Male smoking marijuana have any affect?
116 Replies
agree - June 21

that is a very smart response.


kimberly - June 22

i smoke pot everyday and am ttc, and so does my spouse, we have one child already, and i have no intention of quitting. i like it and he likes it, and dont care what people think. smoking is fine.


listen chic - June 22

get over my life already! I smoke my husband smokes WHO cares! do I know you no".... do I care to know a prissy.... NO!


YEP - June 22

you all need to realize that the reason you have the right to express your opinion is because of the men and women out there fighting for your freedom! yourself, but support our troops!


kl - June 22

look the only prissy here is you! no one wants to know you, get over it yourself! and yes we should speak our minds and support our troops!


Just I do - June 22

I have three family members over in kuwait and in Irac....and I pray everyday that they come back to us and the rest of them!!! I thank god everyday for them!!! if it was not for them, I'm not sure where we would all be!! god bless you ..Sgt.Bovier is home right now but he will be leaving soon to go to washington DC he can't say why??


YEP - June 22

and just remember that when you all lay your heads down at night safely in your home, that there are people sleeping in ditches in iraq with loaded guns to protect your freedom. so say what you want, and express the fact that its a free world and you have the right to do so. but dont forget that there is someone 24 hrs a day and 7 days a week protecting you so that you can freely post on here..thats all!


stop! - June 22

stop the preaching already! we support the troops, people do what you do with marijania, its your lfie, all you born agains trying to change people get over it!


yes stop!! - June 22

obviously everyone has their opinion on the subject and they're firm about it. why don't we just all agree to disagree, suck it up, and drop it!!


agree - June 22

they cant seem to drop it, someone here has to cause continuous arguing and bs.opinions if ine, ridiculing is another.


smokers wife - June 22

My husband and I are ttc...he does smoke daily (a lot) does it or doesn't it affect our chances to conceive. I am not asking if it is good or bad... I just want to know if it affects fertility or not. has anyone gotten pregnant even if their husband smokes?


CS - June 23

I think (currently working on doing some research) the it does lower the sperm count... and everything I have found backs that up.


Deb - June 23

My friend tried to get pregnant for three years. She underwent all the tests and she was fine. Her doctor's advice was for her husband to "lay off the weed".


kimberly - June 23

i have heard that too, it lowers sperm count and slows it down. yet it appears some sho have done it are pregnant like nothing, so who knows what to listen to anymore.


mygoodness! - June 23

JESSE, i just popped in here for the first time and i can already tell from 2 postings that you are very judgmental. you are showing what type of mother you will be....holier than thou, very judgmental of your child's every move. the emotional environment that you will subject your child to sounds very unhealthy. instead of placing so much emphasis on what another person should or shouldn't do with their child, you really need to spend more time focusing on relationships with YOUR own child. what type of values will you be passing on to your child? you had no right to address K with condescension. she only asked a simple question, you made it complex that is what you should be worrying about! i have a feeling that we should just ignore you and continue the conversation with K. your self-righteousness will not allow you to see your own faults. i'm pretty sure that you have heard this before. K you sound very mature for your 20 years. i wish you all the luck with tcc. may God bless you with a healthy baby!


mygoodness-again - June 23

oh yeah, and i DO NOT smoke pot, but i don't eat as healthy as i should, so how can i look down on another person? to the other mothers tcc, does your husband drink alcohol? does he smoke cigs? are you areound second hand smoke? are you eating healthy? are you over weight? are you taking folic acid/vitamins? are you doing every single thing that you should be doing to ensure that your pregancy will be 100% healthy? i respect K for her honesty. there is no telling what some of you are doing in your personal life. focus on YOU and YOUR baby.



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