Need advice from those using Clomid/Injectibles!
10 Replies
meg - August 23

AF came today, yeah! So that means that I am going to start Clomid on Saturday (I'm taking it days 3-7). I was supposed to go in for an ultrasound/shot on day 12. Well, day 12 is on Labor Day & my office is closed & the hospital does not do the shot, so I am scheduled to go on CD 13. Is this going to make a huge difference? Will I already have ovulated?? This is my first time doing this, so I have no idea how this works. Any advice would be great!


angelkitty - August 23

Do the shot yourself. I did mine myself. Are you doing opk's before the shot? You should be using opk's starting day 11 up until ou get the surge.


meg - August 23

The office never even suggested me doing it myself. is this something that I should ask them about? They aslo never mentioned anything about doing OPK's...I'll ask them about that as well. Thanks!


SomedayMommy - August 24

Meg, I'm in the exact situation as you as far as the cycle days. This is my 6th round of clomid that I will be doing this cycle with hcg injection and iui (iui for the first time). I was hoping to get my u/s done on cd12 like I normally do but it lands on labor day for me too so they bumped it to tuesday. I've done opks since I've been ttc and they do work for me. So I'm hoping I won't get my surge till cd13 and then I'll do my injection that day and do the iui the next day. Do you know when you usually o? Do you temp?


mlscott - August 24

Definately WAIT until after the ultrasound. I am going through the exact same thing right now and this month after an ultrasound on CD12 they asked me to wait and give myself the injection on CD13. When they put you on clomid generally multiple follicles will develope and they will not all be at the same level of maturity. For example, I had 6 follicles, 3 on each side. The right had 19, 18 and 14 mm follicles. The left had 14, 13 and 12 follicles. Follicles grow about 1-2 mm per day up until ovulation and they wanted me to wait that extra day to allow a couple more the chance of being mature. Follicles can be over mature when you get the injection or they can be under mature, which means that they won't all get fertilized - only chances of twins are increased on this drug. Waiting that extra day won't hurt, if anything it might help! You don't want to inject if ALL your follicles are small and not mature enough to conceive, and the only way to get an idea of this is by having the ultrasound. Trust the medical staff, they will take care of you - if you don't trust them, get a second opinion from another clinic.


mlscott - August 24

PS I had similar concerns even though I had my ultrasound on CD12 - that I could ovulate before the ultrasound. Use OPK's up until you do the injection if it will put your mind at ease - I did....


karenk - August 24

I agree with the should be using home opk's. I am currently 30 weeks pregnant after taking Clomid 100mg cds 3-7. Best wishes to you!


Tink - August 24

i always did the trigger shot myself. it was never an option for someone else to do it. it is possible you could ovulate before then, so perhaps you can request an ultrasound on CD11 instead and then another one on CD13? just to be sure and check follie growth. but really i don't think you have anything to worry about- typically clomid causes later ovulation. the injectable you are referring to is actually the trigger shot, or HCG shot, not really what we call 'injectables'. injectables are drugs like follistim or gonal-f that you inject at home instead of clomid for 4-10 days for IUI or IVF. so anyways, most likely you won't ovulate until CD 13 or later anyways, but if you want to play it safe, just monitor with OPK on your own and request an earlier u/s if need be. you should be at least tracking your temps or doing OPKs to get an idea of when your surge is in case you ovulate ealier than they expect, especially since this is your first medicated cycle. if you don't, the trigger shot will cause you ovulate- that is the purpose of it- it will induce ovulation 36 hours later, so you can time your intercourse accordingly.


meg - August 24

Thanks everyone! I will definitely use OPK's & do my best to temp. I have to get up way too early in the least for me...that it's possible that I'll forget! I called my dr. office again today asking about having the US on CD 13 as opposed to 12, & they said that if I wanted I could have the US on CD12 at the hospital, but that they don't do the shot in the hospital, only in the office. I forgot to ask about doing it myself, & they did not mention it either. Assuming that i have not O'ed before going in for the US, will they do the definitely do the shot? Is this unusual that I am taking Clomid for the 1st time, & getting an injection for the 1st time, all at the same time? Thanks for all of the help!


babyforcole - August 24

HI ladies,
Karen-How many cycles pf clomid were you on before your bfp???
Meg- I didn't use opk's. I just trusted that my re has been doing this for so many years that he knew what he was doing so I didn't use them. And honestly. I can't stop drinking long enough for my urine not to be diluted and they say not to use them in the morning. Weird. I took clomid days 3-7 last cycle at 50mg and this cycle I'm going up to 100mg. Good luck to us all.


babyforcole - August 24

Meg- it's not unusual. I had to give myself the shot at 10pm. I'm not sure why they're giving it to you unless you're going in that late. I had my shot at 10pm tues night and 36 hrs later had the transfer 10am Thurs morning



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