Life After IUI 7
152 Replies
Elizabeth444 - August 31

Hi Ann. I did not do a hpt again today - not ready for a bfn again. The tests I use are early response, and they test 20mg. My beta is scheduled for Saturday, but I'm afraid the af cramps have started. I'll keep you posted.


Ann1 - August 31

Elizabeth, I am really, really hoping for your bfp this time. I will be out of town from Friday through Monday, but I will check in as soon as I can. I am sending all good luck your way!!


Elizabeth444 - September 4

Well, I'm officially out. The beta on Saturday reveiled a bfn once again. Dh and I have decided that this is the end of the ttc road for us. We're going to adopt a baby. I just want to say thank you very much to each and every one on this thread for your support. All the girls who was lucky enough to get pregnant - I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy and enjoy those little bundles of joy when they arrive! Those girls who are still trying - good luck on your journey and I hope you get your bfp real soon. Lots of baby dust to all !!!


Happypiglet - September 4

Oh Elizabeth, I'm really sorry :(
I am having my eighth IUI cycle (I think, I have almost lost count). I have also done two IVF - one stim cycle and one thaw cycle. I have a two year old and our infertility is unexplained. If there was a cause behind this, then I would probably have given up by now too. I have my fingers crossed for a little gem soon. I just cant give up yet. Elizabeth, I know you will get your much longed for baby. There are alot of people out there that are having children they dont want (or cant look after) and one of them will find their 'guradian angel' in a loving person such as yourself. Good luck. Hugs and kisses for you on the journey ahead. From Happypiglet in 'Down Under'.


Elyse - September 4

Hi everyone. I am back. CAROLE: I am sorry you went thru the loss of your friend's daughter. I myself have lost young people in my life and I know it wrenches your heart like nothing else. My prayers are with you and your friend. ELIZABETH: I hope you check this message before you leave the thread. I am sorry you are at the end of your ttc road, but adoption is a blessing. I am adopted. My parents were my angels. They were more my blood than you can imagine and my mom often told me that after the decision was made to adopt, it just became like a pregnancy - the anticipation, the joy. God Bless! ANN: How are you, my friend? What are you feeling these days?


Elyse - September 4

OK, so here is my update (the short version). 7 visits to the FE and one to the family doc since we last spoke. Still spotting heavily. Lots of bw and urinalyses. I had a severe infection and hi nitrates in my urine, though they could not say what it was from. I am anemic. I am on still on bedrest, though feeling better than I did last week - almost human again. I still have HUGE bloodclots in my uterus (several b/t 7 and 9 cm). Baby A looks good, is growing and has a strong heartbeat. the midst of all the clots, the dr saw Baby B and got a hearbeat! We are ecstatic, but cautious. They are fearful the clots will rupture - I could hemhorrage or it could affect Baby B. I have no idea what they will do if they do not absorb. There can't be enough room in there for everything! Anyone know what they will do?


Carole - September 5

Good Morning Everyone! ELIZABETH: I am so so sorry for you. I cannot imagine your dissapointment. I will pray that you and dh find your balance and when you do adopt, I bet you will offer that baby so much love. Good luck in that journey. ELYSE: I have been very worried about you. I am so glad that you posted great news about the babies. That is completely awesome about baby B. I will keep fingers crossed that these blood clots reabsorb quickly. Your body sounds like it is fighting a lot right now. Do they have you on antibiotics? Hopefully as the other things clear up the clots will go away too. Please keep us updated and take care of yourself. ANN: How ya doing?? I heard that CC got her bfp. I have been lurking on some other threads. I was so waiting for that announcement. I know she is ecstatic! How was Vegas?? As for me. Back to work after being at the beach for a few days. It was really nice to reconnect with dh, just the 2 of us. Campbell stayed with her nana. I am looking forward to getting thru this natural cycle and then doing another iui. I am on cd 14 today. But of course it will probably be another 25 days or so before I O, so hears to waiting and waiting and waiting!! I hope each of you have a great day and I will check in later!


