablets. please advice


Becky - September 7

Hello Ladies Yes I am feeling better Thanks all.. Tonya I can't believe that you are already 12 weeks. I am not keeping track this month on my cd. Isa when do you start your shots. Toni hows Jillian doing. Amanda how are you doing with the twins.. Christy how are you..


isa - September 7

Hey Becky I go in tomrrow for a full bladder u/s then in Friday for a sono (u/s with dye to compare to tomorrows) and then if all ok shots start on the 21st with Lupron, then after af comes I will start gonal f on cd3. I havent had a full bladder u/s since back in March or April so it will be weird again. It was always the one I hated. Glad you are doing better. I'm like you now -not paying attention to what cd it is since for me now it doesnt matter. I just check my appt book to see what I have each day to do and well, no more timed bd'ing- yeah in a good way.


farooq - September 7

please talk to me and answere my questions please



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