2 Replies
priya_kumar - November 26

I am 26. Have PCOS. i am taking follistim injections and dexametazone pill. Today is my CD15. My follicle sizes after ultrasound were RO - 20,17,16, 11, 10, 10, 9 and Left ovary - 17,11,10,8,8. My e2 level numbers are yet to come for today. But CD 13 my E2 levels were 562. I am not sure when the doctor is going to advise for HCG. i think doctor may advice me to take HCG tonight or tomm and come for IUI on friday, can any of you advise whether follicles are mature enuf and is it good to go for IUI this cycle? also are there any risks of multiple with this follicle sizes.


megan7303 - December 2

Hi priya-what did you end up finding out? I too have PCOS and am in the 2ww. On CD 10 my ultrasound showed that I had 18, 16, 16, 14 and eight other smaller ones. I know once the HCG shot is given, the follicles grow 1-2 more mm. They decided to go ahead with the HCG shot so I was given that at 9pm by my husband. I went in on CD 12 and had the IUI around 11am. Now, I am eagerly waiting until Dec. 10. To answer your question about the risk of multiples, there is definitely is a risk. My dr. told me it was about 20-30% chance. It all depends on how many follicles release once the HCG shot is given. I had 3 good eggs and they still decided to go ahead with it. So, we will see....


Naomi98 - December 5

My doctor gives HCG shot only when the follicles are over 16mm and he likes to see them over 18mm. So I'd say you're good to go! Yes, there is always a risk of multiples when you have multiple mature follicles. Good luck with the IUI!



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