Ann1 - September 5

Elizabeth, I am so so sorry. I was catching up on the posts last night on my Blackberry (can read but not post), and I cried when I read your post. I can't even imagine how devastated you must be. I am glad you are going to adopt, so you can have a baby you so much want. Maybe later you will decide to ttc again. If you have an implantation issue, maybe you could use a surrogate (close friend or sister even) to implant your and your dh's embryos in. Just a thought. I am sure your mind is swimming right now. My thoughts are with you and I hope you are ok. Elyse, I am so glad you posted. I thought no posts meant very bad news. I am so glad both babies are still there!! When I had that small clot, the dr was concerned with where the blood was coming from (i.e. was a placenta bleeding?). Do you know the cause of yours? I think they just watch the clots. You should pass them or they will absorb, assuming no more blood is accumulating, I think. I am glad you are a little bit better at least. Keep us posted! When do you go for your next u/s? Carole, I am glad you had a nice vacation. Vegas was a total waste of time and money being pregnant! I should have canceled as soon as I got the bfp.


Elizabeth444 - September 6

Hi. Force of habit made me read your posts this morning, and I'm so glad I did, because once again I felt the love and support that I've felt on this thread time and time again. You girls are the greatest! Elyse, jay for baby B!!!! I'm sure everything will be allright, and your beautiful baby twins will be born perfectly healthy. Ann, you're right - we might try ivf again next year, because here in SA it can take up to 5 years to adopt a baby. I would really love to hear everyones progress, so if ever you feel like emailing me, my address is: [email protected]. Thanks again, and good luck!


Ann1 - September 6

Elizabeth, I hope you try ivf again. There are so many people that end up getting a bfp after several tries! It is great that there is nothing wrong with you, so you should have a really good shot. I don't know why it couldn't just happen for you this time. I wish I could just give you my insurance coverage so you could try sooner. I am sure you are drained and need a break now. Maybe your dr can try to do some more stimming for you to get more eggs, too, next time. I really wish you the best, and I will keep in touch via email!


tonia - September 27

Elyse, how are you doing? Ann, I see form another thread you are having a boy! I acn't be;ieve you already 18 weeks pregnant! WOW! Well I just had an IUI again and I am on 5dpiui. I think we timed this one perfectly so we will see how it turns out. I had three big follies this time! I had soreness in the lowere pelvic region for a few days after O. Did any of you have that with super ovulation? Anyway, right now, I am only feling low lying achey cramps down there. Kind of like a very mild af cramping. Elizabeth how are you doing? Carole, anything going on with you? I am excited to hear back from you girls!


Ann1 - September 27

Hi tonia. Long time no hear! I guess everyone pretty much dropped off this thread. Yes, it is officially a boy! Did you do clomid or injectibles? So how is your 2ww going? Dragging as usual? Good luck!! Your chances sound great.


tonia - September 27

Hi Ann! I did do Clomid. My new dr (I switched in June) upped my dose to 150mg, she said that my body was Oing on it's own and the 100mg wasn't doing anything for me! Anyhoo, I don't remember what your situation was? Did your dh have low counts? I am so happy for you! Yes my tww is dragging on(6dpiui)! I am feeling pretty good though. No sore bb's. I have had some very mild achey cramps going on, that's all. Oh and the sore feeling in the pelvic area, which is pretty much gone now. Did you do clomid/injectibles for super Oing? I remember you did one or both of those. How many follies did you usually have? Did you have the pelvic soreness for a few days after O?


Ann1 - September 27

I have fsh issues and had endo removed, but I O on my own w/clear tubes and dh's counts are awesome. I did 6 failed clomid cycles (5 w/iui) and 2 failed injectible cycles w/iui. I ended up pg naturally (after ttc for over 2 years)while was was about to do ivf! On clomid (50mg), I had 2-4 follies and injectibles 3-4. Hopefully your crampy feeling is an embie burrowing deep! When will you first test?


tonia - January 31

Ann! I just wanted to let you know I fianlly got my BFP on a break cycle! My dh had a varicocele repair in Dec (15th) and we were waiting at l;east one full cycle to (mine are about 40 days) before we did an SA in order to do IUI again and boom! 33 days post surgery, we conceived! It is amazing! I am due 10/10. When are you due again? How is your baby boy doing? How are you? Oh, I tested +on 10 dpo and had a beta done the same day and it 11 then 44 hours later it was up to 43, so all is well here! WBS!!!!


Ann1 - January 31

tonia, that is AWESOME! CONGRATS!!! Another pg on a natural cycle. I guess the surgery did the trick for your dh! That is really great. I am due in about 26 days, but he will be here in 20 days--c-section on Feb 21st!! I am counting down the days. I had an appt on Tuesday, and all is well--not progressing yet.



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