Letrozole (Femara) and Progesterone Therapy: Any success?
1 Replies
bionic_chipmunk - November 18

Hi, I'm a 35 year old woman who is TTC #1 for the last three years. I am in a deep pit of despair, frustration, sadness, etc. My husband is willing to go to the ends of earth to have our first child and emotionally, I don't know if I can handle it anymore.

When we first started this journey, I believed that everything would be smooth sailing. Not true at all. I was informed almost 4 years ago that I had fibroids; some attached to my cervix and the others within my uterine wall. I underwent two laparascopies and then a myomectomy to remove the two largest ones. After that, I was given 8 cycles of Clomid; no success!! An HSG showed that both my tubes are open and that my uterus is not deformed in any way.

Now, a progesterone deficiency has been identified and my doctor is recommending 4 cycles of letrozole (Femara) and 4 cycles of progesterone. If this does not work, then it's IVF; and that whole procedure scares me to death.

I am already having such a hard time emotionally every month since I blame myself (and only myself) for our inability to conceive even one child. I am angry with my husband since he doesn't have to go through all these invasive procedures but, he wants to try everything!! Of course he would, he doesn't have to go through anything. I'm sorry, I've been holding a lot of anger and frustration and do not mean to bring it out here.

Does anyone have any experiences, specifically positive ones, with this form of treatment that they wish to share with me. I need a boost. Thanks.


RLR - November 22

Hi chipmunk- so sorry you're having a rough go of it lately. I completely understand all your frustration and feelings. I will say I have very positive experiences conceiving with femara. I took it twice and got pg both times. Unfortunately I m/c both ( 1 was tubal). I think you're on a good track, though. Where do you live? Are you going to the best RE you can get to in your area? I changed RE's and it is NIGHT & DAY! Now I try to get people to examine the quality of the dr's they're seeing b/c it's not like we all have time to waste! I know how you feel about dh not having to do any of the procedures- mine is the same way. I think it's hard for them to understand how much guilt and failure feelings we have, but you know- I think it's so important that we let the frustration out and think positively. I know that helped me on the cycles I got pg. (Easier said than done, I know!) Well, keep your chin up and I wish you the best!



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